
Training Needs and Migration


Added on  2020-02-05

11 Pages2956 Words41 Views
Investigate The Issues And Challenges OfRomanian Migrant In Hospitality
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TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction......................................................................................................................................1Literature review..............................................................................................................................1Training and development...........................................................................................................1Romanian migration in UK.........................................................................................................2Challenges faced by Romanian employees in UK hospitality industry......................................3Data collection.................................................................................................................................5Aim objectives research question....................................................................................................5Timescale.........................................................................................................................................6References........................................................................................................................................8
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INTRODUCTIONHuman migration is a very debateable subject which can be seen in different parts of theworld. It shows the movement of individuals from one place to another. People migrate with theobjective of living temporarily or either for permanent basis (Alba and Nee, 2009). It has to benoted that migration creates an impact on the host economy. The impact can be noticed ondifferent sectors such as education, health, housing, hospitality etc. When these people migrate,they are faced different types of challenges. The wide spread of globalization has taken theemployment activities beyond the boundaries of the nation. Under the hospitality industry,people are being employed from other countries (Bhagwati and Hanson, 2009). The existingRomanian migration in UK is concentrated in four different sectors which includes construction,trade, hospitality and cleaning services. As a result, people are migrating in large numbers for thepurpose of employment. Therefore this research explores the issues and challenge faced by theRomanian migrant under the UK hospitality industry. LITERATURE REVIEWTraining and development Employee are the assets for the business. They play a very crucial role in the achievementof the proposed goals and objectives (Belcourt, 2010). Companies will always look for talentedand efficient individuals who are capable of giving the maximum contribution. There are alwaystwo categories of workers, first those who are efficient and second those who are less efficient.Concept of training and development has been introduced for the purpose of improving theperformance of less efficient employees. It is about making the people learn certain skills whichare crucial from the business point of view (Bereri, 2009). The importance of the training anddevelopment can be seen from the following point of views.According to Bird, (2008), training and development activities are the core functions ofhuman resource management. They are to be considered important with regard to attainment ofbusiness goals and objectives. There is a need to development effective training programs whichcan lead to growth and development of the workers. This function cannot be ignored from theside of the management. According to Brine, (2009), training is essentially to be given to the workers in order toachieve competitive edges. There is a need to make them more competitive and productive. It is1
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important to fight with the competition surrounding the business. Companies expect to retaintheir proficient employees for the long period of time. According to Brinia, (2011), training and development is essential to enhance the skills ofthe employees. Enhancing skills will have a positive impact on their performance. Their skillscan be utilized in achieving high level of productivity and profitability for the business. It willalso promote innovation and creativity within the company. This will increase the talents and theworkforce will become stronger. According to Coetzee, (2007), training and development improves the weaker areas ofthe individuals. It is evident that this function is being performed for their betterment. If someweak areas are creating troubles for the company, then giving appropriate focus on them is theappropriate solution (Faley, 2008). Due to weak points, employees also suffers from lack ofmotivation. Hence in the situation, training can be an effective solution for avoiding the issues. According to Fan, (2013), training and development reduces problems such as turnover,absenteeism, demotivation etc. Firms are generally faced with the above identified issues. Theseproblems creates a negative impact on the performance. The issues are to be dealt with in bestmanner possible and training can be a good solution in this regard. According to Mayfield, (2011), training increases the chances of promotion, rewards,incentives etc, for the employees within the organization. These things are also essential for theirsurvival and motivation. It makes them satisfied and their chances of retention are also increased.Implementation of good training program will take out effective performance from theemployees. If they will perform better then they will be getting good rewards, promotions andmany other things (Human Resource Management. 2013). Romanian migration in UK According to Boyle, Halfacree and Robinson, (2014), The opportunities for theRomanians to take entry into UK get increased when the Romania entered into the EuropeanUnion in 2007. Migration from the country is majorly for economic reasons that is to improveemployment prospects or to improve the living standards (Alba and Nee 2009). The occupationrate in UK is higher as compared to Romania. However most of the movement is temporarydespite of long term settlement. They generally have the tendency to stay for a stipulated period,earn money and then return to their homes. 2
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