
Employee Motivation and Hotel Profitability Strategies


Added on  2020-10-22

12 Pages2497 Words271 Views
Developing Manager
Employee Motivation and Hotel Profitability Strategies_1

Table of ContentsTASK 1............................................................................................................................................3INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................31.1 b Skills of manager...........................................................................................................31.1 c List of a managers current possess skills and required skills........................................41.1 d A persons SWOT Analysis ...........................................................................................41.1 e Future objective of a manger to set career.....................................................................5CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................6REFERENCES................................................................................................................................71.1 f A person's CV with cover letter.....................................................................................8TASK 2..........................................................................................................................................10INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................102.k Summary of demonstrate leadership and motivation skills ...........................................102.i Key point in the discussion of meeting...........................................................................102.m Justification of recommendation for management........................................................11CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12
Employee Motivation and Hotel Profitability Strategies_2

TASK 1INTRODUCTIONThis report is based on Holiday inn which is founded by Kemmons Wilson in year 1952and headquarter is in Denham, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom. It is British owned Americanbrand hotel which is offering their products and services to worldwide (Isaga, Masurel and Van,2015). The taken job position for this task is hotel manager which I want to be in next 5 to 10year. 1.1 b Skills of managerThere are various type of skills which are required for a manger in an organization, somemajor of them required to work in respective hotel are given below:-Good Communication- It is most important skill which is required to become a goodmanager because they have to communicate things or opinions to others in appropriate mannerso they can understand it and conduct it in effective manner.Good Organisation-The next important skills which manager must have is ability toorganise things. It is their responsibility to develop plan, schedule it and then organise it andfollow it in appropriate manner.Team Building- It is the quality of good manger to connect and intact their team (Huntand Weintraub, 2016). A good manager identify problems and make successful and healthyteam by developing trust between them. Leadership-A effective manger listen to problems of their co-workers and solve it ineffective and efficient way to prove that he/ she is committed towards the organisational goal andobjective. Ability to deal with changes-It is the ability and skills of good manger to be flexible andadapt changes easily and effectively. They must have skill to take right decision in everysituation for their team and company. Domain Knowledge- It must be ability or skills of manger to understand each and everythings and task in appropriate manner because he/ she is the one who make strategies and planfor employees which they follow to achieve goal.
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1.1 c List of a managers current possess skills and required skillsTheir are certain skills which I already have to become a manger in Holiday Inn but thereare some skills and ability which are required, below the list of following are given:-Current possess skills Required skillsGood CommunicationLeadershipMotivatedProblem Solving Good OrganisationTeam Building Ability to deal with changes effectivelyDomain Knowledge Decision MakingMentoringProject Management Technical SkillsAll the above mentioned skills are important to become an effective and efficient mangerin respective hotel. It is so because it them to take appropriate planning, organising, staffing,motivating and so on decision in proper manner (Turner, 2014), so that Holiday Inn and itsemployees achieve the required goal and objective in effective way . 1.1 d A persons SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis of a person is conduct to identify its internal strength and weakness andalso its external opportunities and threats. By knowing this they can make plans and strategies toovercome and improve their weakness and threats as well as they able to know theiropportunities and then make plans and strategies to grab it (Beamish, 2013). By conductingSWOT analysis a person can also identify its strength which help them in making appropriatedecision according to the requirement and situation. The SWOT analysis of a manger is givenbelow:- StrengthWeaknessGood communication skills.Skills to organise things.Decision making skills in everysituation.Ability to deal with changes ineffective manner.Poor leadership quality.Lack of problem solving skills.Not able to use technical tools inappropriate manner.Less knowledge of domain.
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