
Cultural Diversity and Relevant Issues


Added on  2023-06-06

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Cultural Diversity and Relevant Issues
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Cultural Diversity and Relevant Issues_1

The term ‘culture’ includes so many aspects such as language, values, traditions, beliefs
and customs. The history of a community reflects their culture, heritage and inn heritage the
ways of expressing ideas get reflected. Cultural humility is a concept which maintains and
interpersonal attitude which is open to other related to cultural identity (Banks, 2015). It is
different from other ideals because it focuses on the self-humiliation rather than self-awareness.
On the other hand, cultural responsiveness describes the ability and awareness of responding
instantly to the general wellness issues of other cultures. In order to become culturally
responsive, one needs to become respectful towards the beliefs, values and traditions of other
It has been found that cultural humility is a serious issue which requires deeper
exploration. In the article titled as “Cultural Humility: Measuring Openness to Culturally Diverse
Clients” the authors have provided a detailed description of cultural humility relating it with
multicultural focus on openness to other people (Hook et al., 2013). The article further highlights
that those therapists who cannot create a therapeutic environment for diverse cultured clients
may find it difficult to work smoothly. According to my observations Cultural humility helps the
most to counteract and control weakness in alliance caused by cultural diversity.
Psychodynamic theory in this respect is the most relatable with the concept of social
diversity and cultural humiliation. Sigmund Freud has originated this personality theory which
has a complex and long history in social work and the social workers have been using it since
ages. It is a kind of theory which explains human motivation and behavior in terms both of
unconscious and conscious forces and the interplay between these (Hutchinson & Oltedal, 2014).
Cultural Diversity and Relevant Issues_2

Psychoanalytic contributions need to be acknowledged by the social workers for understanding
the therapeutic process.
The cultural diversity in organizations sometimes creates barriers for business operations.
People belonging to various geographical locations, with different language, appearance, race
and mindset come together and work where cultural humility is the most needed (Suedekum,
Wolf & Blien, 2014). In this professional context if the multicultural competencies can be
developed within the environment, the workers and subsequently the organization will be
benefitted in increasing a respectful atmosphere and productivity respectively. Workplace
diversity directly or indirectly impacts all as they get disturbed if not respected by others and do
not feel motivated or attached towards work.
Hence, drawing on the issue described in the mentioned article cultural humility can be
seen as a reliable and valid measure to cultural diversity caused difficulties. Although
multicultural competencies which involve self – awareness, skill and knowledge are effective,
the article has conceptualized that cultural humility is an ethical virtue that enables to establish
an interpersonal stance and see other cultures as superior.
Therefore, it is apparent from the above discussion that cultural humility is an aspect of
cultural diversity issues which teaches to perceive the superiority of other cultures. The relation
between a therapist and the client has been taken as a discussion field in the selected article.
Apart from this, cultural humility reducing the cultural diversity based issues in organizational
context has also been discussed. The ultimate conclusion can be drawn that cultural humility
should be developed within everyone. It can be developed by developing multicultural
Cultural Diversity and Relevant Issues_3

Racism is a specific ideology by which other ethnic group and racial myths are given
particular expression. According to such myths certain groups in society are born to be devalued
and rendered inferior which cause them suffer from cultural, social and power inequalities. In
sociology, on the other hand racialization is the method by which a racial identity is scribed in
social practice or on a particular community which itself was unaware of this racial difference or
identity (Winant, 2015). The main purpose of racialization is the intention of continuous
domination over the dominated group. Another concept is closely related with these topics that is
social Darwinism. It is a theory by which it is indicated that all human beings are subject to the
law of natural selection as propounded by Charles Darwin (Kaye, 2017). Social Darwinism says
that human beings are ruled by ‘struggle for existence’ where ‘survival of the fittest’ is inevitable
(Butler, 2016).
In the article titled as Racism, disadvantage and multiculturalism: towards effective anti-
racist praxis the authors argue that the terms ‘racism’ and ‘anti-racism’ hamper extremely the
multicultural practice of the modern society. The paper promotes anti –racism which eradicates
unequal distribution of opportunities (Berman & Paradies, 2010). Taking Australia as a case
study, the article shows that anti-racism policies are necessary when multiculturalism focuses on
installing diversity and eradicate racism. I have well understood that anti-racial praxis which
concentrates on broader community behaviors can one day bring equality of opportunity in
Symbolic interaction theory is one of the most significant input to the sociological
viewpoint and applicable to the concept of racism. Herbert Blumer in his book Symbolic
Cultural Diversity and Relevant Issues_4

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