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Employee Motivation and Performance in Hotels


Added on  2020/09/17

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The given assignment is focused on understanding the importance of employee motivation in hotels. It aims to investigate how different factors such as leadership style, communication, stress, pressure, and ineffective leadership influence employee motivation. The questionnaire also examines the benefits provided by the company, external influences on employees' motivation, and the role of innovation and creativity in work. Additionally, it assesses the current motivational approach used by Hope Street Hotel and proposes strategies for improvement.

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INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 2: Literature Review....................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Concept of employee motivation and leadership styles.................................................5
2.3 Factors influencing motivation of employees and leadership styles...............................7
2.3 Methods and tools motivating. ..................................................................................... 9
Chapter 3 Research methodology............................................................................................... 12
3.1 Introduction................................................................................................................ 12
3.2 Research Philosophy................................................................................................... 12
3.3 Research design.......................................................................................................... 13
3.4 Research approach...................................................................................................... 13
3.5 Research strategy........................................................................................................ 14
3.6 Data collection............................................................................................................ 15
3.7 Sampling..................................................................................................................... 15
3.8 Data analysis............................................................................................................... 16
3.7 Ethical consideration................................................................................................... 16
3.8 Validity and reliability................................................................................................ 17
3.8 Research limitation .................................................................................................... 17
Chapter 4 Data Analysis ............................................................................................................ 19
4.1 Introduction................................................................................................................ 19
4.2 Discussion................................................................................................................... 19
Chapter 5: COCCLUSION and RECOMMENDATION ...........................................................34
5.1 Conclusion.................................................................................................................. 34
5.2 Recommendation........................................................................................................ 35
REFERENCES.......................................................................................................................... 38
Questionnaire ................................................................................................................... 41
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Illustration Index
Illustration 1: Factors affecting employees motivation.................................................................7
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Topic: Factors affecting employees' motivation and leadership style that increases performance
in project management.
Employee performance is considered as one of the fundamental step for development of
the company. With the help of skilled staff firm is able to handle difficult challenges and expand
their organisation. In order to maximise profitability of the organisation, employees should be
motivated so that they can contribute effectively towards the development and growth. Leaders
and managers play vital role in boosting up employees and in maintaining healthy environment.
Qualities of leaders qualities should be effective to understand the problems and issues of the
workers and to provide them with proper guidance and to encourage them. The present research
is considered for understanding the factors affecting motivation and leadership styles for
increasing the performance of workforce of organisation (Yidong and Xinxin, 2013). For this
purpose, Hope Street Hotel is taken into consideration. Cited firm is one of the 4-star rated
hospitality organisation of UK. They are popular for providing seasonal and fresh services to
their customers (Smith and Shields, 2013).
There are various factors are available that are affecting motivation of employees such as
stress, pressure, ineffective communication channel, services are resources provided by the
organisation (Does Leadership Style Affect Employee Work Performance? 2017). It organisation
is not able to maintain effective environment and overcome all the problems and issues. It
creates negative impact on their confidence. In order to overcome various models and
approaches are developed. Along with this firm also need to implement changes into their
structure. In helps in identifying the issues and on the basis of that necessary steps can be
implemented. In this process role of the leader is considered as significant. They are working in
order to influence employees for providing effective services. The leader of the firm is able to
determine various problems of the staff. On the basis of that suggestions are provided by them.
They are implementing strategies on the basis of strengths and weaknesses of the
employees. In case if the employees are facing any conflicts with each other, the leader of the
firm is trying to resolve their issues. Through implementing all these steps leader of the
organisation is playing significant role. The present dissertation is focused in the factors that are
influence performance of employees. For determining their impact various tools and
methodologies are considered. It helps in analysing the concept of implementing the strategies

