
Developing Relationship and Workplace Assignment


Added on  2020-10-22

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Developing relationship and workplace
Developing Relationship and Workplace Assignment_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................3MAIN BODY ......................................................................................................................................31. Critical assessment of the potential benefit of developing the employees ...............................32. Evaluating development vehicles available to an enterprise and determining extend up to which it is suitable for catering the development need of an individual.........................................63. Developing a plan for catering to the identified requirement as well as expectation of employees........................................................................................................................................8CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................................12REFERENCES...................................................................................................................................13
Developing Relationship and Workplace Assignment_2

INTRODUCTION In present highly competitive and dynamic business environment good relationship betweenemployees is very much important in context of driving firm towards success. The growth of anorganization is completely dependent on the relationship between workers. Manager in enterprise isrequired to develop good working environment at workplace, as this will help them in providingstaff a chance to strengthen their relationship with each other. Employees relationship also havedirect as well as significant influence on business culture as well as performance. Rise in theconflicts in workplace can have negative effect on reputation of the firm. Increase in number ofdisputes among members as well as management can have adverse effect on customer services,productivity and profitability of an organization. Cooperative working as well as good relationshipbetween workers is the key factor which support business entities in gaining competitive advantage.The report has focus on identifying the significance as well as value of developingrelationship at workplace. In present study, the case study of Goole Hospitals NHS Trust has beenselected an example to demonstrate the way the relationship between employees effect businessoperations as well as organizational performance. It also emphasizes on benefits to an individualand company in context of developing employees at workplace.MAIN BODY 1. Critical assessment of the potential benefit of developing the employees Goole Hospitals NHS is the trust which consists of approx. forty-seven thousand employees.An organization was formed as a result of merger. Business entity has to face several issues aftermerger. As at the region or place where merger there culture was completely different. Lack of aneffective communication due to language barriers has given rise to the conflicts between tradeunions as well as management. As a result of which the relationship between workers wereconfrontational. In addition to this there was low level of trust between management andemployees. Due to lack of trust, workers were not allowed to participate in decision makingprocedure, and manager in Goole Hospitals NHS used to take explicit decision related to theemployees. Increase in conflicts as well as stressful working environment has direct as well assignificant effect on the reputation of firm (Mohammadi, Tavakoli and Babaei, 2017.). It is required by manager in Goole Hospitals NHS organization to developed an effectiveemployment policies. In addition to this, an organization is required to make investment ondeveloping the employees. As, investment on developing human resource is considered to be as aneffective strategy, as benefit of this can be gained by both company and individual worker. It is
Developing Relationship and Workplace Assignment_3

required by the manager in Goole Hospitals NHS to providing training to workers, as this willsupport in developing team of highly talented as well as skilled workforce which is very muchcrucial in context of driving company towards success. Training can be referred to as a plannedprocedure which is especially designed to for modifying behavior as well as supporting staff todevelop various skills as well as core competencies which is required for performing specific task atworkplace (BOLLMANN, 2017). It is required by management in an enterprise to provideemployees with learning as well as development opportunities, as this strategy will support them indemonstrating that they have concern for issues faced by workers at workplace which is consideredto be very crucial in order to develop strong relationship with employees. Providing of training aswell as learning opportunities is considered to be as an appropriate strategy as this also supportmanagement in ensuring an effective as well as efficient utilization of resources. In addition to this,training and development strategy will also support manager in developing highly creative andhealthy workplace culture which is very much crucial for supporting firm in gaining the competitiveadvantage at the workplace (Chen, 2018.). Training and development tactics will also assist an organization in attraction more talentedskilled employee. It also helps firm in increasing productivity as well as working efficiency. Thiswill support business entity in reducing the employees turn overrate. It is required by manager in anorganization to develop an effective work environment within an enterprise, as this will assistmanagement in ensuring employee engagement in business activity. Training and development alsosupport management in increasing employees' morale which is very much crucial in context ofencouraging them to increase their participation in business activities. Benefit of providing training to employees is that, highly trained workers supports anorganization in expanding business. They also support an enterprise in dealing with several businessissuers. Trained employees also bring in organization innovative ideas which can be utilized eitherfor improving business performance or gaining competitive advantage in the marker (Logue,2017). They also assist an organization in delivering the professional service to customer. Inaddition to this, development program also helps management in bringing all workers to higherlevel so that they could can similar knowledge as well as abilities. In addition to this, workers development also support companies in increasing sales as wellas profitability. It also enables an organization to run effectively (Cooper, 2018). In addition to this,training program also enables manager or leader to identify the potential employees. Training anddevelopment strategy is considered to be effective as it assists in reducing the supervision. It alsohelps in providing motivation to staff as well as inspiring them to increase their participation inbusiness activities. Reduction in costs, improved quality of products, high level of satisfaction is a
Developing Relationship and Workplace Assignment_4

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