
Impact of Employee Reward : Literature Review


Added on  2020-05-28

54 Pages13619 Words112 Views
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Running Head: DISSERTATIONThe impact of rewards on employee’s productivity/health care uk: In context of BaxterHealthcare Ltd
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DISSERTATION2AbstractThe key purpose of this research is to analyse the impact of employee rewards on their productivity - A case of Baxter Healthcare limited.In this report, different chapters are discussed such as introduction, literature review, research methodology, data analysis, and conclusion and recommendation. The introduction chapter discusses many components like background of research, research objectives, and research questions. In this, the literature review section critically analyzes the impact of employee reward on employee productivity. The third chapter of this report discuses research methodology part that consider many elements like research strategy, approach, data analysis method, and sampling method. In lasttwo chapters, it discusses data analysis and conclusion. The data analysis part evaluates collected data through MS-Excel. Conclusion part demonstrates whole research in precise form.
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DISSERTATION3Table of ContentsChapter 1: Introduction..............................................................................................................2Research Title.........................................................................................................................2Research problem...................................................................................................................2Industry Background..............................................................................................................2Research Aim.........................................................................................................................3Dissertation structure..............................................................................................................3Introduction.........................................................................................................................3Literature Review...............................................................................................................3Research Methodology.......................................................................................................4Data Analysis and Findings................................................................................................4Conclusion and Recommendation......................................................................................4Research rationale..................................................................................................................5Research Questions................................................................................................................5Chapter 2: Literature review......................................................................................................6Chapter 3: Research methodology...........................................................................................11Chapter 4: Data analysis and Discussion.................................................................................184.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................184.2 Analysis and findings.....................................................................................................184.2.2 Demographic Result................................................................................................18Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation..........................................................................37References................................................................................................................................41Appendix..................................................................................................................................50
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DISSERTATION4Chapter 1: Introduction Research TitleThe impact of rewards on employee’s productivity/health care uk: in context of Baxter Healthcare Ltd. Research problem In current time, company deals with a large number of issues with respect to obtaining the competitive benefits. After Globalization, employee retention issues are being increased in the organization (Elarabi and Johari, 2014). Moreover, it is also analysed that organization is focused on an employee who belongs to different culture or nation due to mitigating employee retentions issue. In the current scenario, practises of internet and telecommunication technology are increased as it would support to gain awareness towards product and services. Consequently, it could direct impact on consumer buying decision. In addition, it is also analysed that retaining the quality of employee at workforce becomes a major issue for the company. The organization could gain the competitive advantages by increasing the productivity of employee considering reward system (Onyango and Wanyoike,2014). The reward structure is an important factor that could influence the productivity of the employee. In addition, it is also analysed that reward system is an activity that could be effective for appreciation of employee through incentive. It could also be effective for increasing performance of the employee. The main purpose of reward structure could supportto retain and inspired the qualified employee. The rewards structure demonstrates an expectation of company for their employees towards their wellness (Andreamatteo, et al., 2015). As a result, it could be supportive to retain the employee for long-term. In addition, it is also analysed that reward structure could shape the employee behaviour in the context of the company and their job. It will gain productivity of organization in long-term.
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DISSERTATION5Industry BackgroundIn the current scenario, the healthcare sector is rapidly increased in the healthcare sector and desire to enhance attract more patient by offering quality product and services. It is practised centric approach for influence a large number of consumers. Over last fears overview, it is addressed that healthcare sector is enhanced in the UK as it could impact on the economic condition of the country. Research AimThe aim of the research is to analyse the impact of rewards on the performance and the rate ofincrease of decrease in the performance for the employees.To study the meaning and concept of rewards and employees productivity To analyse the role of reward on employee to enhance their productivity: In context ofBaxter Healthcare Ltd To recommend the ways of rewards that could improve productivity of employee: In context of Baxter Healthcare Ltd Dissertation structureFor this research study, the researcher is practised research structure for collecting the research aim and objectives. The structure of research is discussed as below: Introduction In this section, researcher discusses different factors like research background, research question, research rational, and research questions. Furtheremore, these components are crucial to comprehending about research matter. The introduction part also helps to create clear knowledge towards research limitation, which could create complexity in a research study (Vermeeren, et al., 2014). Hence, it is important for the researcher to obtain a feasible outcome.
