CHANGE MANAGEMENT2 Change management is the process of transitioning of staff in an organization to move from one state to another state. The next state is usually the desired state of the team. For an organization to meet its set goals and achieve its objectives it has to go through the process of change management. Organization change can be within a department, companywide or the people who are involved. Change management tool used by Apache include project plan and culture mapping. Every organization has its way of operation. It implies that every team has its unique way of establishing concepts, norms, and practices. Most of the paradigms, that majority of the organization have adopted. Comprises an employee to be rewarded it should be based on the good performance of the employee or decision made by senior management should never be should be fully aware of the organizational culture they are managing to ensure their practice are always appropriate. Apache was mindful of the Transfer to undertaking (Protection of Employment) legislation provides a legally binding guarantee that employee' contractual terms and conditions remain intact when they move to a new employer during a change in ownership(Czerniawska & May 2004).It was a requirement by the new employers to uphold employment terms comprising of remuneration strenuously allowance, leave entitlements, merger recognition, and epochs. Apache used project plan as another tool for change management. Devising a vibrant project plan is essential to allow any business keep track. This acts as a guide for business to know its flexibility and boundaries that it should not cross. Times change management will entail specific workforce working in numerous department to adopt new changes immediately. It is the role of the Human Resource to device a strategy on how the changes proposed will be implemented with
CHANGE MANAGEMENT3 minimum resistance. Apache while it was trying to locate a complicated industrial process in the North Sea, it faced a lot of challenges such as technical problems. Upon assessing its challenges and project plan, it had to absorb Forties oilfield. Meritsforthechangemanagementtool.Projectplantoolofmanagementpresentedan opportunity alongside additional responsibility.The acquisition of the forties offered a lot of opportunities to Apache such as cost reduction. There could be exploitation of company expertise to squeeze long-termvalue fromFortiesdevoid ofcompromisation ofpeoples compensation and safety of people involved .culture mapping management tool presents an opportunity of less resistance within the workforce in the organization. When the workforce is willing to accept change in the management, this helps the organization in reduction of recruiting and training cost. Upon understanding the culture of the team and do change implementation, the group will stay ahead in the competition hence product will in return yield higher profits. Culture will enable the management know which method to adapt to implement change that will make employees embrace change gladly and move forward. The change manager should ensure that the employees stay motivated and product during the newchangeperiod.Theorganizationshouldassesstheproductivitybeforeandafter implementation of new change to a certain if the change management process has been successful or not.
CHANGE MANAGEMENT4 References Czerniawska, F., & May, P. (2004).Management Consulting in Practice. London: Kogan Page. Employee Roles In Initiating Successful Change Management | Prosci. (2017) Retrieved 19 October 2017, from leadership-library/roles-in-change-management (2017),from BookInsights.htm Todnem, R. (2005). Organisational change management.A Critical Review. Journal Of Change Management,5(4), 369-380.