
Conflict Management Strategy - Doc


Added on  2020-10-22

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Conflict ManagementStrategy: B(Modification)
Conflict Management Strategy - Doc_1

IntroductionThis report helps to justify the conflict management strategy by different conflictresolution approaches based on the scenarios. Then, communication implicationsbased on the negotiations and conflict will be made to rectify the issues which can benegative or positive in terms of conflict resolution approaches. As the Scottishparliament Report by Fraser suggests that there is a huge loss in the project when themain stakeholders and professionals are unable to get involved or ignored during theproject due to the communication implication or can be because of language barriers insome projects. The main loss in any project is the loss of time and money in which thecommunication gap plays a very important role. So, a conflict management and riskmanagement blueprint should be made accessible to the professionals who are giventhe responsibilities after the Key performance Indicator (KPI’S). A conflict managementin the process of limiting negative aspects of conflict while increasing the positiveaspects of conflict. The main objective of conflict management is te enhance learning ofoutcomes which includes performance and effectiveness of organisation. A properconflict management and risk management has to be followed in a company formaintaining a positive environment at workplace. The deaths of keys clients like Scotland’s first Prime Minister ‘Donald Dewar’ and theArchitect ‘Enric Miralles’ gave the project a major setback which resulted in the increasein cost and time for the project as technical professionals found it difficult tocommunicate. 3 main conflict resolution approaches that are used in this report are as follows:(The Digital Project Manager, 2018) Conflict at workplace is inevitable as there aredifferent employees who are working in the organisation and they have differentpersonalities, opinions and goals. Conflict management is the core trainings offered tomangers and supervisors. Conflict handling is a necessary skill that is required by themanagement and the key for preventing from it from hindering individual's growth anddevelopment. The conflict management is a five step process and these processes aredescribed below- Identify the source of the conflict- If the managers have core information about cause ofconflict, they can easily resolve the conflict in less time. A series of questions must be
Conflict Management Strategy - Doc_2

followed to identify the cause of conflict. A manager or leader must provide chance toboth sides of story before punishing anybody. Look beyond the incident- It is perspective on situation that creates anger to fester andit leads to disruptive- evidence of a conflict. The source of a conflict can be minorproblem but it causes a lot of stress among individuals. Request solutions- The managers should consider viewpoint of both parties involved inconflicts. The next step is to change situations which leads to conflicts. The managerswork as a mediator while resolving conflicts so he jas to be a good listener and goodreader of body language. It is the responsibility of managers and leaders to stop fight ofemployees and start cooperating. This means resolving of conflict for betterperformance of the organisation. Identify solutions both disputants can support- The manager has to find merits ofvarious ideas and make effective decision for the benefit of company. This requires agreat cooperation and collaboration for effectively addressing team issues andproblems. Agreement- The manager must know about the exact reason behind conflict. Anagreement is made for protecting rights of individuals working in the company. Thisagreement helps in putting action plan and prevent conflicts from arising in future. Accommodating: In this resolution, one can subordinate his/her interest to theinterest of others depending upon the situations.Collaborating: This is the main approach for working together for resolving aconflict.Comprising: In this the conflict can be resolved by agreeing on a legitimatedecision.The below table can is used to identify the type of issue in terms of projectplanning in the following report.Conflict Type of Issue1Neutral, Negotiable2Irreconcilable3Irreconcilable4Irreconcilable5Negotiable
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Different types of communication to determine the communication implicationsare internal, external, vertical, horizontal, diagonal, formal and informaldepending upon the different scenarios.(PM and Types, 2018)The project management strategy is basically to meet regularly, be inclusive,show respect to every person irrespective of hierarchical order and transparent.A management spends 25-40% time addressing employee conflicts in a project. Important Concepts:Types of conflict resolution approaches are as follows:Competing: In this resolution approach, the person will try to resolve the issue throughmaking others believe that he is the right person. He wants to win or defend his positionin the industry.Accommodating: In this resolution, as discussed above a person can subordinate his/her interests for the other person according to the situation in a project. This concept isthe opposite of competing resolution approach.Avoiding: In thisresolution approach, a person tends to ignore or withdraw from theconflict or issue arising at the time of the project.Collaborating: In this resolution approach the person tends to collaborate with hisfellow mates to resolve the issue by working together as group. This is the oppositeapproach of avoiding.Compromising: In this resolution approach a person can compromise by agreeing toan acceptable solution. This resolution falls in between the resolution competing andavoiding.Maturity and immaturity theory of conflict resolution –It is one of the theoryhelp in conflict resolution as people have to be mature with the increasing levels ofopportunities as well as responsibilities. Within organisation for the sake of efficiencyjobs are breakdown within specialities, narrow scopes and duties are given toemployees which are expected for performing well.As a result, employees don't get touse all of their talents and abilities, and feel constrained and unable to develop. Suchpractices result in conflicts within staff members and organisation. Thus, within suchpractices it is important for staff members to behave maturity because it will the best
Conflict Management Strategy - Doc_4

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