
Exploring Leadership in Chinese Organizations


Added on  2019-12-28

13 Pages4630 Words160 Views
Leadership in contemporary
Sansbury's organisations
Exploring Leadership in Chinese Organizations_1

Table of Contents
LEADERSHIP CONCEPT: ............................................................................................................3
LEADERSHIP THEORIES.............................................................................................................4
Trait theory.............................................................................................................................5
Behavioural Theory................................................................................................................6
Contingency Theory: .............................................................................................................6
Transactional leadership theory..............................................................................................7
Transformational leadership theory........................................................................................8
ISSUES OF LEADERSHIP IN CONTEMPORARY ORGANISATION......................................9
Developing managerial effectiveness.....................................................................................9
Inspiring others......................................................................................................................9
Developing Employees..........................................................................................................9
Leading a team....................................................................................................................10
Guiding change.....................................................................................................................10
Managing internal stakeholder and politics..........................................................................10
Exploring Leadership in Chinese Organizations_2

Leadership is the process of motivating and give the direction to their followers.
Leadership is the important and systematic process in which one leader and other persons are the
followers(Chami-Malaeb and Garavan 2013). Its help to increase productivity and performance
of organisation's employees. In the Sainsbury organisation require has to be manage all the
things and activities so this company's employees provide better services to customers.
Leadership is the best way to motivate and control all kind of persons. Sainsbury`s is the retail
chain in UK its provide all kind of products and goods to customers with better quality and
features. In the market there has many competitors those all are beating to each other and wants
to build a effective image and brand image in the market(Wray‐Bliss 2013). Sainsbury is the
supermarket its provide all retail products so they can use their products in their regular life and
easy to full fill their needs and wants. Sainsbury wants to build a brand image in the customers
and also in the market so they can easy to beat their competitors and increase production of
products. In this process one leader give the directions and instructions to employees, how to
they work with effective and efficient manner. Sainsbury wants to applying best theory and
concept of leadership because they can provide better services and improve performance of
workers. Sainsbury is the largest supermarket that provide all types of products to public and also
try to build a effective image in the market. At this time many issues and problems are facing by
this organisation like leading quality of leaders, technology, day by day changes in the
environment and working system, decision making process, dealing with changes and
uncertainty of risk in the market, behavioural issues of customers, satisfaction issues,
competitors and substitutes and so more all these are affecting on company's image and their
working quality. But at this time most contemporary issue in this company is technology(
Watson 2016.). Day by day technology is develop and by the all companies are using smart
techniques to attract high number of customers. Its hard to understand by employees new
techniques in the working environment for learning have to provide training to them. This
process is time consuming by this company facing many issues related to the employees. In the
other hand customers wants something new and innovative products with effective quality and
features so according to the technology changes employees, customers and all faces problems in
this situations not easy to provide fully satisfaction to customers.(Kim and Van Dyne 2012).
Exploring Leadership in Chinese Organizations_3

Leadership is the systematic process to manage all employees and their activities or
working performance regarding their work. In all types of organisation and any society has one
effective leader those are help to manage all persons and given direction to them how to do they
work in the effective and efficient manner. Leadership is the best way to coordinate to all
persons and improving working performance of employees. Leadership is the ability to motivate
and influence to their group persons regarding their work and achievement of goals and objective
on the decided time period. A leader has many kind of skills, abilities, knowledge, experiences
about all field so that's why they can easy to manage and motivate towards their work(Colquitt,
J.Lepine, J.A. and Wesson, M.J. 2011). This is not require all managers may be a good leader but
a leader can be a good manager. Because managers can easy to manage all work and control or
handle all situation but managers cannot lead to other persons, they cannot give proper direction
and not understand employees issues and problems but a good leader easy to manage all
activities and works in the effective manner and also leader can give direction and instruction to
do effective work and performance. They can easy to understand and remove their issues and
problems of their followers and build a better relationship and coordination with each other. Its
helps to manage all activities in the organisation and provide best services to their customers and
clients on the time and also give them fully satisfaction to them. Leadership is the best way to
influence and motivate all employees regarding their work(Swanwick and McKimm 2012). In
the leadership process has one leader and all other are followers those are following leader get
proper instructions regarding their work and which one strategy they will apply in the work.
Leadership represent individual and group coordination and motivation and in the other hand
management shows how to manage all activities and where should invest how much time to
complete the task and work with using best way and strategy. In Sainsbury organisation has to be
require a good leader to manage all activities and works for improve productivity and
performance of their employees. It can help to improve efficiency of working with the effective
manner(Moodian, M.A. ed., 2008). In this organisation if manage all activities in the effective
manner so easy to increase productivity and performance of their employees and easy to build a
effective image in the market. Sainsbury is the supermarket in UK , its provide many types of
products and goods to customers for full fill their wants and needs and get proper and effective
feedback through the customers. Its wants to build a effective image in the market and beat all
Exploring Leadership in Chinese Organizations_4

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