
Developing Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Education and Training


Added on  2023-01-12

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Higher Education
Developing teaching, learning
and assessment in education
and training
Developing Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Education and Training_1

MAIN BODY........................................................................................................................................3
Task 1 A............................................................................................................................................3
Define Behaviour management..........................................................................................................3
Explain the importance of behaviour management in the classroom.................................................4
Analyse at least 4 pedagogical principles of behaviour management................................................4
Analyse other principles of behaviour management for group and individual behaviour
Analyse the theories of behaviour management.................................................................................6
Evaluate the effectiveness of your use of creative and innovative approaches to manage the learning
TASK 1 B..............................................................................................................................................8
Reflection activity.............................................................................................................................8
Why you think it is important and part of your responsibility to promote appropriate behaviour......8
What ways you would go about promoting equality and value diversity through your approaches to
education and training.......................................................................................................................9
TASK 8...............................................................................................................................................10
What is communication?.................................................................................................................10
Role of communication in teaching and learning.............................................................................10
Theories that can be used in communication...................................................................................11
How you use at least one of the above theories in your teaching, learning and assessment?...........12
Different forms of communication with their benefits and limitations...........................................13
TASK 11 A..........................................................................................................................................14
Analyse different types of assessment and against each type briefly explain the purpose and the
assessment outcome.........................................................................................................................14
TASK 11 B..........................................................................................................................................16
Explain how each method is effectively used in your practice........................................................16
How they met the needs of a particular learner and how they can be improved..............................17
Developing Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Education and Training_2

It is very important to develop and enhance teaching and learning activities in order to
improve the capability and education (Darling-Hammond and Hyler, 2013). There are
different ways through which teaching and learning activates can be improve and develop.
Training and education will support in improving different skills, knowledge and behaviour
of learner. Behaviour management will support in improving the performance as well as
influencing learner to accomplish desired goals. Communication is very important skills and
this play crucial role in improving teaching and learning practices. There are different types
of assessment which is develop for attaining different purpose. This report is based on travel
and tourism management as the area of specialist. Travel and tourism management learning
activity will support in improving the capability of person to correctly manage different task
of travel and tourism. This report will includes behaviour management and different
pedagogical principle of behaviour management. In this different innovative and creative
approaches of managing learning environment is also evaluated. It consist of importance of
promoting equality and diversity behaviour is analysed. This report includes various role of
communication in teaching and learning along with different communication theories. Apart
from this there are different types of assessment are analysed with the purpose and outcome.
Task 1 A
Define Behaviour management.
Behaviour management can be describe as the process of managing behaviour of
individual in order to attain set goals. This is effective in conducting modification in the
behaviour of person for influencing them. Learning and teaching activities can be enhanced
and improved with the support of effective behaviour management. Each and every
individual have different behaviour which needs to be managed correctly and appropriately in
order to shaping their skills and capability (Boud and Soler, 2016). Effective behaviour
management practices will lead to shaping and maintaining positive behaviour as well as
reducing negative behaviour. In travel and tourism management specialise area teacher or
trainer is responsible for managing the behaviour of students by developing set of rules,
consequences as well as schedule which need to be followed by every learner.
Developing Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Education and Training_3

Explain the importance of behaviour management in the classroom.
It is very important for teacher to manage behaviour of students and learner in classroom.
This will support in effective and efficient performance of teaching and learning activities.
Significance of behaviour management practices in classroom is mention below in detail –
Enhance effectiveness – Behaviour management will support in enhancing the effectiveness
of teaching or learning activities. (Wanner and Palmer, 2015) By managing behaviour is
correct manner as well as influencing students to perform classroom learning activities in
reduced manger. This will assist in conducting and performing task and activities in better
manner as well as improve the process of learning practice.
Improve communication – By managing behaviour of individual learner in classroom
teacher will be able to improve communication. This will lead to creating and build effective
and strong relationship between teacher and learner. It is very important for teacher to
conduct behaviour management practices in correct manner as this will support in enhancing
Save time – Behaviour management practices are considered to be important as this helps in
saving time of classroom teaching activities. It is crucial for teacher to develop and enhance
behaviour management activities as this will lead to provide more teaching time and
interruptions form teaching will be reduce.
Build positive and learning environment – Learner and student will be able to work
correctly and appropriately due to behaviour management. This is beneficial in creating
positive and learning environment in classroom which will lead to motivate student to be
more focused in learner and accomplishing goals.
Analyse at least 4 pedagogical principles of behaviour management.
Pedagogy can be describe as the methods or approaches of conducting teaching
practices (Black, 2015). There are different pedagogical principles that will support in
behaviour management in order to perform teaching and learning activities in effective
Pedagogical principles of behaviour management
Developing Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Education and Training_4

