
[PDF] Cross Cultural Management Assignment


Added on  2021-02-21

13 Pages2650 Words48 Views
Discuss how an understandingof the status, benefits andchallenges of Cross CulturalManagement and the work ofHofstede may aid aHospitality Manage
[PDF] Cross Cultural Management Assignment_1

TABLE OF CONTENTASSESSMENT 1 ............................................................................................................................1INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................1Cross cultural management within hospitality ............................................................................1Role of understanding various dimensions of cross culture management ..................................2Contribution of Hofsted work in managing cultural diversity ....................................................4CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................6REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................................7
[PDF] Cross Cultural Management Assignment_2

ASSESSMENT 1 INTRODUCTION Cross cultural management is defined as the management practices to promote team workinvolving cultural differences, preferences and practices in context of international business.Cross culture concepts are applied to both employees as well as needs of customers which maybelong to different countries or culture. Hospitality industry provides services to diversifiedgroups and thus it becomes necessary for the industry to support management practices related tocross culture (Thomas and Peterson, 2016). It not only enhances service quality but also assurethe organisations to serve their purpose of providing hospitality demands. Hotel Hilton is one of the most successful hospitality chain and has huge number ofcustomers across UK. The organisation also has its services in different corners of the world.Thus cultural considerations are vital for its success. The report will provide the significance ofcultural understanding and impact of Hofsted theory in hospitality industry through a caseexample of Hilton hotel. Cross cultural management within hospitality Cross culture has strong impact upon success of organisation and thus managers must beaware of these issues and what impact they can impose in future. The cultural aspects may bringvariation in preferences, language and perspectives of individual. Thus it can bring significantdifferences in communication practices and understanding among team members as well as withcustomers. For instance team members of Hotel Hilton belongs to different culture and provideservices to different people from various cultural background. Hence communication issues,business environment due to culture can disturb the business efficiency. The most common cross culture barrier faced by Hilton is known as communication.Some staff members may face difficulties in interacting with customers or other team members.Thus communication gap can create misunderstanding and failure to achieve goals. Conflictmanagement and decision making abilities are also influenced by the culture (Bird andMendenhall, 2016). Individual staff members of Hilton may have different approaches for takingdecisions which may conflict with others. Thus it can have negative impact on performance andineffective culture management can cause delay in executing routine tasks. The structuralhierarchy may also be taken differently by different individuals. Some individuals may not findthemselves comfortable in accepting a particular type of authority framework. 1
[PDF] Cross Cultural Management Assignment_3

Thus in such situations managers may not be able to form effective teams. The lack ofstrong teams can result in failure to gain competitive advantage and reduced productivity of thestaff members. Due to cultural originated conflicts Hotel Hilton also experience issues such aspoor employee retention, miscommunication, team conflicts, delayed decision making and poorwork quality. In response to these reasons managers at Hilton plans to develop and implementeffective strategies for managing cultural gaps. The most effective strategy is known asadaptation. Managers must understand the cultural variations at workplace. Culture is criticallysignificant in globalised businesses such as Hilton. The communication and effective interactionwith customers from different culture is integral part of the hospitality services (Johnson andCullen, 2017). The cross culture education and training to employees and managers recognisesthe culture based variations which can affect the business outcomes. Role of understanding various dimensions of cross culture management The success of teams depends upon the extent up to which culture is adopted withinbusiness. The imperative knowledge of cultural variations is beneficial in terms of addressingcultural gaps. Negligence of cultural elements in business can be harmful for both organisationalgrowth and task efficiency. The use of creative solutions in business for addressing culture basedissues can also reduce operational cost. For instance when an employee faces language issue thenmanagers of Hotel Hilton encourages the one-to-one interaction at work place instead ofchoosing any time consuming and costly formal framework for language lessons. Thus whenmanagers are well aware with the barriers of cross culture management they can formulate createsolutions without adding any financial burden on service provider. The better understanding of status and benefits of culture management also supportsmanagers in achieving tasks on time. For instance managers of Hilton Hotel employs structuralintervention to solve the cultural differences. It enable managers to reschedule duties amongemployees so that team efficiency can be improved and work related confusion can be minimised(Stahl and et.al., 2017). Through this approach learning opportunities for team members are alsoidentified and utilised. In long term the negative impact of culture can be diminished only when managers havecomplete knowledge of all dimensions of culture. For example language barrier is quite commonin international organisations such as Hilton. Thus in short terms due to limited knowledge ofcross culture practices managers may seems it effective to pair team members who speak same2
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