
Cross Border or Global Organisations and Administrations


Added on  2023-01-19

12 Pages4355 Words57 Views
Business DevelopmentProfessional DevelopmentData Science and Big DataPolitical Science
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Cross Border or Global Organisations and Administrations_1

Table of Contents
Question 1..................................................................................................................................2
(a) Critical analysis of the political, social, ethical and operational needs for common strategy
in cross border or global organisations and administrations......................................................2
(b) Identification of the methodologies by which strategy is evolved and developed for cross
border or global organisations to enable external collaboration on a national and international
(c) Critical identification of the opportunities for the future development of strategy so as to
enhance the impact on the component organisations, administrations and key stakeholders....4
Question 2..................................................................................................................................4
(a) Critical discussion of what collective strategy is and how it is formed from the policies of
the organisations, administrations and key stakeholders...........................................................4
(b) Identify with critical commentary upon the key policy and strategy issues that influence
(c) Explicate how strategy is influenced by the reality of factors including political, global,
public interest, media impact, and social, cultural and religious in the modern context...........6
Question 3..................................................................................................................................7
(a) Critically assess how to resolve tensions between cultures and ethics of contributing........7
(b) Critically evaluate how strategic intelligence is used in the development and formulation
of strategy...................................................................................................................................8
(c) Contribute original thinking to the formulation and development of strategy.....................9
Cross Border or Global Organisations and Administrations_2

Cross border or global organisations can be seen to function all across the landscape of the
world. Cross border organisations can be seen to function in the light of various different
countries and under various different situations of the market. This study seeks to take the
case of Amazon and understand the various problems that are faced by the organisation in the
global market. The study also seeks to understand the various different methods with which
effective strategies for collaboration are derived and this helps in understanding the basics of
cross border management. It can also be viewed that the study seeks to understand the
concepts of cross cultural management and effectively. It further seeks to critically evaluate
strategies and develop an original one.
Question 1
(a) Critical analysis of the political, social, ethical and operational needs for common
strategy in cross border or global organisations and administrations.
Global Organisations and factors
In the case of Global organisations or cross border organisations it can be understood that
there are various different factors involved in the light of the environment which the
organisations face. According to Bracken et al. (2016), there are essentially three major
factors in the context of the business of an organisation which are the political, social and the
ethical factors surrounding the company. In the case of Amazon, it can be viewed that it
functions in a host of different countries primarily India and the UK. It can be understood
from this that the company of Amazon needs to develop its policies in a way which adheres
to the political scenario of both the countries. In the light of the UK, it can be understood that
Amazon has proper policies of maintaining transparency because of the government rules and
regulations, whereas in India it focuses on customer service due to governmental measures
and the consumer forum (Mamber, 2016).
Amazon and surrounding Factors
In the context of global organisations it can also be understood that different regions have
different social cultures and views pertaining to the services of companies. In this context
Amazon has kept in mind that for India customer service matters the most and thus it
Cross Border or Global Organisations and Administrations_3

effectively bases its policies around effective customer satisfaction. Ethics is also interrelated
with the social sphere of the business and it can be understood that business in the context of
the organisation the ethics which are followed by the company largely depend upon the
environment that the company functions in (Davies, 2019). In the light of Amazon it can be
understood that in both the countries it pays major focus to transparency.
(b) Identification of the methodologies by which strategy is evolved and developed for
cross border or global organisations to enable external collaboration on a national and
international basis.
Strategy Development
Strategy development is a very important aspect in the context of the global organisations. It
can be understood that developing effective strategies helps in formulating plans properly and
in accordance to the scenario of the country. According to Kickbusch et al. (2017), it can also
be viewed that strategy formulation helps a company in gaining a competitive advantage in
the terms of the market and effectively helps them in order to gain market shares as compared
to their competitors. In the light of strategy development it can be understood that there are a
few important steps. The primary step of strategy formulation is to understand the current
scenario of the economy that the business is functioning in and effectively conducting a
market study in order to understand the consumer and the market dynamics of the industry.
Once these are understood the companies such as Amazon may look into the various different
areas where there is scope for business development and they must effectively capitalise on
such areas of development (Hanegraaff et al. 2016). After the identification of appropriate
areas of development it can be understood that the companies need to set effective objectives
in order to achieve their goals in the context of the country. After objective development the
organisations must focus on creating a proper plan of communication in order to effectively
and efficiently carry out the plan that has been set up by the organisation.
Use of Strategies
By using these strategies effectively the companies may seek out companies in the context of
the industry with similar form working patterns and styles and may effectively collaborate in
order to compete in the market. It can be understood that collaboration is extremely necessary
in the light of a saturated market and it gives an entry to the new company in the light of such
scenarios (Waddell, 2017).
Cross Border or Global Organisations and Administrations_4

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