1. Read some of Pat Benner’s work, and of course, the classics by Benner and Tanner. Summarize key tenets and cite the sources for your growing library { They added another author and published a text recently; gauntlet thrown—can you find it?}
2. Then, tell us where you think you are on the continuum—“from novice to expert” talk first about your place on the continuum in your current work setting, then discuss where you feel you are in this class! (Have you experienced much “pattern recognition” in your career as yet?)
Who can find Benner, et als first works from the 1980’s when it was “cutting-edge” Thinking!?
Added information for the writer
( stage 3 competent).
( Pattern recognition theory recently has received much attention in nursing. Pattern recognition is viewed as a critical step or strategy in the process of thinking and in the diagnostic reasoning process in nursing)