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for motivating employees. On the basis of that factors are identified that are creating problems.
Various approaches are also considered for motivating employees along with this, necessary
recommendations are also provided.
The hotel has strong brand value in the UK market. Currently, they are facing various
challenges related to the performance of staff. The aim of this dissertation is to understand the
factors that affect staff motivation and role of leadership styles. On the basis of hotel
management, firm would be able to implement effective framework in order to maintain it. With
the help of this analysis, manager of the organisation is able to determine the loophole of their
process through which necessary steps can be applied. It helps in overcoming the issues related
to motivation (Wheelen and Hunger, 2017). Further, various strategies are implemented in order
to increase effectiveness of the process. Hence, this research is considered as an important step
in order to determine the issues of employees and it helps in overcoming the weakness of the
leadership management within Hope Street Hotel (Does Leadership Style Affect Employee Work
Performance? 2017).
Further, various factors are considered for having deep and detailed understanding of the
issues that are demotivating employees and affecting their performance. Moreover, role of
leadership management is also analysed in order to improve performance of employees by
encouraging them. In this process, various steps and skills are considered through which
managers of Hope Street are able to motivate their workforce. With the help of determining
these factors, manager will be able to implement strategies on which they are able to generate
effective outcomes. It helps in maintaining reputation of company and also enables to attain
competitive advantage. For effective analyses of problem, aim is considered. On the basis of that
core objective is developed, it helps in having effective and deep understanding about any issues
(Schaufeli and Taris, 2014).
In accordance with the research various motivational approaches are considered for
motivating employees. This is considered as one of the most important step for the organisation.
With the help of this they are able to determine issues and are able to solve them.
Aim: To analyse the factors that are affecting employees' motivation and leadership style in
raising performance for project management: Study of Hope Street Hotel.
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To understand the concept of employee’s motivation and leadership styles for
maintaining the performance.
To determining the factors that are affecting the motivation of the employees and
leadership in context of Hope Street Hotel.
To identify the approaches through which motivation of the employees and leadership
can be maintained at Hope Street Hotel.
To recommend effective strategies through which employees can be motivated and
leadership styles can be maintained by Hope Street Hotel.
Research Questions:
What are the concept of employees’ motivation and leadership styles for maintaining the
What are the factors that are affecting the motivation of the employees and leadership in
context of Hope Street Hotel?
What are the approaches through which motivation of the employees and leadership can
be maintained.
What are the effective strategies through which employees can be motivated and
leadership styles can be maintained by Hope Street Hotel.
Dissertation Structure
The present dissertation is partitioned into various chapters in order to have detailed
understanding that are discussed following:
Chapter 1- Introduction: First chapter of dissertation is considered as introduction. It is
about introducing the concept of research topic and providing overview of the whole
study. It gives base to whole report on which all the methods and tools are implemented.
All the information regarding the topic and process that are considered for analysing are
described in this part of report.
Chapter 2- Literature Review: In this part of the research, critical analysis of the issues
is done. It is based on the secondary datafor gathering information related to the research.
. With the help of this section researcher is able to have deep understanding regarding the
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Chapter 3- Research Methodology: In this unit, various methodologies and tools are
considered through which analysis is being done. Through implementing these
approaches, the investigator is able to get justification regarding the issues of the
Chapter 4- Data Analysis: The fourth chapter of dissertation is considered as data
analysis. With the help of this approach analyser is able to gather information through
implementing primary and secondary research approach.
Chapter: 5- Conclusion and Recommendation: In this part of the dissertation overall
conclusion of the report is generated on the basis of that recommendation in order to
overcome the problems are provided.

