
Professional Development in Individual, Teams and OrgANISATIONS


Added on  2020-07-22

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Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Professional Development in Individual, Teams and OrgANISATIONS_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1SECTION 1......................................................................................................................................1P1 Identifying appropriate skills, knowledge and behaviour required by HR professionals1P2 Personal skill audit to determine skills, knowledge and behaviour and formulateprofessional development plan...............................................................................................2P3 Evaluation of differences between individual and organisational training, learning anddevelopment...........................................................................................................................5P4 Need for continuous learning and professional development to drive sustainableorganisational performance....................................................................................................6SECTION 2......................................................................................................................................7P5 Contribution of HPW in employee engagement and competitive advantage...................7P6 Different approaches of performance management towards organisation........................8CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES ...........................................................................................................................11........................................................................................................................................................13
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INTRODUCTIONThe competition in the market is increasing day by day due to globalisation andtechnological evolvement. There are many competitors enters into market place with theirinnovative products. To compete and survive in the market, it is necessary for an organisation todevelop its teams, individual and workplace. It can be done on regular basis so that the firm canbe able to grow an survive in the market place for a long span of time (Berry, 2011). Theemployees in the firm are very important part of the company. Without them, no business canrun its operations smoothly. So, it is essential for an organisation to identify the needs ofdevelopment of individuals and teams in order to achieve the targets and goals of the company.In the present assignment, selected organisation is Tesco which is a leading grocery retailer ofUnited Kingdom. The headquarters of the company is located in England and provided itsservices to many countries. This assignment covers the identification of skills behaviour andknowledge required of the employees and the factors which are considered when evaluating andimplementing inclusive learning & development. It also includes the contribution of highperformance working in employee engagement. SECTION 1P1 Identifying appropriate skills, knowledge and behaviour required by HR professionalsHuman Resource Department is the important part of the company. The main task of thedepartment is to manage skilled and knowledgable workforce in order to improve theprofitability of the firm and to accomplish organisational goals and objectives. Human resourcemanagement is that concept on which the success of an organisation depends (Blanchard, 2010). HR Manager of Tesco plays an important roles and functions in the company such asrecruitment, selection, management, training and development etc. of the individuals. Formanaging all the activities in proper manner, the human resource manager should be skilled. Heshould have the ability to select the right individual and assign him the right position accordingto his skills in the company.Skills are those abilities which encourage the individual to do his job efficiently. Knowledge includes the experiences and facts which helps the employee in decisionmaking. Behaviour represents the way in which an individual behaves with others at workplace.1
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There are some skills and abilities which are essential for a HR professional in order toperform its responsibilities in effective manner. Some roles of HR Manager are as follows - Formulation and implementation of policies: It is necessary for the manager to preserveand promote the interest of employees within the organisation. He should formulate theappropriate policies for this and implement it. Acts as negotiator: Negotiation is the ability which helps in maintaining the balancebetween individual and employer needs. The HR manager of Tesco acts as a mediator betweenthe upper and lower management and are able to build healthy relations between them. Theneeds of both the employer and employee are different and the manager has the responsibility tonegotiate and satisfy the needs of both. This skill helps the manager in solving various businessissues (Champoux, 2010).Works as consultant: For providing proper guidance to employees, the human resourcemanager plays the role of consultant. He should have the ability to motivate the employees andproviding them with a path through which they are able to achieve individual as well asorganisational goals.Communicator: Human Resource Manager should have good communication skills. Heshould be a good communicator. It helps him in building strong relationships with the staffmembers and in creating positive work environment. By effective communication skills, themanagers are able to convey informations clearly among the employees and to understand theissues and provide solutions of those issues to them.Understanding individual behaviour: The manager should be a good observer. Heshould be able to understand the behaviour of individual and assign them duties as per theirnature and behaviour (Day and et. al., 2014). By this skill, the managers of Tesco are able toidentify the needs of the employees and provide him an appropriate training. P2 Personal skill audit to determine skills, knowledge and behaviour and formulate professionaldevelopment planAs per the given case study, Jane Cambridge is a Human Resource Officer. As a HRProfessional, she should have the abilities and skills which assist her in managing the manpowerin an organisation. But still she needs to develop some skills in order to perform her duties well.Personal audit can help her in identifying these skills and it can be done only by determiningstrengths and weaknesses. These are - 2
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Strengths: There are different kinds of HR skills which helped Jane in doing their duties.She have deep knowledge about employment laws which assist her in making effective policiesfor the company. She also have good leadership and interpersonal skills which help her to giveright guidance to the employees and interact with them in better manner. She is able tounderstand the problems face by the workforce and providing them solutions for it (Decuyperandet. al., 2010). Apart from this, she have IT skills. This skill helps her in making best use ofinternet and email. Weaknesses: Jane possess some weak points also which acts as a barrier whileperforming her duties. She has little or no experience about the use of specialist HR software anddatabase. Due to this, she is unable to make proper use of it. She can not be able to identify thetraining needs and deliver an appropriate training session to the employees. For developing professional skills, she needs to work upon its weaknesses and developsome additional skills which helps her in becoming a successful Human Resource Officer. Bythe below table, the audit of Jane's personal skills can be determined : Serialno. LearningobjectivesCurrentproficiencyTargetproficiencyDevelopment opportunitiesTime scale1Communicationskills 35Communication skills arenecessary in building healthyrelationship with employees.She have averagecommunication skills. Forimproving this skill, Janeneeds to attend conferencesand seminars. She also needsto attend group discussionswhere she can interact withother people (Bolman, 2017).It help in enhancing theseskills. 1 to 2months2Problemsolving skills 25Conflicts takes place in everyorganisation due to2 months3
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misconceptions betweenemployees and employer. As aHuman Resource Manager,Jane has the responsibility tosolve these issues. Forimproving problem solvingskills, she can take guidancefrom the experts in order todeal with the issues in a veryeffective manner. DevelopingIndividual,TeamsandOrganisations3Informationtechnology 35Today, IT becomes anessential part of the company,that is why they hire thosepeople who have soundknowledge of informationtechnology (Eraut and Hirsh,2010). In order to improvethese skills, Jane can join ITclasses and can perusingdiploma courses so that shecan get enough knowledgeabout IT and its use. 4 months4Supervisorymanagement 35Proper management ofactivities and functions of thecompany is necessary for thesmooth running of business.Management skills can beimproved by training andexperts advice. Soundknowledge of managementtheories and concepts can be3 months4
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