
Business Management at Wellton NHS Trust


Added on  2021-02-21

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Business Management at Wellton NHS Trust_1

Table of ContentsQUESTION 1...................................................................................................................................1Principle of scientific management and the way in which they are applied in Medical RecordsDepartment at Wellton NHS Trust..............................................................................................1QUESTION 2...................................................................................................................................2The way in which Wellton Trust assess the personality of their work force and what might bethe advantages and risks of doing so............................................................................................2QUESTION 3...................................................................................................................................4Approaching the development of staff in new HSDU unit with reference to relevant theory.....4QUESTION 4...................................................................................................................................5Factors that has contributed in the effective team work which is demonstrated in accident andemergency department.................................................................................................................5QUESTION 5...................................................................................................................................7Management of changes in medical records management department.......................................7REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
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QUESTION 1Principle of scientific management and the way in which they are applied in Medical RecordsDepartment at Wellton NHS TrustScientific management can be defined as a theory which is mainly related to managementand used for the purpose of synchronising and analysing workflow within the organisation. Mainobjective of it is to improve operational efficiency and productivity of staff members. There arefour main principles of it which were imposed by F. W. Taylor. All of them are described below:Science, Not rule of thumb: According to this principle individuals should not gethabitual to a set routine in which they use old techniques to complete their work theyshould be find and develop new ways to accomplish tasks in less time. By following it allthe operational activities of Wellton NHS Trust could be performed quickly and easily(Arbaugh, Fornaciari and Hwang, 2016).Harmony, not discord: This principles is focused with the good working environment atworkplace so that staff members can perform all their tasks productively. It is concernedwith the situation of mental revolution which may help to ignore conflicts amongindividuals. If problems such as lower productivity and grievances among employees arefaced by Wellton NHS Trust then it can help to overcome all these issues.Cooperation not individualism: This principle of F.W. Taylor states that all the taskswhich are completed by staff members within an organisation should be done with spiritof cooperation as it can help to accomplish goals successfully. If it is followed bymanagement of Wellton NHS Trust then it may result in increased involvement of all theindividuals in their work.Development of each and every person: According to this principles of scientificmanagement top level management within the organisations should take care ofefficiency and development of all the staff members. With the help of it managers inWellton NHS Trust can establish proper management at workplace.From all the above described principles development of each and every person andharmony are implemented by the management as it helps to enhance productivity, involvementand work quality. These are applied in Medical Records Department at Wellton NHS Trust as theorganisation provides 27 annual leaves, generous NHS pension scheme, range of long service1
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awards to the employees. For the purpose of implementing the principles all these benefits areoffered to staff members. All the disadvantage of using this approach are as follows:This approach may result in excess spending of funds because various benefits areoffered to the employees (Beck and et.al, 2014).The number of leaves which are provided to the staff members is very high if some of theemployees take them same time then it may harm the productivity of whole organisation.There are various other factors which should be focused by the hospital in its approachfor the purpose of managing all the workers. All of them which are required to be considered areas follows:Top management is advised to pay attention towards the high number of leaves and try toestablish a strategy of that at the same time leave is provided to small number ofemployees in order to ignore the possibility of its negative impact on work. It will helpsto manage staff members and their work.Organisation should focus on the working hours of employees and if these are high thenappropriate policy should be implemented.QUESTION 2The way in which Wellton Trust assess the personality of their work force and what might be theadvantages and risks of doing soFor an organisation such as Wellton NHS trust it is very important to test personality ofwork force as it can help to allocate them responsibilities according to their ability andcapabilities. For this purpose different types of tools could be used to top level management ofthe organisation. All of them are described below:The Caliper Profile: It is a tool which is used for the purpose of measuring thepersonality traits of the employees who are working within the organisation. It is a testwhich is made up of some questions which are required to be answered by the staffmembers. With the help of all of them management in Wellton NHS Trust will be able totest the personality (Bluebelle Study Group, Macefield and et.al., 2019).The Myers Briggs Type Indicator: It is the one of the most common tools of analysingpersonality of employees. It guides management to identify personality of staff membersthat leans toward one of two tendencies in different groups. These are Thinking vs.2
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