
Role of Internet Marketing in Increasing Brand Awareness in UK Fashion Industry: A Study on Burberry


Added on  2022-12-27

22 Pages6321 Words78 Views
Leadership ManagementMarketingData Science and Big DataPhilosophy
Business research
Role of Internet Marketing in Increasing Brand Awareness in UK Fashion Industry: A Study on Burberry_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Background of organisation...................................................................................................3
Research rationale..................................................................................................................4
Research questions.................................................................................................................4
Research aims and objectives.................................................................................................4
Literature review....................................................................................................................5
Resources used.....................................................................................................................11
Findings and Recommendations...........................................................................................11
Books and Journals:..............................................................................................................13
Role of Internet Marketing in Increasing Brand Awareness in UK Fashion Industry: A Study on Burberry_2

Marketing is one of the essential function under the management of business. Its plays vital role
in delivering goods and services into worldwide operations. Marketing involves promotional
strategies, distribution of goods and services, discounts and pricing factors. In modern world,
internet play crucial role for making promotions and regulating awareness about companies
product into large market. Internet serve worldwide area simultaneously and indulge every
human being towards its influence. Every other individual is connected and empowered with the
use of internet as it becomes an important part of life (Sudha, and Sheena, 2017). Business also
regulate their activities via internet sources and perform various task by making the best use in
technologies, payment modes, market research and many more. The vital use of internet has been
taking for making product promotions in order to reach every customer and attract audience by
showing them features, durability, reliability and meaning of the product. This research is going
to show pros and cons of digital marketing as a promotional tool with context of the organisation
Burberry(Losada, and Mota, 2019). The company is one of the popular retailer into fashion
industry that serve clothing, accessories, cosmetics and other fashionable products. In reference
to this, company needs to adopt internet sources in making promotions that drive several
benefits into competitive market with appropriate research methods and data collection tools
(Mwinuka, 2017).
Background of organisation
Burberry is a reputed firm into fashion industry which was first established in 1856. it was first
operated into London, United Kingdom and now scatted their products and services across
borders. The products of Company includes varieties of clothing apparels, footwear, cosmetics,
perfumes and many other accessories for children and females of all ages. It has covered large
area into the world by opening heir local stores or dealing with manufactures to n provide their
goods into different stores with the brand name (Gould, and Nazarian, 2018). The firm known
for its high quality products mainly attracted through long trench coats, boots and incredible
fragrances. Also, the company was focused on every type of wear whether it is ethnic,
sportswear or western clothing. They believed in high fashion trends by manufacturing products
as per market trends and customer preferences. The company has enabled high digital strategy
Role of Internet Marketing in Increasing Brand Awareness in UK Fashion Industry: A Study on Burberry_3

for making promotions of their brand which result in high growth in last one year (Moyo, Mare,
and Matsilele, 2019).
Research rationale
The research is based on the significance of internet marketing in order to make promotions
which would result in effective results. In order to conduct a research properly, there is need to
finding and analysation of proper methods and approaches (Laaser, and Toloza, 2017). These
factors will help both the researcher and learner to deliver best of information that contain
reliable and authentic criteria. In order to formulate strategy for this research, it has found that
preparing interviews and literature views will get close results on the issues and questions asked
by people. This way, the use of social media In getting aware about a product will be
understand from the people itself that how the brand promotion influence on their buying
behaviour and decision related to make use of it. Also, this research has contains secondary data
sources through which facts an d details will come out that becomes an easy for the learner to
evaluate objective of the research. There is strategy to make the results in less time and cost
which will be feasible for making the research useful and appropriative (Zhang, M., 2019). The
results will be come out through intepretivism approaches where data gathered could be made
through assumption and get change as per the requirement of learning.
Research questions
What is the concept of Internet marketing?
What role internet marketing play in making promotions for business?
What are the problems faced by Burberry in making brand regulation?
How problems in doing internet marketing could get solved within fashion industry?
Research aims and objectives
“To examine the role of internet marketing in increasing brand awareness within UK
fashion industry”. A study on Burberry.
To understand the significance of internet market in context to business.
Role of Internet Marketing in Increasing Brand Awareness in UK Fashion Industry: A Study on Burberry_4