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Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
Literature review is considered as one of the important part of the research work. It helps
in developing understanding and gaining knowledge with the help of secondary information. It
helps in analysing various facts and information related to the topic (Chemolli and Gagné,
2014). The present research is based on the factors affecting motivation of employee’s and
leadership strategies in increasing their performance. The present literature review consists of
secondary information related to the concept of employees motivational and leadership theories.
Along with this, factors are also analysed that are demotivating work force. In order to overcome
them various methods and strategies are also included. It helps in overcoming issues and
encouraging employees. On the basis of that necessary recommendations are also provided. This
is considered as a significant step for the research work. It helps the researcher in developing
deep and detailed understanding related to the topic.
2.2 Concept of employee motivation and leadership styles
According to Chemolli and Gagné, (2014) encouraged and motivated employees play
significant role in the success of the firm. There are certain parameters are associated with helps
in determining the motivation of employees such as understanding, skills and performance.
Along with this interest and involvement into the work is also important. As per the view of
Fong, (2016) organisation makes strategies for attracting maximum number of customers. The
objective of the companies is to maximise their profitability. For this they are working in order
to improve their quality and provide promising services to their customers. To maximise their
profitability, they are enhancing performance of workers (Halbesleben and Wheeler, 2015). The
business groups are considering various factors such as planning, development and
implementation. With the help of these steps they are analysing issues and problems. In the next
step, they are considering necessary approaches in order to resolve their issues and motivate
them. According to Olafsen and, (2015). Motivation is considered as essential requirement
of organisation. It is considered as HR's responsibilities of selecting efficient and skilled
employees (Pinder, 2014). The motivated workforce supports in facing various challenges and
increasing productivity of organisation. In order to achieve this, various plans and strategies are
also considered by the business organisation. Along with this leadership management is also
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considered as important factor in this process. Motivation and guidance related responsibilities
of the staff are provided to the leader of the firm (Parker, 2014). According to the above
research, employees’ motivation is related with their performance. Apart from that leadership
styles are also essential in order to maintain this. In order to analyse this issues, various
strategies are considered by the firm.
On the contradictory of the above viewpoints Jacobsen, Hvitved and Andersen, (2014)
internal factors of the organisation are very important for encouraging them. If the firm is
providing positive and friendly environment staff also show interest in work. The managers
should understand and analyse the problems on the basis of that various strategies should be
implemented. If organisations are not able to determine the problems of employees such as
workplace environment, workers conflicts, resources issues and so on. It results in the form of
demotivated employees. They create huge impact on the growth and profitability of the company
(Olafsen and, 2015). The production quality of the organisation does not remain promising
services, due to which it create negative impact on the customer’s interaction. It helps in
overcoming the issues in order to encourage work force.
On the hand role of leader is very important in motivating employees. They are provided
with skills, in order to influence and inspire them in order to performance effectively. According
to Jha, (2014) leader is provided with various capabilities and skills through which they can
influence employees for producing their services willingly. They are working for coordinating
employees so that they can perform their work in focused way. As per the view of Mosadeghrad,
(2014) the leader of the organisation is working to resolve the issues and problems of their
employees and maintain balance with their co-workers. The leader of the organisation is
providing guidance to the employees in order to maintain effectiveness and productivity. In case
if the leader is not providing effective services, it will create direct impact on their performance.
Apart from motivation level of employees also get influences. Therefore, in order to
maintain effectiveness of the employee's performance, leader should have effective skills and
capability for managing all the employees (Lazaroiu, 2015). Along with this understand the
strengths and weakness. On the basis of identified issues necessary approaches should be
considered, in order to overcome those lacking points. It helps in motivating workers and helps
in maintaining their performance. Therefore, motivated employees help in increasing the success
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graph of the company. Role of leader is very important in maintaining balance at work place and
encouraging workforce (Jacobsen, Hvitved and Andersen, 2014 ).
Illustration 1: Factors affecting employee’s motivation.
(Source: Employees Satisfaction Surveys: Measuring Staff Engagement, 2017)
2.3 Factors influencing motivation of employees and leadership styles.
According to Wlodkowski and Ginsberg, (2017) there are various factors that are
available that are influencing the performance of employees by demotivating them. Some of
them are identified as organisational environmental factors, ineffective communication channel,
understanding issues and lack of leadership skills, stress, pressures, discrimination and
ineffective training and developing activities. As per the view of Wlodkowski and Ginsberg,
(2017) environment of the organisation plays significant role in motivating employees. If the
positive surrounding is maintained they can express their issues and problems clearly. Along