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DISSERTATION6Literature ReviewThe literature review part considers certain factors such as research models, concepts, and theories. This section helps research scholar to examine the previous research on the same research issue. Moreover, this section would support to determine information of research matter. This chapter critically evaluates research problem and help to determine the actual situation of research concern. There are certain sources that are considered to collect data likeonline and offline sites, magazines, academic data, articles, journals, and books (Awan, and Tahir, 2015). These sections also help to identify research gap and exercise approaches to attain gap. Research MethodologyThis section is third part research study that supports to enhance understanding towards numerous research tools. These tools are research philosophies, research design, data collection method, research approaches, sampling method, and research limitation (Lampel, et al., 2014). Through this, research scholar will be capable to get feasible outcome regarding research issue. Data Analysis and FindingsThis section helps to evaluate gathered information and obtain accurate outcome considering many sources of data analysis tools like qualitative and qualitative method. The qualitative method supports to evaluate the data by literature review. Beside this, quantitative method is used to examine collected data through MS-excel. It will help to obtain accurate outcome about the research issue (McIntosh, et al., 2014). This section enables to examine research matter. It helps to determine gathered information by considering data analysis tools. Furthermore, this chapter also helps to obtain reliable information and produce a reliable conclusion.
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DISSERTATION7Conclusion and RecommendationIn the research study, conclusion and recommendation are the last sections that summarize whole research. It assists to develop an association between the research findings and research objectives to get a pertinent summary (Dhanabhakyam and Kokilambal, 2014). It helps to offer suggestions regarding employee reward and employee productivity. This section would also help to identify realistic suggestions for future research. Research rationaleThis research demonstrates the impact of employee reward on employee productivity. The main purpose of this research is to address the relationship between employee reward and employee productivity (Qayum, Haider, et al., Mehmood, 2014). This research issue is also beneficial to retain the employee for the long term as it could direct impact on the growth of the business. This research report supports to develop a clear understanding of reward system and employee productivity. In addition, it is also analyzed that reward strategyis effective to influence the productivity of the employee. This report is also supportive for increasing understanding towards the employee productivity. It is also evaluated that employee reward enables the researcher to acquire suitable data that could be significant to retain workforces for long-term (Perkins, White, and Jones, 2016).Research QuestionsWhat is the meaning and concept of employee rewards and productivity?How can reward impact on the performance of employees in the context of Baxter Healthcare Ltd? What are the ways of rewards that could improve the productivity of employee in the context of Baxter Healthcare Ltd?
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DISSERTATION8Chapter 2: Literature review IntroductionThis section supports research scholar to gain their knowledge about research issue by exploration of current literature. It also supports to discovering existing information in a critical way. The literature review considers different factors such as books, journals, and articles. It could be significant to generate the conceptual knowledge towards research issue (Fan, et al., 2014). In addition, it is also analysed that literature review supports to explore a different aspect of employee reward and employee productivity. Moreover, it is also evaluated that employee reward could direct impact on employee productivity. This section demonstrates strategies that could support to improve employee productivity in the organization. To study the meaning and concept of rewards and employees productivity According to Mohamed and Hameed (2015) employee productivity is the basic characteristics of organisational performance. Because, the performance of an employee contributes to the team performance and all output of department and team shows the organisational performance, which is termed as productivity. In contrast to this,....evaluated that the rewards system is a mechanism to assess the employee’s performance. It could be used as a motivational technique. Thus, a company can retain workforce and attract new applicants by using an adequate reward system. Furthermore, employee’s responsibilities andaccountabilities are assigned to attain the goal and objective of the company. Reward system also increases the effectiveness and efficiency of employees and optimises the performance of employees. In the view of AlZalabani and Modi (2014) rewards are relied on different needs of employees. The requirement of certain employees could be achieved by cash rewards whereas others are more interested in other incentives like car, house and paid holidays. A
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