Concepts of specialist knowledge – According to this principle specialist knowledge will be
very helpful in enhancing the behaviour of individual. Concept of specialist knowledge will
support in providing expertise knowledge and information that will lead to enhance behaviour
of learner.
Experiential learning – Experiential learning is very effective in enhancing and improving the
knowledge and information of learner. Experiential learning principle state that learners
behaviour will be more focus towards learning through the process of conducting reflection.
This is helpful in enhancing the experiential learning process of individual.
Kinesthetic principles – As per this principle of behaviour management it has been analysed
that learner will learn best through their own experiences (Jones, Buntting, and de Vries,
2013). Kinaesthetic principle consider that learner will be able to develop long term memory
by conducting learning activities through physical experiences.
Taxonomy of learning – The principle includes three domain of learning which support in
improving the behaviour of learner towards learning activities. Three domain includes
cognitive which means thinking, affective refer as social and emotional feeling and
psychomotor is physical approach of learning.
Analyse other principles of behaviour management for group and individual behaviour
There are various other principle of behaviour that is effective in managing group and
individual behaviour management. It is crucial that teacher is using different principle in
order to enhance the behaviour as a group as well as individual in order to improve their
performance. Different principle related to group behaviour and individual behaviour is
mention below.
Group behaviour – In order to enhance the group behaviour of learn it is very
important for teacher to consider the principle of respect and valuing of each other. This will
support in creating and developing better and effective relationship between different group
member. It is very important to maximizing the skills and ability to learner so that group
behaviour will be increase (Kuh and et.al., 2014). Through this each and every member of
group will be able to put maximum skills and capability in for performing their task.
Opportunity of working with each other principle state that there are different opportunity of
learning that can be achieve by working in a group.
Developing Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Education and Training_5

Individual behaviour - Individual behaviour of learning will be enhanced by
different principles behaviour management. This principle supports in improving the
behaviour of of learner to accomplish their personal goal. Principle of ownership state that
individual behaviour should have ownership for their task and take responsibility. Motivation
is one of the crucial principal as through this teacher will be able to influence learner to
behave in correct and effective manner. Individual involvement and choice essential for
modify individual behaviour. Skill development principal refer that individual will be able to
behave positively when learning per lead to development in their s skills and capability.
Analyse the theories of behaviour management.
There are different theories that could be consider for enhancing and managing the
behaviour of learner. These theories will lead to provide guidance and support to teacher so
that they will be able to manage the activities of learner as well as motivate them to
accomplish desired goals and objective. Different theory of behaviour management includes
Maslow’s theory of basic needs and Herzberg’s motivational theory.
Maslow theory of basic needs
This theory is known as the theory of basic needs that is crucial for motivating
individual as well as enhancing their performance (Metzler, 2017). This theory is develop in
order to analyse and evaluate different needs of a individual which will support in
encouraging them. Different needs of individual is mention below in detail -
Physiological needs – This needs all those things which is important for survival and living.
It is very important that an individual basic needs such as food, water, air, shelter etc are full
Security and safety need – This includes the need of safety and security for living. Teacher
needs of focus in fear of changes and threat of learner in order to motivate them.
Social need – Social needs are very important for an individual and teacher needs to consider
group dynamics and size of group in order to meet with the social need of learner.
Esteem need – It refer the need of development and self reorganization for learner. In order
to full fill this need of learner teacher should appreciate learner.
Developing Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Education and Training_6

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Developing Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Education and Training