
Corporate Social Responsibility in Indian and Sweden companies


Added on  2020-06-04

26 Pages8015 Words123 Views
Corporate Social Responsibility in Indian and Sweden companies_1

Table of Contents
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................5
THEORY DEVELOPMENT AND HYPOTHESES FORMULATION........................................8
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...................................................................................................13
Corporate Social Responsibility in Indian and Sweden companies_2

This report intends to highlight the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on the
organisational performance. In this respect, insight from Indian and Sweden companies has been
taken into account. This is so because both possess differences in policies of CSR which can
cause variation on organisational performance. CSR is directly associated with the business
expenses and therefore present research highlighted its role on the business performance. In this
respect, relevant hypotheses are framed and tested. To collect the relevant data regarding CSR
and business performance, 5 leading retail firms from each of the mentioned country is taken into
account. Data has been collected with the help of survey techniques so that wide range of
respondents can be taken. In order to test the hypothesis, quantitative technique is focused. For
this, SPSS is used to apply statistical measures like correlation, regression and ANOVA. This
research will certainly support in assessing the difference in the impact of CSR activity over the
business performance in two distinct countries i.e. India and Sweden. Based on it, relevant
strategies and measures can be taken into account to reduce the negative impact of CSR on
business performance.
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Topic- To analyse the impact of CSR on the performance of an entity: A case study on India and
Sweden's retail business organisation
The research has been conducted on corporate social responsibility. This have to be
fulfilled by every company. The management of the company realises some responsibilities
towards the economic environment and social culture. For getting the advantages in terms of
growth and promotion, this investigation is very important. In this work, information will be
gathered regarding India and Sweden company's. Both Countries have their own CSR polices
which companies have to follow. This will give effect on environment but that will be having
difference in both nations. Performance motivation is an important aspect in this regard. The
motivation can be in terms of profit which business will generate by performing the activities in
environment. There are some major challenges that are faced by an organisation like selecting
the effective activity of CSR according to strategy along with better engagement of stakeholders
with management of the business organization. This will also help in reducing the risk of
reputation in the market because it leads to promotion of the business concern in the society. So
they have decided to make a research on CSR activity as this will make effective growth of the
firm. There are some skills which are required in making investigation like collection, comparing
and analysing data in the effectual way.
Aims and objectives
The research has conducted to find out the impact of the corporate social responsibility
on company. This have been done on the two countries companies. Research objective have to
be define while preparing for investment. The aims and objectives are back bone of the research
because this will give the direction to perform activity. There are following aims and objectives:
The impact of corporate social responsibility on performance of organisation.
To evaluate the way in which CSR leads to success of company
To Find out the methods by which organisation can perform CSR effectively
To assess the benefits of CSR in organisation.
To evaluate the effect of CSR applied in India and Sweden.
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Research question
Aim and objectives has been defined on CSR. Analysing the impact of CSR on
company’s performance. For finding the challenges in investigation research questions have to
be prepared.
Q. In what ways CSR can lead a company towards success?
Q. Finding the Best method of CSR activity?
Q. Analysing benefits of CSR activity?
Q. What is the effect of CSR in India and Sweden?
Research hypothesis
Hypothesis 1
HO (Null hypothesis): There is no significant relationship takes place between CSR and
organizational success.
H1 (Alternative hypothesis): There is a significant relationship takes place between CSR and
organizational success.
Hypothesis 2
HO: There is no significant difference take place in the mean value of CSR activities performed
by India and Sweden.
H1: There is a significant difference take place in the mean value of CSR activities performed by
India and Sweden.
Rationale of the study
The rationale of this research proposal is to evaluate the effects of implementing the CSR
activities in company of two countries. CSR activity performed for benefits of the organisation
and society. When this action gets perform that will help in making profit for business by the
promotion. It supports in making good brand name of company. It will help in fulfilment the
requirements of the society. This will make the impressive CSR activity.
What is issue?
Basic issue of the current research is to evaluate the impact of corporate social
responsibilities measures adopted by the companies operated in a retail industry in India and
Sweden which involves in providing charity services to facilitate the needy people in a society.
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CSR activities conducted by an entity are analysed in relation to the impact of this on the
existing business performance of an entity.
Why it is issue?
CSR initiatives taken by an entity are required to be analysed properly as this would
affect an entity's current market status as customers will support this organisation which are
highly involved in offering CSR activities depicts the transparent activities of organisations in
front of al the users of market.
Why it is an issue now?
Scope of business gets increases or decreases with the changes takes places in the
external business environment which will be helpful for an entity by analysing its CSR activities
in order to ensure higher business performance over a certain period.
What light shed on?
Current research emphasises on the current needs and aspirations of an entity which can
be fulfilled with the help of al the CSR activities conducted by an entity in order to capture
higher market share in the external business environment.
Analysing and framework
In 1960 the corporate social responsibility has been introduced. In this, organisation have
to take care of their stakeholders and engage with them. The stakeholders are those people who
affects the business activity like employees, suppliers, and customer. In this CSR programmes
they have to take care of health and safety issues but also focuses on the environmental and
ethical matters. For an instance, Nike is one of the famous brand name in the market, but, they
are not performing well in respect to their responsibilities towards society. Due to this, their
brand name and personality got disturbed. This will give impact on their performance. In Sweden
all most all the companies are performing the CSR because they believe that they will get
advantage in making competition in market. Atlas Copco is a company which is working in
accordance with Corporate social responsibility because they believe this is effective opportunity
for growth of the business.
Significance of the study
In present time period the companies are responsible for their activity and operation
which affects the society. Now days the companies are making their long term objectives and
goals and for that managers and leaders of a business organization has to comply by the CSR
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