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Consumer Behaviour: Stages, Importance for Marketers, B2C vs B2B Decision Making


Added on  2023/01/12

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This report explores consumer behaviour, focusing on the stages of the decision making journey, the importance for marketers in mapping the path, and the key differences in decision making for B2C and B2B. It also discusses the approaches of market research with methods of research. The report is relevant for anyone studying consumer behaviour or working in marketing.

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TASK 2.......................................................................................................................................................4
P3. Stages related to consumer decision making journey.......................................................................4
P4. Importance for marketers for mapping path.....................................................................................6
TASK 3.......................................................................................................................................................7
P5. Key difference of decision making for B2C and B2B..........................................................................7
P6. Approaches of market research with methods of research...............................................................9
TASK 4.....................................................................................................................................................11
P7. Ways through which marketer’s influences stages of decision making process for B2C and B2B.. .11
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Consumer behavior is characterized by the analysis of how consumers, associations and
organizations pick, acquire, and use goods and suggestions along with disposal to fulfill their
wishes or desires. Consumer preferences are evolving quickly in the present world, and it is quite
necessary for every organization to consider human behavior and forecast public perceptions
through perceptions until any new business product is implemented (Dekker and Chorus, 2018).
To better understand of this report select Travel lodge, this is leading hotels in the UK. It is
providing business and leisure accommodations and breakfast for tourists, business people and
other customer within the United Kingdom. It is currently looking for ways with initiatives in
regard of color, choice, customer service and others. In this report consist of different stages in
regard of consumer decision making and path for purchasing in hospitality service. Along with
important marketers to buy and understand decision making procedure and compare procedure of
B2B and B2C in particular hospitality industry. Moreover, various approach and methods and
influence the different stages for the decision making procedure.
P3. Stages related to consumer decision making journey
Consumer behavior includes practices that a person or customer goes through when
buying. This also includes factors affecting the rate of usage along with choice-making. Learning
consumer habits is essential for advertisers to examine the facets of public behavior in order to
place goods to different groups of citizens and specific people. Decision-making is defined as the
method of presenting judgments for the purchase of products by recognition of actions,
collection of knowledge and evaluation of potential approaches. Such as, Travelodge is one of
the leading travel & tourism industries which are analyzing the consumer trends. Presently, they
seek ways to rebrand with initiatives like logo, style of customer service and another required
modifications impact for better patronage. Additionally, some stages are consisted with customer
decision making in regard of product that are defined below:
Pre purchase stage: Once they have established different options, they progressively
pinpoint the choices but are also continuing to learn further about the material required. They are

