
Effective Communication Techniques


Added on  2021-02-20

1 Pages1734 Words372 Views
CONCLUSION From the above it can be concluded that there are various barrier to effective communication which consistof language, cultural barrier, psychological barrier etc. Also, It has provided understanding about the various strategiesto overcome those barriers such as use of simple language, active listening etc. REFERENCESBooks and journals Guffey, M. E. and Loewy, D., 2015.Essentials of business communication. Nelson Education.Bovée, C. L., Thill, J. V. and Raina, R. L., 2016.Business communication today. Pearson Education India.Kernbach, S., Eppler, M. J. and Bresciani, S., 2015. The use of visualization in the communication ofbusiness strategies: An experimental evaluation.International Journal of Business Communication. 52(2).pp.164-187.Pearson, R., 2017. Business ethics as communication ethics: Public relations practice and the idea ofdialogue. InPublic relations theory(pp. 111-131). Routledge.OnlineBarriers to Effective Communication. 2018. [Online]. Available through :<https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ips/barriers-communication.html>TASK Common challenges and barriers to effective communicationEffective communication is a communication between two or more person in which the intended message isproperly coded through appropriate channel (Guffey and Loewy, 2015). The following are the barriers to effectivecommunication:Linguistic barrier: It is the language barrier which affect communication between the two or more person(Barriers to Effective Communication, 2018). Psychological barrier: The barriers that include mental and psychological issues that consist of stage fear,depression etc. Cultural barriers: The organisation include the employees which are from different cultural backgroundwhich have a great influence on the communication and thus the communication may not take placeproperly (Bovée, Thill and Raina, 2016). INTRODUCTION Business communication assist in sharing the information within or outside the organisation. It helps in communicating with the employees and other members of the organisation in order to achieve the goals and objective of the firm in the effective and efficient manner. In this poster, Hotel Hilton will be considered which is going to open a new beach in Sri Lanka. The poster will be designed in order to promote the resort. The assessment will include the challenges and barriers of effective communication. Moreover, itwill assist in developing the strategies in order to overcome the communication barrier. Also,It will demonstrate the cultural influence on communication and negotiation. Awareness of cultural influence on communication and negotiation Cultural difference has a great influence on communication and negotiation. The cultural affectthe communication because the people communicating if belong from different cultural background thatthe they will not be able to understand the language, signs and symbol for the other cultural backgroundpeople (Pearson, 2017). The cultural difference leads to ineffective communication. also, whilenegotiation the cultural affect the negotiation process because there are many symbols which havedifferent meaning for the people belonging to different cultural background. The people which are undernegotiation have to face problems due to language barriers as they belong to different cultural backgrounddue to which there is lack of effective communication. The thought and belief of the people under theprocess of negotiation are difference which may affect the communication while negotiating with theother party. Strategies for overcoming communication barrier It is important to over the communication barrier in order to make the communication effective.Use of simple language: If the person uses the simple language while communicating than it can provide clearunderstanding to the receive and also use of jargon while communicating should be avoided (Kernbach, Eppler andBresciani, 2015).Understanding the needs of audience: It is important to understand the behaviour, nature, culture, religion etc. in orderto reduce the communication barrier to make the communication effective. Active listening: It is important to listen clearly and be attentive for making the information accurate and understandableby the receiver.BUSINESS COMMUNICATION
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