
Managerial Coaching in Business Development


Added on  2020-01-28

11 Pages3310 Words86 Views
Developing Manager
Managerial Coaching in Business Development_1

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INTRODUCTIONManagement is a crucial element of an organization's structure and culture. Managers areresponsible to plan, organize, staff, implement and monitor business plans and procedures.Developing an individual in a very efficient and effective manager is quiet stressful yetknowledgeable task (Hunt and Weintraub, 2010). It not only requires critical assessment ofindividual’s strengths and weaknesses but need different measures to improvise the presentcondition of the manager. Being a potential manager in Park Plaza Hotels & Resort (PPHE), abrand hotel group owing, managing and franchising its hospitality services across Europe, USand Asia I need to plan and develop my professional skills to enhnace my career grpwthprospects within the economy (Craig and et. al., 2008). This assignment studies and evaluatesdifferent career development prospective of a manager at individual and organizational level. TASK B1.1 Comparing and contrasting two different management styles in a hospitality organizationManagement styles are crucial to coordinate the employees with their respective workactivities. There are different types of methods to manage the tasks but they depend upon thecharacteristics of employees, business activities in which they are engaged in with respect toorganizational culture of the company. The hotel group mentioned above adopts two importantmanagement styles at different levels of management, which are described below:Participative management styleThis is also referred as democratic style of management style as freedom to express viewsand ideas are provided in the administration. The primary objective of this style is to buildcommitment, closeness and consensus among the subordinates (Di Fabbrizio and Lewis, 2008).PPHE ensures that the middle level management of group follows this style to communicationand share information, guidelines and suggestions in smooth manner. Managers and subordinatesof the company work as a whole to accomplish desired results. The employees are motivated bya thought that their participation matters in decision making process of top management staffwhich also benefit the company by their suggestions and feedback (Moore, Persaud and Torchia,2015).Authoritative management styleIt is considered as a visionary style to manage and operate the organizational activities.This approach provides long-term direction and purpose to the employees working under the1
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management. Managers are firm and fair in nature to provide clear guidelines and code ofconduct to perform the work (Beamish, 2013). The lower level management of the hotel groupchooses this style as the assistants are underdeveloped and require guidance in carrying forwardthe directions of their respective managers. 1.2 Leadership characteristics of a manager required in hospitality industryA popular saying that 'Great leaders are born, not made' is true to some extent asleadership is unconditioned. Still, managers can develop various leadership traits in them topractice in their routine (Ghobakhloo and Hong Tang, 2013.). The hospitality group aims tosatisfy visitor’s needs and desires for which good leadership qualities are also required alongwith managerial skills. Few qualities and traits of good leaders are given below to guide themanagers of PPHE:Self-assessment: Periodical analysis of personal capabilities and weaknesses is the keyfeature of a leader. In the same manner, the manager of hotel group should ask questionsto himself like what makes me feel good and stronger, what are my areas of weaknessesand more efforts should be made to improve the gain opportunities (Hackman and Farah,2009).Vision: The purpose and goal to work for an organization should be clearly defined in themind of a leader. Manager should be aware about the overall objectives and mission ofthe entity it is working in as he/she has to further translate these objectives to theirsubordinates.Team build-up: Strength of a group is its team members as they are responsible toimplement the action plan. The leaders or managers need to encourage and motivate theteam members to inspire them in putting the best efforts for the company (Morse Andet.al., 2009).Sharp perception: Effective leaders should have honest communication with their peersand team members in order to understand how they are perceived. The managers of hotelgroup should build strong connection with the team members and develop the instinct tosense upcoming events in the business. 2.1 Assessing own management skills and performanceProfessional SkillsCurrentLevel5=strongThe Best CurrentExampleWays to Improve2
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