
Thomas Cook's Business Challenges in Vietnam


Added on  2020-10-04

12 Pages3983 Words71 Views
Contemporary Issues In Travel And Tourism
Thomas Cook's Business Challenges in Vietnam_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3P 1.1 Current Issues That Are Driving Changes In The Travel And Tourism Sector................3P 1.2 Issues That Are Driving Changes In Vietnam...................................................................4TASK 2 ...........................................................................................................................................5P 2.1 Emerging Trends That Are Influencing Changes In Travel And Tourism Sector.............5P 2.2 Emerging Trends Affecting Tourism Products And Services In Vietnam........................6TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7P 3.1 Ways Of Responding To Emerging Trends And Changes By Travel And TourismIndustry.......................................................................................................................................7P 3.2 Development Of Strategies By Thomas Cook In Order To Respond To Changes...........8P 3.3 Justification Of Strategies Applied By Thomas Cook.......................................................9TASK 4 .........................................................................................................................................10P 4.1 Impacts Of Issues And Trends That Drive Changes In Travel And Tourism Sectors.....10P 4.2 Consequences For Thomas Cook To Failing In Responding To Market Changes..........11CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12
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INTRODUCTIONTravel and tourism industry is growing and developing on a fast rate. This business aimsat satisfying customers by providing them with best service experience. Travel and tourismsector provides wide range of services including accommodation, transportation facilities,arranging events and recreation facility, sight seeing of the destination. This sector is facingvarious contemporary issues such as terrorism, negative cultural impacts, etc. Thomas Cook touroperator aims at providing and delivering the best goods and services related to tourism. ThomasCook tour operator carries out various services such as passenger transport, packaging andmarketing of tours, arranging holidays, etc. This study report explains currently developingissues of tourism sector and it's emerging trends. It also explains and investigate aboutproduction and deliver of tourism products and services. TASK 1P 1.1 Current Issues That Are Driving Changes In The Travel And Tourism SectorTravel and tourism industry serves millions of people around the world. It focuses onsatisfying tourists and giving them best travel experience. Travel and tourism industry faceseveral issues which affects its business and operations. These sectors aim at tackling the issuesand proving complete satisfaction to clients and tourists. Most issues are happening because ofchanges and variation in socio-cultural upbringings and it leads to affecting tourism relatedactivities. Some travel and tourism related issues are explained below:Travel and tourism sectors are facing issues related to security threats. Various touristdestinations are facing issues related to various terrors and criminal activities. It greatly affectsand influences the tourist destinations. People feel scared to go to that destination which haveissues related to safety. Travel or tour operator should ensure to provide packages which are safeand free from terror activities. Standardization of products is also a major issues which is faced by travel and touristsectors. Opportunity of exploring and bringing uniqueness in travel destination is difficult and itleads to decrease in demand of destination. Travel sectors fails to provide new and specific goodsand services in tourist destinations that influences and affects decisions of tourists. Changes in socio-cultural factors also affects and influences business of travel and touristsectors. The changes in people's lifestyle brings issues for travel and tourism industry across the
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world. For example, changes of moving into nuclear family from joint families also affects travelsectors. Environmental factors greatly affects the business and operations of travel and touristsectors. These factors include climatic changes, pollution, availability of natural resources in atourist destination. It greatly influences the decisions of clients and tourists. Political conditions of country affects travel and tourist sectors. The political factors ofcountry or destination acts as hindrance for tourists while traveling to specific destinations. Thedestination hindrance are related to visa acceptance, rules and regulations for tourist, amenitiesbeing provided, etc. these factors greatly affect travel sectors.P 1.2 Issues That Are Driving Changes In VietnamTravel and tourism industries help in development of destination country. It bringsvarious economic opportunities for development and growth. There are various factors whichinfluence and affects travel and tourism industries(So and et.el., 2016). Vietnam has emerged asone of the brightest emerging markets around the world and it attracts wide number of tourists.But there are certain issues that affect the business of travel and tourist in Vietnam which areexplained as follows.Local authorities of Vietnam fails to maintain pristine attractions which affects businessoperations of tourist sectors. This happens because of increasing pollution and traffic in thecountry. These factors affect travel industries in attracting clients and tourists. Vietnam havebeautiful cultures, sceneries and sight seeing available in various destinations which attractscustomers but these issues limits number of people.Another issues which affects business of travel and tourist sector is that of security.Tourist feel unsafe to roam around Vietnam because it has issues of robberies, tourist mugging,thefts, etc. The safety issues greatly affects travel and tourism sector of Vietnam which needs tobe corrected in order to increase number of tourist(Mason, 2015).One of the issues which drive changes in travel industry is high cost of visiting toVietnam. Its currency has devalued against US dollar which has resulted in increased travelingexpenses in Vietnam. The general travel and accommodation got raised and got expensive whichlimits number of tourist and creates issues for travel and tourist sectors.Certain issues needs to be looked up on and resolved by Vietnam authorities so that it canattract foreign visitors and boom the travel and tourist sectors. Security, visa cost and other
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