
Lean Startup Methodology for Siobhan Organization


Added on  2022-12-29

13 Pages3781 Words80 Views
Business DevelopmentFinanceMarketingStatistics and Probability
Business Report
Lean Startup Methodology for Siobhan Organization_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Business Objective.......................................................................................................................3
Value creation..............................................................................................................................4
Future working strategies.............................................................................................................5
Financial Plan ..............................................................................................................................6
Lean business model....................................................................................................................9
CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................11
Lean Startup Methodology for Siobhan Organization_2

Lean start up is the method which is used for the development of a new organization or for
introducing a new product or services to customers on the behalf of the company. The lean start-
up methodology focuses of the customer requirements in such a way that company tends to
provide products which are able to fulfil the customer requirements by which it can make sure
that developed product is able to achieve high sales. The development of proposed business plan
is for Siobhan organization which is tend to provide Buffalo milk cheese fruit flavoured products
to customers. Evaluation of business profitability has been done in this report which provide an
overview about the profitability for the business plan in such a way that company is able to
identify the future requirements and tend to work accordingly by which efficient economic
growth can be achieved. With that analysis of values created for the development and working of
the organization has also been developed. Detailed development of chief finance officer plan has
been done in this report through which a proper evaluation of costing, pricing, cash management
and many more activities have been identified for the proposed business plan. With that
evaluation of Lean characteristics for the evaluation of organizational activities have also been
developed in the organization by which company can evaluate the appropriate working strategy
because of which it can achieve high work productivity.
Business Objective
To increase the sales revenue by 5% through increasing organizational customers
count by increasing involvement in digital marketing and traditional marketing within
upcoming 3 years-
Siobhan can increase its brand awareness through the integrated approach of advertising
organization through the integrated means of advertising through traditional marketing in which
advertisement is done through TV ads and newspaper by which high sales can be achieved. With
the company can also use digital marketing in which advertisement is done through the means of
social media by which high sales can be achieved (Udenka, 2019).
Lean Startup Methodology for Siobhan Organization_3

Increase the profit margin of the organization by increasing organizational sales by
increasing involvement in online and offline market retail within next 3 years-
Company can also improve its distribution channel in which it can sell its products
through online means in which products are sold through the means of internet directly to the
customer specified location because of which customers are having level on involvement in
buying products through the means of internet. With that company can also maintain its selling
through the means of offline means because of which high sales can be achieved.
To increase organizational profit by increasing company’s geographic reach in different
locations by opening 2 new stores within next 3 years-
Company can also increase its geographic reach in other locations by which it can
develop new customer touch points through which customers can make direct contact with the
organization because of which high sales can be achieved (Mea, 2018). Company can also use
these customer touch points for identifying specific customer requirements which it can
concentrate efforts to fulfil by which it can maintain customer’s engagement with the
organization through which customer loyalty can be increased.
Value creation
Buffalo milk cheese contai8n high amount of fat and reduce carbohydrates because of
which it is highly beneficial for reducing weight because of which company can advertise it in
such a way that it motivates customers to increase their involvement in utilizing organizational
services. The product creates high amount of gain to customers because the developed product
contains high amount of phosphorus, iron and calcium because of which Siobhan can assure
customers that they are having high quality product at low pricing (Chesbrough, Lettl and Ritter,
2018). With the high quality product & services company tends to provide buffalo milk based
cheese with fruit flavours due to which it can ensure customers that they are having new and rare
products due to which company can achieve high level of customer satisfaction level which can
surpass their expectation level and can provide augmented level of customer satisfaction. Thus
by achieving segmented level of customer satisfaction Siobhan can make sure that it tends to
increase customer’s loyalty with the organization because of which chances of brand switching is
reduced. The developed product is a pain reliever because the products is a new non-existent
flavour which provide more choices for cheese lovers because of which company can fulfil
Lean Startup Methodology for Siobhan Organization_4

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