
Carbon Capture and Storage Report 2022


Added on  2022-09-18

21 Pages5597 Words30 Views
Environmental Science
Running head: Carbon Capture and Storage
Impact and application of Carbon Capture and Storage
Name of Student
Name of the University
Author note
Carbon Capture and Storage Report 2022_1

Executive summary
In order to minimize the increased consequences of the greenhouse gases, it is important to
minimize the emission of several greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide is one of those gases,
which has comparatively higher emission and harmful effect towards the atmosphere. Carbon
capture and storage (CCS) technology is one efficient technology, which intended to reduce
the carbon dioxide gas, which in turn will be beneficial for minimizing the global warming
effects. However, there exist some barrier to the implementation of this particular technology,
which are the regulatory issues, along with the storage issues and lack of public acceptance.
Nevertheless, the technological development and opportunities of this technology will act as
accelerating factor for its implementation. In this article the current state of CCS along with
the technical development, barriers, opportunity and impact of this technology is going to be
Carbon Capture and Storage Report 2022_2

Table of Contents
Current state of the technology..................................................................................................5
CO2 capture............................................................................................................................6
Oxyfuel combustion...........................................................................................................6
CO2 Transport.........................................................................................................................7
CO2 Storage............................................................................................................................7
Impact on the energy system and other fuels.............................................................................8
Technical development..............................................................................................................9
Development of CO2 Scrubber...............................................................................................9
Development of oxy-combustion.........................................................................................10
Barriers and opportunities........................................................................................................10
Cost competiveness..........................................................................................................10
Storage option..................................................................................................................11
Public awareness and acceptance.....................................................................................11
Legal barriers...................................................................................................................12
Capture of pure carbon dioxide stream in the industries..................................................13
Enhanced oil recovery......................................................................................................13
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CCS technology in power and coal sector.......................................................................13
Personal view on the technology..............................................................................................14
Carbon Capture and Storage Report 2022_4

Ever since the industrialization has happened, a hike in the method of burning of the
fossil fuels in order to acquire the desired energy demands have come into consideration. The
utilization of these fuels is responsible for high emission of the carbon dioxide (CO2) and
several different dangerous greenhouse gases that can cause global warming (Boot-Handford
et al. 2014). Moreover, these type of hazardous situations will definitely have injurious
impact on the Earth. However, one successful way for alleviating this issue is to minimize the
utilization of these fuels. Nevertheless, one alternative method to this issue might be the
capture and store of the emitted carbon, so that the atmosphere become safe from pollution.
The process of carbon capture and storage (CCS) is one of the existing range of technological
energy strategies or solutions to address all the concerns related to the increasing emission of
different greenhouse gas present the atmosphere (Selma et al. 2014). The particular process is
also beneficial in achieving sustainable energy from the use of the fossil fuel. There exist
three important techniques, which are pre-combustion, post-combustion and oxyfuel process
that enhances the CCS process. Moreover, using the CCS with several renewable biomass
can be identified as one carbon abatement technology, that will be utilized in the ‘carbon-
negative' mode , which is not different from taking the dangerous carbon dioxide out of the
atmosphere (Tola and Pettinau 2014).
This report is going to discuss the current state of the carbon capture and storage in
the United Kingdom, along with the impact of the technology on the energy system as well as
on other fuels. The current as well as future technical development of CCS is going to be
focused here. In addition to that, the existing opportunities and barriers to the particular
technologies is going to be emphasized here.
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Current state of the technology
Carbon dioxide is one vital prominent biogenic as well as natural greenhouse gas,
which is efficient in trapping all the heats exist in the atmosphere. However, the particular
gas’s presence at an amount of 0.03 per cent in the atmosphere is always a challengeable
matter in maintaining a temperature that is suitable for the living beings in the earth.
Nevertheless, one efficient carbon cycle is responsible for maintaining the carbon balance in
the earth (Leung, Caramanna and Maroto-Valer 2014). The particular process includes
exchanging of the carbon dioxide available in the atmosphere with the Biosphere,
Lithosphere and the Hydrosphere. According to the current statics, currently the carbon
dioxide emission of the United Kingdom is registered as 6.50 metric tons, which is reduced
as compare to the previous years (Hammond and Spargo 2014). Though the contribution of
carbon dioxide of the United Kingdom has estimated less than the previous years; yet the
registered measurement is still harmful to the environment. UK has numerous verity of
industries and plants that are responsible for CO2 emission (Foxon 2013). However, the
recent largest carbon capture project of United Kingdom is going to block numerous factories
which are responsible for the continuous emission of CO2 into the atmosphere by creating
climate crisis (Nerlich and Jaspal 2013). According to several researches, currently, the
carbon dioxide emissions due to different industrial process is counted approximately about
one third of the total global energy utilized. Moreover, the utilization of the industrial carbon
dioxide and its emissions are supposed to be hiked in the upcoming decades.
The process of carbon capture and storage usually encompasses three methods, which
are, capturing the carbon, transporting the captured CO2 and storing the same.
Carbon Capture and Storage Report 2022_6

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