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making available on the marketplace contrasts of goods with other approaches. Consumers do
price comparisons, learn details and interpret consumer feedback. In Travelodge's sense, new
buyers also collect information about the necessary brand which is Patronage of Travelodge with
dryer through organizational blogs, social media platforms and visits to organizational markets
(De Mooij, 2019).
Purchase Stage: At such a point, when everything is prepared for the potential buyer to
pick the commodity they want from different choices, they are willing to make the ultimate
purchasing decision. Through now most of the work has been done and they are very well
educated the use of the company and allow charge to use the facilities of the company. For
example, throughout the purchasing making process, Travelodge's users pay priority to acquiring
preferred item that Patronage of Travelodge, as they weighed all substitutes within defined
qualities previously (Devereux, Grimmer and Grimmer, 2020).
Receive stage: There are customers obtain the products while paying interest and
appreciate the services which can fulfill their requirement. The company gets Patronage of
Travelodge and collects preliminary prices from the purchased product to optimize fulfillment.
Post purchase stage: Here, buyers discuss interactions after obtaining Travelodge
merchandise and service. These often include the company with a loaded in input form which is
beneficial for managers to make necessary adjustments according to the request or specifications
of the consumer.
Associated factors including levels of consumer decision making:
Customer choice taking often requires different stages in the buying products process.
The following are:
Extensive Problem solving: The stage of judgment-making where there is massive
participation of customers in goods. In addition, they objectively analyze goods according to the
parameters that can fulfill the needs. It is performed for elevated-cost organizational goods, so it
typically takes much longer for consumers to make major decisions (Filippini, Hirl and Masiero,
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Limited problem solving: Here, specific analysis is performed on the element in which
one of the identified equivalents may fulfill particular requirements. At this point Trvelodge's
consumers make shorter-term purchasing choices on new items. The business's salesperson
presents customers with the requisite information that improve customer trust as well as
thoroughness against the label.
Routine problem solving: At this point, consumers have fast policy-making as they also
buy these products at cheap prices. There will be numerous Travelodge goods that customers
purchase without offering much time and care. Goods dropping below this point are foodstuffs.
P4. Importance for marketers for mapping path
The mapping route is said to be the road persons undergo when taking decisions to
purchase goods. Buy route involves a set of networks beginning with testing procedures in which
the final buying judgment concludes as follows. For an individual's advertisers, identifying the
right route is very important as it allows illustrating growth goals, targeting specific customer
requirements at different levels of purchasing funnel, considering the selling process beyond
point of view and comparing customer relationship discrepancies with the real one obtained
(Han, Hwang and Lee, 2018). In Travelodge's sense, advertisers should examine differentiated
determinants impact on shoppers ' buying taking, as it will help to identify the added value of
customer buying actions and the causes underlying their transaction.
Heuristic Factor: Often known as factor psychology. Heuristic refers to psychological
fast route by which individuals make buying decisions affected by current feelings. By
recognizing the dynamics of consumer buying attitude, advertisers are marketing experts through
directing consumers on their journey and incorporating more qualities to their interactions.
Marketing Factor: Marketing mix components are referred to as goods, locations,
advertisements, tangible proof, costs, processes and individuals that have an explicit or implicit
impact on customer purchase taking at a high rate (Hung and Lu, 2018). It is necessary for
Travelodge's advertisers to obtain information on market behavior in terms of expenditure,
quality of the product, promotions techniques and, ultimately, to frame business strategies that
can affect consumer decision taking that will help advertisers to improve sales in order to
maintain loyal customers.
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Technological Factor: Techniques are the implementation of expertise dedicated to the
construction of instruments and the disposal of acts in relation to the extraction of substances.
Such technology allow retailers to submit feedback to broad consumers about every pricing
changes by sending mails and reacting directly to customer questions that affect their buying
decision one. In context of, Travelodge apply advanced technology t attract customers.
P5. Key difference of decision making for B2C and B2B.
Commercial companies, in contrast to many enterprises, operate to market the goods to
consumers in order to gain massive profits. Through B2B, decisions are made surrounding
services with tangible products for certain companies. Conversely, B2C typically sells goods to
end users. B2B decision taking is essential in the business context; as it enables companies
develop connections with various corporate stakeholders by supporting entities through the use
of their commodities.
Differences between B2B and B2C
In B2B, the policies for the sale of resources have competitive motives which state that
there are dealings between two entities carrying out business activities. However, in B2C, it is
focused for less logical decision-making including more motivation that specifies that purchases
occur between company and consumers (Izogo and Jayawardhena, 2018).
B2B's enterprise-commerce practices are very complicated as financial transactions for
selling goods go by supplier-manufacturer-wholesaler-seller in the form of E–trade processes.
Although B2C's e-commerce methods are fairly easy as customers only have to search items on
platforms, selecting for mobile payment systems identifies item add-on to allow purchases until
In the sense of brand value, B2B relies on trust in accordance with reciprocal partnerships
where, as B2C, additional marketing to intensive ads is focused upon. In terms of business size
decisions, B2B decisions are made for small as well as moderate scale while B2C decisions are
made mainly for medium to large businesses.

