
Organizational Culture and its influence on innovation management


Added on  2023-01-11

17 Pages4918 Words38 Views
Leadership Management
Business Research Plan
Organizational Culture and its influence on innovation management_1

Topic: "Organizational Culture and its influence on innovation management"..............................1
1. Individual Research Plan.............................................................................................................1
Research Aims/Objectives...........................................................................................................1
Research Aim...........................................................................................................................1
Research Objectives.................................................................................................................2
Research Questions..................................................................................................................2
Literature Review........................................................................................................................2
Concept of organisational culture and innovation management..............................................2
Significance of having effective organisational culture for Marks & Spencer.......................3
Impact of organisation culture on innovation management within firm.................................3
Different strategies that helps in sustaining innovation within Marks & Spencer..................4
Research Methodology................................................................................................................5
Ethical Issues...............................................................................................................................8
Required Resources.....................................................................................................................9
Implementation Time Table........................................................................................................9
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2. Evaluation of the Choices Made in Individual Research Plan..................................................11
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Topic: "Organizational Culture and its influence on innovation management"
1. Individual Research Plan
Organisational culture is defined as the system associated with shared, values beliefs and
assumptions that direct the way in which people behave within the organisation. These have
strong influence on the individuals who are working in the organisation. Innovation is termed as
the new idea, imagination or thought that lead to creation of better solutions that satisfy the needs
and requirements of market and help an organisation in gaining competitive advantage in market.
It is very necessary for the organisation to bring innovation within the products and services on
continuous basis in order to ensure long term sustainability in market (Alvstam, Ivarsson and
Petersen, 2019). This research project is based on Marks and Spencer which is a leading
multinational retailer of United Kingdom offering high quality clothes, food and home products
to customers. The company was established in year 1884 and is founded by Michael Marks and
Thomas Spencer. The headquarter of company is located in Leeds, United Kingdom and
operating in around 1400 locations. This research is based on the topic “To analyse the influence
of organisational culture on innovation management within firm. A case study on Marks &
Spencer.” This business research project includes aims and objectives along with the questions of
research and a literature review in which the viewpoint of different authors are compared on
different themes. In addition to this, research method, sampling, ethical issues, needed resources
in study, accessibility of data and importance of research is included in the first part of research.
The second part covers a brief information about evaluation of choices made in research plan.
Research Aims/Objectives
Research Aim
Research aim is termed as the intention of study. It is the understanding and knowledge
that researcher require to answer the questions of study. It is important is it develops clear links
between this and other research project (Bell, Bryman and Harley, 2018). The main aim of this
investigation is “To analyse the influence of organisational culture on innovation management
within firm. A case study on Marks & Spencer.”
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