
Critical Review of Authentic Leadership Report


Added on  2020-04-07

6 Pages1330 Words105 Views
CRITICAL REVIEW OF AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP 1PART B: IMPLEMENTATION, SUMMARY, AND REFLECTIONThree Week Timeline of ActivitiesWeek 1Day 1Day 2 Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7Read the book Leadership: Theory, application, & skill developmentby R.N. Lussier, and C.F. Achua to understandthe general concept of leadership. This will help improvemy self-awareness as an authentic leader as her results and perspectives will help me reflect back to my ownWatch “Locus of Control Video’ by R.Wengrzyn. Mirror on his speech and try reflect on theinternal and external locus of control factors. I digdeeper into the subject to discover that locus of control demands honest reflection onhow one thinks, behaves and acts rather than being Conduct the ‘Transformational leadership assessment’ as well as complete the “Authentic Leadership Assessment Questionnaire”. Ithelps to gain a better understanding of my leadership style as well as leadership skills.Generate feedback on the outcome and derive judgments so as to demonstrate that it is reliable and compares to my individual traits.Reflect on my former years and identify instances of leadership to analyze events that created an impact on my behaviors and emotional wellbeing.Conduct a self-assessment to evaluate the components of self-awareness and moral perspectives and see if it contributes to self-regulation and effectiveleadership.Talk to my peers to study my emotional intelligence and provide feedback. Thisallows me to better understand where I rate on the emotional intelligence scale. I then take into consideration the feedback and suggestions assessment forimprovements.Reflect on theactivities done during the week.I ask myself the questions:what are my key strengths and shortcomings,how do I serve others best, are my actions influenced bymy beliefs and ethical standards, and are my behaviors consistent with what I let out of my mouth.
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CRITICAL REVIEW OF AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP 2centered on the doubts and reasoning. It follows that we should go for an idea that feels right than others.https://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/35189181/leadership_book.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A&Expires=1507368032&Signature=9Cuh8cZqS%2FxnQ3Nw%2BKjmrJ%2B7JGA%3D&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3DLeadership_book.pdfhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ea4xy8KIKBIWeek 2Day 8Day 9Day 10Day 11Day 12Day 13Day 14Focus on my key strengths to keep me ontrack and flaws and identify ways to minimize these events from restricting myleadership Watch ‘The happy secret to better work’ by S. Achor. While reflecting on the talk I wasable to question his theories and To create realistic goalsfor my career.It serves as a great motivation and allows me to gain a clear vision for my future.Also, I was Focus on my limitations andseek the complements of others. I then question myself where did I experience the greatest adversity, Again, I collaborate with my peers to identify and understand their emotions. I utilize an ‘Emotional intelligence’ Make observations on myself and involve my peers to provide reflective justification with positive rationale. The personal Reflect on the activities done during the week. Articulated a list of objectives and created a vision for myfuture career. While
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CRITICAL REVIEW OF AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP 3approach.thoughts on the subject and ask why some people are able to make greaterchanges in their lives and careers while others make no changes to themselves.able to identify how Iam going to realize my career objectives and vision.what are my feelings, what resources or people should I seek help from to get meout of the situation, and how to solve such issues. Try to figure out what keepsme motivated and to determine whether the urge is intrinsic or extrinsic. In this way, I am able to understand mymotivations, what is really important, how intrinsic and extrinsic variables conflict, and how to resolvetool to assess them. Also, listenedto ‘Corporatemindfulness’ training by G. Doogue. Internalize onthe speech and try to identify the many techniques employed by organizationsto promote employee satisfaction and productivity.analysis allowsme to look at the outcomes of my decisions which creates a personal feedback to examine the good, the bad and those events that need improvements.By including colleagues to observe my behaviors, I am able to generate immediate advice with positive feedback.examining emotional intelligence, Ilook at four aspects namely self-awareness, social awareness, self-management,and relationship management components that require to be nurtured. Also, while making personal observations, I was able to come up withpersonal feedback thatshows what activity went as planned and what
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