
Motivational Theories and Business Performance


Added on  2020-02-05

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Motivational Theories and Business Performance_1

It can be evaluated from the dissertation that employee motivation is crucial aspect and
thus it helps in influencing their performance within firm. Through providing both financial and
non financial incentives and rewards it helps workers to perform desired results. Thus,
employing different motivational theories such as Herzberg and Maslow helps in identifying the
needs of workers and improve their performance within firm so that set results can be attained.
However, using different promotional strategies results into carrying out effective actions and
thus enhance the business operations. Through encouraging workers it helps in assessing the
significant functions and thus results into performing the desired results so that organization
could success in competitive market.
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Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of study.............................................................................................................1
1.2 Research aim.........................................................................................................................4
1.3 Research objectives...............................................................................................................4
1.4 Research questions................................................................................................................4
1.5 Rationale for research ..........................................................................................................4
1.6 Focus and purpose.................................................................................................................5
1.7 Problem statement.................................................................................................................5
1.8 Framework and analysis........................................................................................................5
1.9 Dissertation structure............................................................................................................7
CHAPTER 2- LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................1
2.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................1
2.2 Employee Motivation............................................................................................................1
2.3 Importance of employee motivation.....................................................................................5
2.4 Motivational theories and approaches...................................................................................9
2.5 Link between business performance and motivational theories.........................................13
CHAPTER 3 – RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................................................1
3.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................1
3.2 Research philosophy.............................................................................................................1
3.3 Research design.....................................................................................................................2
3.4 Research approach................................................................................................................3
3.5 Research strategy..................................................................................................................4
3.6 Data collection methods........................................................................................................5
3.7 Sampling...............................................................................................................................6
3.8 Data analysis.........................................................................................................................6
3.9 Ethical consideration.............................................................................................................7
3.10 Validity and reliability........................................................................................................8
3.11 Research limitation..............................................................................................................8
CHAPTER 4– DATA ANALYSIS...............................................................................................10
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4.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................10
4.2 Discussion...........................................................................................................................10
Chapter 5: Conclusion and RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................................35
5.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................35
5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS....................................................................................................36
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1.1 Background of study
In the current era of globalization, each and every business focuses upon implementing
motivational theories so that business performance can be enhanced. It has direct connection
with the business success as it assists in motivating workers to attain success. Current
environment is highly competitive and irrespective of market size and structure it is essential for
firm to retain the best skilled and talented workers so that business effectiveness can be attained.
However, in regard to overcome the challenges faced within firm it is significant for businesses
to develop strong and positive relationship with workers and direct them towards accomplishing
the task (Salman and Khan, 2014). However, in regard to achieve the desired goals and
objectives, businesses are focused upon developing effective strategies to compete the same in
market and enhance their performance. There are very few organizations which consider that
workforce is one of the main asset and thus business requires to encourage them effectively in
regard to improve firms performance in market. For instance, if the workers would not be
satisfied with their job role as well as culture in the workplace then it would definitely affect
their performance and thus it decreases the organizational performance in market. The present
dissertation discusses the link or interconnection between motivational theories and
organizational performance based upon Next Plc.
Retail industry is being considered as the fifth largest in the world and possess high
potential of growth. It involves various products which are involved within retail industry such
as apparel and fashion, food and beverage, as well as other products. Hence, it is essential for
retail sector to encourage its employees in relation to fulfil the needs and attain desired results.
Therefore, it is significant for such industry to grow and thus improve their business
performance. In the current dissertation, Next Plc has been selected. Next Plc is a multinational
clothing distribution firm based in UK. Company is considered as one of the largest retail
business delivering the best quality, innovative and stylish design clothing products to
consumers. In the year 2010 it has been identified that Next Plc breaks the consumer protection
regulation 2000 regarding wrong billing customers for its delivery costs even when the goods
were returned within 7 working days s per rule. Thus, it has been assessed that management of
