
Consumer Behaviour: Influences and Decision Making


Added on  2022-12-19

19 Pages4875 Words1 Views
Data Science and Big Data
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Consumer Behaviour: Influences and Decision Making_1

Table of Contents
Level of involvement:............................................................................................................3
Internal influences:.................................................................................................................6
External influences:................................................................................................................9
Influence of marketing strategies on buyer decision making:.............................................10
High value product- Reason, Influences, Buying process and Marketing influence:..........11
Consumer Behaviour: Influences and Decision Making_2

Study of groups, organizations, individuals and activities that are linked to purchase,
disposal and use of the product offerings is known as consumer behaviour (Daunt & Harris,
2017). Consumer behaviour can also be referred to as the driving force that influences the
decision making state of consumers in marketplace for a value offering (De Mooij, 2019).
The consumer decision procedure involves various stages including, problem identification
state, searching information from primary and secondary sources, carrying out the function of
evaluation and selection, deciding on the point of purchase, executing purchase decision and
post-purchase procedure (Juster, 2015). The consumer behaviour can be influenced by
various internal and external factors. Internal factors involves perception of consumers,
learning capabilities and memory, motives, personality of consumers, emotional state of
consumers and attitude towards value offerings (Ducange, Pecori & Mezzina, 2018). External
influences in consumer behaviour includes, lifestyle, demographics, reference groups, social
class, values and culture. The impact of motivation of consumers reflects major impact on the
aspect of consumer behaviour (Hofacker, Malthouse & Sultan, 2016). The theories of
motivation that are linked with the formation of consumer behaviour of target audience are
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, expectancy theory, McGregor theory of motivation and
Herzberg’s Two-factor theory (Mandel et al., 2017). The purpose of the paper is to reflect
upon my won consumption behaviour by the understanding of decision making procedure
and impact of involvement at the time of encounter. The report will also demonstrate the
aspect of external and internal influences by linking with the personal consumption diary. In
this report, the process of structuring marketing strategies based on consumer behaviour of
individuals by an organization. The paper will be concluded by summarizing the impact.
Level of involvement:
The state and position of mind, which motivates consumers in for arriving at purchase
decision and the significance of a product from consumers is known as consumer
involvement. In the decision-making process of the consumers, different levels of
involvement can be experienced that are responsible for influencing the final purchasing
Consumer Behaviour: Influences and Decision Making_3

decision (Hudson et al., 2016). It can also be defined as the degree of influence that a
consumer experiences while taking the buying decision (Lim et al., 2016). Consumer
involvement is similar to the concept of motivation as it also involves a state of rationality
amongst the consumers for arriving at a final decision. It is embodiment of effort, time and
consideration, which is deduced by consumers in the process of selecting service or product
(Bradford et al., 2017). The theory of involvement involves the concept of three levels of
involvement, low involvement, high involvement and medium involvement. The three levels
of involvement are represented below:
Low level involvement- The products that involves lower level of risks or minimal
risk and are generally inexpensive for most period. These products or service
offerings are often bought automatically without involving in a complex process of
decision making (Zhang & Benyoucef, 2016). The low level involvement denotes a
routine response behaviour that does not involve rational decision making. The
decision making usually involves zero planning. The purchasing decision making
process with zero planning is known as impulse buying. One of the instances from the
personal diary for supporting and analysing the concept of low level involvement of
consumers is the decision of purchasing food from KFC. The decision was sudden
and did not involve prior planning. I was visiting a mall near my college with my
friends, we witnessed the offer from KFC, which led to our decision of ordering a
takeaway. It was an impulse decision with zero planning and did not required rational
behaviour in framing the decision making. The buying process in this transaction was
very simple without the inclusion of multiple steps. The problem identified by me was
spending time in the free period. I did not invested time and effort in searching
information, I asked my friends and went down to the nearby mall, which was also an
impulsive decision. I did not evaluated alternatives as the nearest mall was the first
Consumer Behaviour: Influences and Decision Making_4

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