
Leadership Styles and Team Learning


Added on  2020-01-23

13 Pages4067 Words144 Views
Show leadership in
the workplace and
Lead team
Leadership Styles and Team Learning_1

Table of Contents
Part 1 ....................................................................................................................................1
1 Two possible solution to the conflict.......................................................................................1
2 Steps for each action................................................................................................................1
3 Final recommendation..............................................................................................................2
4 Communicate the resolution....................................................................................................2
Part 2................................................................................................................................................3
1 Steps required to conduct a performance review.....................................................................3
2 Environment during the performance review..........................................................................3
3 Achievements of success.........................................................................................................4
4 Areas of improvements............................................................................................................4
5 Learning opportunities.............................................................................................................5
6 Areas of development..............................................................................................................5
Part 3................................................................................................................................................5
1 Formal and informal communication system...........................................................................5
2 Ways to maintain open communication...................................................................................6
3 Barriers to communication.......................................................................................................6
4 Methods of communication used to communicate unresolved issues.....................................7
5 Recommendation to improve the communication...................................................................7
Part 4 ...............................................................................................................................................8
Leadership Styles and Team Learning_2

Communication is taken place at all the levels of enterprise to give guidelines to the
employees about the work or to solve any issue. Manager of the every enterprise should
give proper attention to ensure that proper communication takes place in the enterprise and
should try to do the efforts to maintain the open communication in the enterprise(Hu and
Liden, 2011). Present report is based on a case study and tells what a managers should do
when a conflict arise between people. During the process of communication number of
barriers arise and all these barriers can be addressed or solved by the manager by following
the effective communication process.
It is very important to manage the flow of effective communication in the enterprise
to improve the overall effectiveness of the business operation and to ensure that proper
utilisation of resources is done by the enterprise.
Part 1
1 Two possible solution to the conflict.
One of the main and effective tool of solution which can be used to solve the
conflict is communication. It is seen that both Dave and Manny has different point of view
for each other. Dave think that manny is to new to understand the complex areas of the
problem and manny also think the same. So both of these can do the communication and
solve the problems and conflicts which are arising between them. By doing proper
communication both of them can tell each other about their point of view and can
understand the other also(Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee, 2013). By doing this they both
can make the strategies to implement and handle the project easily.
Other effective solution to solve the problem is breaking down the silos. Breaking
down silos means enable or activate a boundary less enterprise in order to increase the
health of the enterprise. Organisational silos are the main reason or cause of the problem
arise in the enterprise.
Following Solution can be used to solve the conflict:
Collaborating: It is one of the effective method which can be used by parties to get
solution. In this both parties talk to each other and decide to cooperate with each
other for fulfilment of set goals. It helps in maintaining relationships among parties
involve in conflict and helps in attainment of mutual objectives.
Leadership Styles and Team Learning_3

Compromising: Under this every party give up something to create an acceptable
solution for the problem. Through communication all parties comes to a mutual
agreement which can be varied from original goals of each party.
2 Steps for each action.
Following steps can be followed by the enterprise in order to create and implement
the communication strategy:
Set the communication goals: The main goals under this case study is to solve
the problem and to make an effective strategy to solve the problem.
Develop key strategies: An effective key strategy can help in sending the right
message to the reviver.
Effective communication channels: Communication channel used by the sender
affect the quality of the message. So proper communication channel should be
used by the people to solve the issue or to communicate effectively.
Communication document: Keeping or maintaining a document during the
process of communication helps in keep the process of communication in track.
Following steps can be used by the Dave and manny to solve the issues with each other.
For breaking down the silos it is the first and necessary step to breaking down the
old procedure of doing the work or communication. All the work and communication
should be done in cross functional or multi functional way(Van Dierendonck, 2011). This
will help Dave and manny to better solve the problem.
3 Final recommendation.
Final recommendation to the above problem that both Dave and manny should try to
understand the other's point of view in order to solve the problem or at the same not to
create conflict in the enterprise activities. Manny should try to understand that Dave has
experience about all the activities and projects so he should try to understand his point of
view. At the same time there is a need for Dave to understand about the creative idea of
manny. Solution should be formed by the support of the both in order to increase the
effectiveness or to handle the project easily.
As a line manager I would like to advice that both should try to understand the
other's point of view this will enhance the effectiveness and they both can easily handle the
project easily.
Leadership Styles and Team Learning_4

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