
Developing Teams in Business - Doc


Added on  2021-02-21

14 Pages3863 Words25 Views
Developing Teams in Business - Doc_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3P1 Different types of teams and benefits of teams for an organisation......................................3P2 Building cohesive teams that perform well...........................................................................4P3 Attributes and skill required by the team leader...................................................................5P4 Contribution of the team leaders in attaining the specific goals...........................................7P5 Explain way to dealt with conflict and difficult situation to achieve the specific team goal......................................................................................................................................................8P6. Explain the team performance and your contribution in the effectiveness of the team........9CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................11
Developing Teams in Business - Doc_2

INTRODUCTIONDevelopment or formation of a team is a crucial part in carrying out a business.Formation of a team involves following certain model or guidelines to create an efficient team(Bratianu and Vatamanescu, 2017).Uniliver is a British Dutch company having its headquarters in London, UK as well asRotterdam, Netherlands. The company manufactures various products and beauty products aswell. This report highlights the various types of teams formulated and their benefits. It alsodescribes building of cohesive teams. Further, the report highlights attributes and skills requiredand the role of team in achieving specific goals. This report also reviews overall effectivenessand provides feedback.MAIN BODYP1 Different types of teams and benefits of teams for an organisation.Team signifies a group of people working collectively towards achievement of a commongoal and objectives (Hazen and et.al., 2018). At Uniliver, there are various types of teams thatoperate and they can be classified as follows :-Informal and Formal Teams :- Informal teams are those teams where a group of peoplehaving common understanding and likes/ dislikes interact and form groups which are notformed by the organisation. Formal teams involve those structured teams which areformed for achieving a set purpose. These teams i.e. formal teams are formed by theorganisation and every individual in the team works in a specified role operating as perthe rules formed. Virtual Teams :- When the operations of a company are scattered all over the globe overdifferent regions and countries. Such dispersion of employees is bridged together with theassistance of technology. When they need to work collectively in a team, they connectwith each other through various techniques like virtual conferences, online groups, chatbots etc. this mode of working together through internet is called formation of virtualteams (Jennings and Stahl-Wert, 2016).Operational and Support Teams :- operational team involves those performing thebasics operations or tasks in an organisation and are treated as the face of anyorganisation. They help in successful completion of the tasks which assists the managerson higher levels. Support teams are those teams which act as the back up for the other3
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teams motivating them to complete their job effectively and efficiently. They involve ITpersonnel, HR department, office and administrative department etc. Management and Strategic Teams :- Management teams manage the various operationsas well as the employees who aim to achieve the desired goals and Strategic teams are theones which provide the employees with the required leadership and direction to them(Burns, 2016). They collectively monitor the external environment and manage teameffectively to achieve desired goals.Benefits of Teams in Unilever :- These different types of team are extremely beneficial for theorganisation. At Unilever, support teams are extremely useful ensuring rightful and equaldistribution of the work ensuring motivated and happy employee base. Virtual team integratesthe various operations and activities of a company spread all over thus bringing them together inachieving even more targets and making Unilever successful. Teams help the company isachieving their goals while working collectively in peaceful manner. Further, breakdown ofemployees into various teams gives them insight regarding different operations and activitiesthus improving their understanding and knowledge regarding team work (Caporarello, Magniand Pennarola, 2018). In essence, different kinds of teams help Unilever in carrying out all theiractivities smoothly and operating the different parts of business successfully.P2 Building cohesive teams that perform well.Cohesive word signifies coming together of different individuals together and formationof a team for achieving the tasks performed. Every organisation should form the teams withutmost care. A team should have a strong leader which encourages formation of great bondsbetween them thus helping them to communicate better. Identifying every individuals key abilityand tasking them accordingly helps in formation of a cohesive team which will help in increasingthe performance.At Unilever, teams are formed on the basis of Belbin Theory. Belbin stated nine types ofdifferent personalities classified on the basis of their behaviour and assigning tasks to themaccordingly (Rijo, Martinho and Ermida, 2015). The nine roles described in Belbin Theory are :- Resource Invigilator – Keeps the team members dedicated towards achieving tasks.Team worker – Brings the team together and identifies the work to be performed.Co-ordinator – Focuses on objectives and delegates tasks to team members.Plant – Creative mind and conveyor of unconventional methods for solutions.4
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