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Choice-making techniques in B2B include identification, gathering of details on formal
and informal dimensions, generation and assessment of solutions, evaluation of facts, selection
of relevant options, decision-making, analysis of decisions and examination (Lantos, 2015).
Basis B2B B2C
Buying Decision Sales mainly involve rational
inquiry that allows dealer
including collector’s editions's
accessibility over a significant
period of time to achieve
decided performance.
This method takes a lot longer,
because this individual has the
ability to purchase or not a
service or product. Therefore it
requires of less rational time.
Marketing strategy decision It essentially contains certain
sales person-related criteria,
rather than mass media. In this
respect, IT is regarded as a
relatively important medium for
formulating communications
with an person.
People's needs is specifically
related to media to promote
wherein the pivotal relationship
in relation to B2C approaches
Decision associated with
market size
It mainly covers large, limited
and specified type of size of
In this way, the scale of the
industry in terms of geographic
location is mostly in the broad
Identification of needs It requires trenchant
commitment combined with
various kinds of specifications
connected to market techniques.
It is necessary to carry control
of various sets of strategies
such as advertising and other
similar forms of promotional
initiatives to draw customers to
an organization goods and
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Importance of mapping a path to purchase and understand consumer decision making
The mapping path is focused on the transactions that occur in the various platforms whereby
customers will move in the time span of establishing a checkout process for a service or product
and products on the marketplace. The visualization method can be viewed as a customer's
experience that starts analysis activities on behest and is often controlled until rendering the
judgment-making process.
• First, it supports the consumer in developing a consumer-based environment to make informed
• In the second option it eliminates the point of error for buyers of a specific product.
• In the third phase, it allows a purchasing implementation plan that is beneficial for consumers
to guide them better on their purchasing power (Jaiswal and Singh, 2018).
• Consumer decision-making must affect Travel lodge in order to better promote the business
and its initiatives. It can develop comfortably in an efficient way with the aid of this good
feedback business.
P6. Approaches of market research with methods of research
Marketing analysis is said to gather data in regard of about people regularly, as well as to
analyze data to better appreciate needs of the population. A study is designed to analyze market
information and, in turn, top leadership teams have used the same to create increasingly
successful tactical decisions, plans and lifelong customer target. B2C research entails gathering
data about consumers and their desires where knowledge towards other company issues is used
as B2B market research. Interpretation of market analysis in relation to B2B and B2C using the
investor's methods is as adopts:
B2B market research
Here, the organizations conducting activities with other companies choose analytical
approach to analysis. A company's marketer interacts personally with customers to obtain
feedback on product impressions, customer issues in contrast to several other things. When
performing analysis, the implementation of the Pareto principle suggests that only 20 percent of
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buyers are compensated for achieving 80 percent profit. When evaluating the material, retailers
should be conscious of the percentage of buyers who can help make large incomes and they must
be handled better according to the central survey structure (Jellil, Woolley and Rahimifard,
2018). Travelodge managers can prefer simple statistical sampling approach as it will help to
generate specimens that have the potential to represent certain divisions of the community. Such
research and analysis includes differentiated expertise based on strength of accountability
spanning from marketing supervisor to voice interviewee. This work provides Travelodge with
advantages in finding certain market preferences because of its brand that is hand washer with
dryer. This would also help to alleviate risks hampering organizational performance. At about
the same time, though, the study requires techniques that are of a sheer complexity and take more
advertisers resources.
B2C market research
Herein statistical analysis methodology is used to analyze commodity, problems or
discussions with develop methods. It is achieved with broad standard deviation varying from
300-400 participants. Techniques used mostly by Travelodge marketers include survey polling,
internet samples, tests of customers with productivity and mail questionnaires. Skill set included
interaction skills in order to manage data. According to in this type of research, tight-ended
inquiries to obtain information are addressed. Through these methods of tele-depth interviews, as
these approaches help to perform surveys in addition to technical ways. Moreover, to non-
sampling approaches, testing techniques for these studies. This work provides
Travelodge retailers with advantages in gathering reliable and consistent data with broad view of
data collection and removes any kind of discrimination. It also allows to evaluate potential
patterns or customers ' specific needs in an economic way. Nevertheless, performing the research
decreases the business profit gain, as it allows experts to consider views on new markets that
bring huge costs to the business (Sit, Hoang and Inversini, 2018).
Travelodge managers should therefore aim for an experimental research strategy in order
to obtain information via tele-depth interviews by introducing a genetic algorithm testing system
in which all community units have equal opportunities to be chosen. Supervisors may perform
wider analysis using statistical analysis techniques by including arbitrary surveys that can
generalize reliable results.

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P7. Ways through which marketer’s influences stages of decision making process for B2C and
Customer education is shown to the process in which individuals acquire purchasing and
also awareness of utilization in comparison to information implemented in the form of potential
relevant activity. Recognizing modern culture, counterculture as well as habits is very critical for
advertisers in identifying customer buying preferences along with other entities in a
particular way that business activities are efficiently conducted (Schütte and Ciarlante, 2016). In
Travelodge's sense, advertisers can affect the decision-making process for shoppers by
implementing the relevant theories. Customers are considered as the most significant factor in
connection to any and every form of company, because they're the origin of both sales and
income for an organization. This is important for each company in order to achieve consumer
wants and needs and achieve a competitive advantage over its competitors place. The position of
business person stayed strong across the entire process, which is to affect customers’ purchase
behaviors. Another well-described outline of marketing roles is provided as following:-
Travel lodge is specialized in offering individuals with personalized service packages that
are adapted to the individual of the consumer. This gives the consumer decision-making system a
huge push and a strong effect. In much the same way, if the corresponding hotel is considered for
the implementation of events and meetings, then provisions should be made for inflating the
sense of happiness achieved by the visitors.
Travelodge's executives should use the relational learning system framework to properly
make specific improvements in psychology. For this theory, supervisors can overcome
inappropriate habits and can consider the factors that emerge from them. Behavioral learning
theory is commonly always had to encourage improvement and improve consumers ' liberal
attitudes as it improves self-belief that creates trust (Zhang, Ma and Wang, 2019).
Consumer conduct applies to the behavior of people who purchase goods for immediate
use, along with the choice taking. Stages in customer policy making are pre-purchase phase,
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purchase phase, obtain phase and after-purchase appraisal phase. Along with Various Associated
factors that are part of consumer decision making level comprises of extensive problem solving,
limited problem solving as well as routine problem solving. Various factors influencing decision
making are Heuristic factors, Marketing mix factors and Technological factors. Quantitative
methods are component of B2C and B2B research methods that aid in the collection of data
regarding the current views and perceptions of buyers. Cognitive learning theory and behavioral
learning theory are several areas in which advertisers can affect techniques for choice-making.
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Books and Journal
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models. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy. 7(3). pp.269-286.
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Jaiswal, D. and Singh, B., 2018. Toward sustainable consumption: Investigating the determinants
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Jellil, A., Woolley, E. and Rahimifard, S., 2018. Towards integrating production and
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Sit, J. K., Hoang, A. and Inversini, A., 2018. Showrooming and retail opportunities: A qualitative
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Zhang, X., Ma, L. and Wang, G. S., 2019. Investigating consumer word-of-mouth behaviour in a
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