Next Plc aims to undertake certain steps and fulfil the needs of workers so that they can be attain
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customer satisfaction. Also, different factors have been identified which affects the staff morale
and motivation such as no rewards, no appraisal, comparing with other workers. Thus, it is
essential for management to motivate their employees by providing financial rewards and
incentives so that they could be encouraged in order to satisfy customers needs and wants.
Hence, management of firm is focused upon developing direct or indirect relationship within
business and employees in order to encourage them so that organizational performance can be
Furthermore, each and every business enterprise focuses upon undertaking effective
motivational theories as they are directly linked with the business performance. Through
encouraging workers in Next Plc it would result in satisfying their needs and wants and helps
them to work efficiently towards business success. Implementing changes in the form of
introducing innovation, improving technology and identify consumer needs and preferences will
benefit firm to attain desired goals (Nyambegera and Gicheru, 2016). Hence, for achieving all
these objectives it is essential for employees to get encouraged and work towards business
objectives in regard to enhance efficiency and productivity. Motivation is considered as one of
the best way that promotes and direct individual towards the stated targets. Thus, it assists them
to improve their efforts in terms of improving efficiency of personnel and thus success can be
attained. There are various motivational theories such as Maslow need hierarchy theory,
Herzberg two factor theory etc. helps in encouraging workforce to attain desired results. All
these theories are directly interconnected with the performance of workers so that they can be
encouraged towards attaining business objectives (Smith, 2015).
Human resource department of Next focuses upon encouraging, motivating and
promoting the employees by developing positive environment in workplace and thus direct them
towards business goals. However, motivation is considered as an influential task that encourages
people to work hard towards business targets and attain success (Aguinis, Joo and Gottfredson,
2013). Here, different motivation factors are considered such as intrinsic and extrinsic rewards so
that influences personnel to improve their performance and efficiency and satisfy the needs of
consumers. There are different types of rewards and recognition programs introduced by
company in order to encourage workforce so that performance can be enhanced up to a great
extent. For instance, there are various types in intrinsic motivation such as interested work, task
specification and recognition, growth, enhanced salary and high achievements etc. are intrinsic
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factors that encourages and promotes individual towards desired objectives and enhance quality
customer services within Next Plc (Shields, Brown and Plimmer, 2015).
Furthermore, it can be assessed that motivational factors works as a force that influence
people towards business objectives and thus perform the task efficiently. Applying motivational
theories and approaches such as Maslow, Herzberg and ERG etc. helps employees to fulfil their
unsatisfied needs and wants so that best results can be attained. However, it is essential for every
business to motivate their workers and increase their performance to accomplish business targets
(Rui, 2013). Employees are encouraged accordingly so that they put great effort within their
daily business activities and thus serve better customer services to enhance sales and
profitability. Thus, through encouraging staff motivation it aids in improving firm's excellence
towards firm's targets.
Motivation is considered as the challenge and involving people to get encouraged so that
better function can be achieved. It is also essential for managers to improve productivity and thus
utilizing the resources so that consumers needs could be fulfilled. Involving motivational
theories assists in increasing productivity and efficiency of firm so that employees can be
encouraged to attain success. Thus, management of Next employs effective motivational theories
so that needs and wants of workers can be identified and thus proper resources could be provided
in regard to enhance customer satisfaction (Afful-Broni, 2012). Hence, it can be assessed that
there is a great link between motivational theories and business success so that innovation could
be promoted effectively and efficiently. There are different factors which affect the level of
motivation in the workers and thus relate to enhance their level of performance.
Here, the dissertation is prepared in order to obtain better understanding related to
motivation theories and thus influences business performance in market. It also identifies that
business aims to encourage the workforce towards set targets and thus results in influencing
people to get encouraged and thus achieve desired results. There are carious companies which
are focused towards enhancing workforce and thus improve workers performance so that their
needs could be addressed effectively and efficiently (Salman and Khan, 2014). Hence, creating
an effective interlink between motivational theories and business success results in attaining
success. Further, if employees demotivated within the firm means they are not getting proper
rewards and recognition then it would result in affecting business performance in market. Also, it
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is essential for firm to assess the needs and wants of its employees in regard to provide them
appropriate services and thus satisfaction can be attained.
1.2 Research aim
The aim of the study is “To identify the link between motivational theories and organization
performance”- A case study on Next Plc.
1.3 Research objectives
To assess the importance of motivation in commercial establishments.
To investigate different ways, theories and approaches to motivate and encourage Next
Plc's workforce.
To examine the relationship between employee motivation and business performance
To recommend the best strategy or ways to gain improved worker's commitment and
enhance business performance.
1.4 Research questions
Why companies require motivating their human resources?
Which kind of motivational theories and approaches are available to Next Plc to motivate
their business personnel?
How motivational theories are associated with Next Plc's organizational performance?
Which is the best motivational approach available to Next Plc to motivate the human
force and thereby maximize business performance?
1.5 Rationale for research
In the current dissertation it identifies that it assesses the link between motivational
theories and business performance. Main reason of carrying out the study is that using different
motivational factors which are crucial for firm helps in enhancing business success towards
desired targets. Here, Next Plc so that overall performance of firm can be improved. It also
provides an opportunity to firm in regard to implement appropriate motivational factors that
helps in encouraging workforce towards desired results. Hence, it aids in enhancing revenue of
firm and achieve customer satisfaction. As Next Plc are profit making firm and thus aims to
maximize profits in relation to provide satisfaction to customers so that better performance can
be attained. It helps business to encourage workers and retain them for long term so that success
within firm can be attained.
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