To examine the role of internet marketing in increasing brand awareness within UK
fashion industry.
To determine the issues faced by Burberry in enhance brand awareness within UK
fashion industry.
Literature review
To understand the significance of internet market in context to business
According to the author Sudha, M. and Sheena, K., (2017).internet becomes an important
part of every individual life working for studies, career, or gaining knowledge of the world
situation. An individual could analyse what Is running and influencing into the market that could
have make use for them. Internet consist several methods, data, informations and finding that an
individual desires to obtain into their life. Business are nowadays, become more of human
centric that means, they are working on the basis of customers wants and preferences. Main
motives of business firms is to regulate their products to the worldwide market but they lack
with many factors like capital, financial resource, land and labours. Internet lower down these
hurdles by enabling the opportunities to grow online selling from any part of the world and to
anywhere at worldwide reach. It consist large leading data and informations through e-
commercial sites. People get to know about latest trends, prices about new products at their
convenience and it becomes easy to order and take advantage of delivery from one place to
another (Bonjisse, and Morais, 2017). From the context of Burberry, the company make proper
utilisation of internet sources by building marketing strategies and launching products with
attractive designs, content and top quality features. In order to make people attract towards
digital platforms like websites, applications, companies use methods of gaining followers
through SEO optimization, website development, marketing advertisement though ads and
subscription. It is important to use available opportunities through digital sources in order to
make brand expansion into large market where business could not reach altogether. Marketing
has taken up a turn into its process, like in past times marketing was difficult to approach each
individual at their door step or wait for customer to come to the store. Now, internet provide
reliable assistance for making its possible through websites and eliminate hurdles faced by
business in promoting business, brand, and products (Okumus, and Cetin, 2018).
According to Meraviglia, (2018) The role of internet marketing is widely spreading all
over the world. Every business is now depending on internet Technologies and its features to
Role of Internet Marketing in Increasing Brand Awareness in UK Fashion Industry: A Study on Burberry_5

grow and develop sales and customers. Internet marketing simplifies a selling process which
enables low cost to engage large customers and create brand name. In conduct of business within
the fashion industry of UK , people are mainly indulge in online shopping due to the crisis of
covid-19 pandemic which has lower down whole economic condition. Inflation irregular demand
and supply disparities are major impact of covid-19 into fashion industry. Therefore , internet
marketing is required to maintain the sales and customers across the globe by providing them
their favourite and most wanted products at the doorstep. Internet marketing found to be cost
effective as well as efficient in reaching to large number of people. An offline sale will not
provide customers feedback and their actions on brand and products. Whereas, through internet
marketing, all the actions and customer arrival get recorded through internet marketing tools and
techniques. It significantly drive traffic on the social ages. People would undertake interest in to
business by checking regular updates and acknowledge all the relevant information they are
searching for. Also internet marketing is well known provider for producing marketing
campaigns for events and social gatherings. As internet marketing allows multi function
activities at once. The UK fashion industry like Burberry could enable more than one campaign
as per customers’ demographical area. It becomes easy to undertake millions of customer
simultaneously and provide multiple functions through website and apps. Internet also helps in
maintaining competition and product visibility into the market. Internet also provides Research
and the strategies of competitors which are using to make their brand name. So that Burberry
would prepare with what is going into market and choose their best ideas which is far superior to
their competitors. It maintains relationship and competitiveness so that business practices and
marketing campaigns will go hand in hand. It provides immense support to customers for 24 into
7 which makes them satisfied and retain for long time. Therefore internet is significant in all the
aspects for a business to grow and expand the turnover profitability and business reach. So that,
the business will come to internet marketing by minimum investment and get high return in
terms of customer arrival and supply and demand.
To examine the role of internet marketing in increasing brand awareness within UK
fashion industry
According to the author Rathnayaka, U., (2018). digital technologies and marketing are
interrelated as marketing focus on becoming highest seller above from the competitors. Social
media or internet marketing connect every individual from businesses and their products in the
Role of Internet Marketing in Increasing Brand Awareness in UK Fashion Industry: A Study on Burberry_6

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