
Research Paper Template Your Name and Student Number: 0 MANAGEMENT 7 LEADERSHIP


Added on  2022-07-29

9 Pages1728 Words21 Views
Leadership Management
Research Paper Template Your Name and Student Number: 0 MANAGEMENT 7 LEADERSHIP_1

Research paper template
Your Name and Student Number:
The Harvard referencing system must be used throughout the paper the
word count is 1300 words NOT including the reference list
1. What is the “Contingency” approach to Leadership? 400 words
The contingency theory of leadership states that effectiveness of leaders is based
on the degree of leadership style leaders in the given situation. It is important for
the leaders to understand the kind of leadership style which should be adopted in
the given period of time. The approach demonstrates that there is no efficient
method of the leadership and adequate leaders fits their behavior according to the
requirement of the situation. The theory is defined by adopting three factors so that
effectiveness is maintained in the organization which includes ‘leader-member
relation”, “task-structure”, “positional power” (Fenici & Zawidzki, 2016).
It is estimated that the three factors combine together to maintain the efficiency
and effectiveness in the organization. There are various other factors which can be
adopted by leaders and supports the leaders to get success in the specific project.
The essence of the contingency approach is considered one of the important
theories it is because of adopting the styles acceding to the needs and requirement
of the situation and it also include the nature and behavior of the group members
(Fenici & Zawidzki, 2016). Therefore, it is estimated that this approach is considered
more effectiveness is maximized by adopting the behavior and attitudes which is
relevant to the behavior of the group members and at the same time and provide
positive results in the given situation.
Research Paper Template Your Name and Student Number: 0 MANAGEMENT 7 LEADERSHIP_2

It is the process in which leaders adopt the procedure of guiding the other members
to lead the group members so that it can influence the team members to
accomplish the particular task. This leadership approach is important because this
is open minded and adopt the validity of the principles. This supports the employees
to use various techniques, theories so that efficient management of external
environment and suitable technique with the leadership traits is adopted so that
profitability of the organization is maintained.
This approach is dynamic and in this leader changes the policies and structure
according to circumstances this will considered important and maintain situation
and various other factor in the organization. Furthermore, also support in increasing
the various skills and abilities among the leaders, in which decision making skills is
one of the capability which increase the knowledge of the leaders (Fenici &
Zawidzki, 2016). Therefore, in this approach employees made effective design of
the organizational structure and framework as well as supports in planning the
information decision system. The contingency approach so leadership give several
option to the other staff members through which they can develop in the long run.
Research Paper Template Your Name and Student Number: 0 MANAGEMENT 7 LEADERSHIP_3

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