
Creative and Critical Thinking Skills PDF


Added on  2020-12-26

11 Pages3314 Words393 Views
Professional DevelopmentDesign and Creativity
Critical Evaluation of
Creative Thinking skills
Creative and Critical Thinking Skills PDF_1

Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................................1
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This report provides a critical analysis on how creative thinking skills helps in increasing
operational efficiency, performance and productivity of the company. Creativity is a broader
concept and the first step towards innovation. Creative thinking means bringing new and creative
ideas, skills and thoughts in different areas of interest to perform task effectively. Various
effective tools can be implemented to judge the capabilities of learning and helps achieve goals
of the organization by optimally utilizing the resources. Organisation uses different techniques to
motivate employees to be more creative at their work place. Stage Model theory is implemented
by DRAX to motivate their employees. Various characteristics of creativity and skills are
executed which helps in sustainable growth of the business. Creating and innovating some new
concept helps in solving and directing the creative value for future use. Techniques such as brain
writing helps them in panning the ideas and implementing them which leads to higher results and
outcomes. It has been analysed that, creative thinking is based on individual personality traits,
knowledge and cognitive style which leads to sustainable growth and success of Drax by
encouraging new ideas and thoughts of the individuals.
Creative thinking means finding an innovative and creative way to do something out of
the box. Creative people have capability to devise new ways of doing a particular task and helps
in solving problems and meet challenges effectively and efficiently which leads to higher
operation efficiency, performance and productivity (Creative Thinking Definition, Skills, and
Examples, 2019). Creativity is the process of turning imaginative and new ideas into reality. On
the other hand, innovation is the process of implementing improved ideas which creates more
value for the business. Creativity and innovation are related and creativity is a broader concept
and the first step towards innovation (WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CREATIVITY
AND INNOVATION?, 2019). This study will critically evaluate modern day perspective which
leads organization to promote creative thinking in group of individuals which leads to higher
sustainable growth and development. Drax group plc is an electrical power generation company
which was founded in the year 2005. It mainly deals in electrical power and the by-products of
power products. Drax group plc aim at sanctioning zero carbon and reduced cost energy future.
Drax power station is one of the biggest renewable generator in United Kingdom. The main issue
faced by Drax plc is that the power station emits dust particles which adversely impact the
Creative and Critical Thinking Skills PDF_3

environment. This study also critically evaluate development of individual /group creative
thinking skills and the characteristics that drive individual creativity in relation with Drax group
plc. This study also critically analyse individual barriers to creativity and how these problems
can be solved using effective theories and techniques. Lastly, it also includes conclusion and
effective recommendation for higher operational efficiency which leads to sustainable growth
and development of the company.
Analysis of Individual creative thinking skill Tools and theory:
Creative thinking means creating some new ideas in the form of thoughts, skills and
knowledge in different interest of fields. As every individual are creative but they show their
creative in many ways. Innovation is differed from creativity in many ways but the common
relation between them is focus is the main aspect which is needed in both to apply in
organisation (Creative Thinking Skills, 2019). Creativity is related to imagination i.e. imagine
various thoughts and ideas and implementing them for the fresh start as it involves less risk to
fulfil it. However, in case of innovation it is related to Implementation as if new ideas are not
implemented at that certain time it adopted by different person and they take patent for it.
To enhance the creativity of individual in every organisation there are various tools
which is to be implemented to judge the capabilities of learning and make it possible to achieve
goals (Mumford and et.al., 2017). Mind mapping is the tool that is used by the organisation to
examine the thinking of the employees and individual engaged with the company. Due to daily
activities in work they came across with many ideas regarding work improvement, task to be
achieved in different ways and to achieve target while working as a team. Organisation
encourage their employees to discus their plans and implement them to bring new and innovative
concepts in the market. Changes in Perspective is also an important tool to engage individuals
into creative thinking (Apino and Retnawati, 2017). As positive thoughts always welcome new
and fresh ideas in mind and to look that matters in different way helps them to make it more
Organisation uses different techniques to motivate employees to be more creative at their
work place. They give opportunities to look their surroundings and environment and manage to
analyse the changes which are needed to develop in their concept of working (Howard, Tang and
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