1CONSUMER BEHAVIOR FACEBOOK The popularity that social media has gained the past decade has raised questions about the reasons why people use Facebook. Facebook has the ability to allow the users to change or post their content and this is why it has emerged as one of the most personal and most pervasive of the new media(Bigneet al.2018). It has also generated questions about some factors which has the ability to influence the users either to adopt or to reject it along with the choice that how much they want to be involved with Facebook. Facebook is constantly innovating itself and it explores how the social factors has an impact on the perception and emotion of the consumers. This kind of social influence also act like modes of persuasion and thus they enhance the consumer’s buying decisions. The social comparison theory highlights the idea that human beings have the tendency to evaluate themselves by comparing them with the others; and thus, social comparison manipulates the decisions of the consumers(Berthonet al.2012). There are certain social factors that are associated with cultural diffusion; hence it initiates a whole process of social change. Facebook will continue to take advantage of this social change and bring innovation so that it can spread through diffusion.
2CONSUMER BEHAVIOR FACEBOOK References: Berthon, P.R., Pitt, L.F., Plangger, K. and Shapiro, D., 2012. Marketing meets Web 2.0, socialmedia,andcreativeconsumers:Implicationsforinternationalmarketing strategy.Business horizons,55(3), pp.261-271. Bigne, E., Andreu, L., Hernandez, B. and Ruiz, C., 2018. The impact of social media and offlineinfluencesonconsumerbehaviour.Ananalysisofthelow-costairline industry.Current Issues in Tourism,21(9), pp.1014-1032.