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with this they can present their innovation and creativity for maximising their profitability
(Jayawarna, Rouse and Kitching, 2013).
It is considered as responsibility of manager and employees to provide them effective
environment and encourage them Mosadeghrad, (2014) stated that ineffective communication
skills are also creating huge impact on the motivation level of employees. Workforce is not able
to present their issues and problem due to which various challenges are being faced by them. It is
demotivating them and decreasing their performance (Ja'afaru Bambale, 2014). Therefore,
effective communication network should be considered, it helps in building trust and
transparency into the work. Along with this communication is required for effective interaction
between employees and clients (Wlodkowski and Ginsberg, 2017). If the communication
channel is effective they can exchange their thoughts and employees are able to solve their
problems effectively and produce better output (Bedi, Alpaslan and Green, 2016). It helps in
having deep understanding their issues and performing them effectively. On the basis of various
investigations, it is analysed that motivated workers are able to understand needs of users as
compare to the demotivated. Therefore, they are affecting the profitability of company.
According to Jha, (2014) employees are demotivated if they are not having effective
knowledge about the situation. In this situation, they are not able to develop effective strategies,
in order to solve issues. It creates huge impact on their performance and temperament. As per
the view of Jacobsen, Hvitved and Andersen, (2014) training and development is creating huge
impact on the growth and development of the employees. Lack of learning and development
activities are creating huge impact on their performance due to which they are not able to
explore all the possibility and not able to produce effective outcome (Breevaart, Bakker and
Demerouti, 2014). It is demotivating workforce and creates direct impact on their performance.
As per the view of Wlodkowski and Ginsberg, (2017) states that discrimination into the work
places also creates huge impact on the performance of motivation level of employees.
When employees are not provided with equal opportunities it creates direct impact on
their confidence, due to which they are not able to produce effective outcomes. In order to make
staff confidence, equal work opportunities should be provided to them. According to Fong,
(2016) stress and pressure is also creating negative impact on their performance. If they are not
able to produce any effective outcome it is creating negative impact on their confidence and
demotivated them. In order to overcome this, unnecessary stress and pressure should not be
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created on the employees. It creates direct impact on their willingness and motivation, due to
which they are not able to produce effective work (Bakker, Demerouti and Sanz-Vergel, 2014).
In order to overcome this issue organisations are considering various activities. It helps in
reducing pressure and provide them positive environment for exploring new opportunities.
However, effective leaders are considered in order to encourage employees and motivate
them. They are providing guidance in order to resolve issues and conflicts among the employees.
If leaders of the company are not able to monitor activities of the employees and determine
difficulties it creates huge impact on their performance.
2.3 Methods and tools motivating.
According to Goetsch and Davis, (2014) there are various tools and methods are
available through which organisations are able to motivate their employees. It helps in increasing
productivity of services and attracts maximum number of customers towards the organisation.
Some of the models are like Herzberg's two factor theory, Maslow's hierarchy model, X and Y
theory, etc. All these approaches are implemented into the organisation in order to maintain
performance of the employees effectively.
Along with this, it helps in motivating them by determining their issues and problems.
Hope Street is considering various motivational methodologies. Following are some of them:
Maslow's hierarchy of need: This is considered as one of the most effective motivational
approach. It was developed by Abraham Maslow, in 1943. With the help of this approach the
organisation is able to determine all the issues and problems of the employees. On the basis of
that necessary step are considered in order to generate long term effect. This model is distributed
into five stages. Some of them are mentioned following:
Physiological: This is considered as fundamental requirement of an individual. Under
this part organisations are providing facilities related to the food, water, clothing etc (Aarons,
Ehrhart and Farahnak, 2014). However, the firm is not providing it in the form of wages. While
forming the wages they are should make sure that employees should be able to fulfil all the
requirements with the provided amount.
Safety: It is considered in order to fulfil safety and security related requirements of the
work force. The organisation is implementing various policies in order to provide effective
security services. As per the view of Bedi, Alpaslan and Green, (2016) if organisation is
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providing security and safety, along with this offering compensation. It helps in motivating them
and increasing their performance.
Belongingness: According to the point organisation should understand all the issues and
problems of the company. For this regular interaction and meeting should be performed. It helps
in determining their issues related to the companies (Ferreira Rebelo, Santos and Silva, 2014).
On the basis of that necessary changes can be implemented. It helps in motivating and
encouraging the performance of employees.
Actualization: In this process employees should be included into the decision-making
process. It helps in increasing the involvement of the employees into the organisational activities
(Shepherd, Williams and Patzelt, 2015). It helps in increasing their interest. Along with this it
helps in determining the though and prospective of the workers. It helps in increasing capability
of the plans and supports the profitability of company.
Self-Esteem: In this step employees of the organisations are provided with
responsibilities. With the help of this step management is able to determine issues on the basis of
that aims and objectives are developed.
Herzberg's two-factor Theory: This is one of the most effective motivational theory. With the
help of this approach organisations are able to focus various factors for satisfying employees.
As per the view of Bakker, Demerouti and Sanz-Vergel, (2014) through implementing this
approach organisation is able to manage various factors such as payment, organisational policies,
working condition, work place safety and security, etc. following are the factors on which
motivational process depends:
Achievement: Employees should be able to understand the sense of achievement. In
helps in increasing their involvement towards work.
Promotions: The growth and promotion of workforce creates positive impact on the
motivation and encourage them for performing better work.
Sense of responsibilities: Employee's should be able to understand their duties and
responsibilities. Manager of the firm should be able to make staff accountable towards
their responsibilities.
Handling challenges: Employees must be provided with challenges and difficulties. It
helps in developing their skills and increase their involvement.

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Recognition: The organisation should appreciate and praise, if employees are
performing their job effectively. It helps in motivating them.
On the other hand, some styles are developed for maintaining effective leadership
qualities into the organisation. Multi-factor Leadership Questionnaire, is considered as one of the
most effective approach. It helps in determining the weakness of the characteristics of the leader.
According to Reb, Narayanan and Chaturvedi. (2014) the style is implemented into three steps,
such as determining the requirement. In the next step workers are categories on the basis of
strengths and weaknesses. The third step is the method implementation stage is based on the
requirement of the staff. As per the view of Shepherd, Williams and Patzelt, (2015) it supports
the development of the leader of the firm. With the help of this approach they are able to
determine the loopholes related to their skills on the basis of that necessary steps are considered.
On the basis of above analyses, Herzberg's two-factor Theory is considered as one of the
most effective approach. Through implementing this motivational model, organisations are able
to focus on various factors. On the basis of that necessary approaches can be considered. Multi-
factor Leadership Questionnaire, is leadership model with the help of this method, effectiveness
of leadership strategies can be analysed on the basis of that necessary improvement can be done
(Reb, Narayanan and Chaturvedi, 2014).
According to the above analysis, motivation is one of the important element for the
organisation. It helps in maintaining the effective performance of employees performance, the
firm is able to maximize their profitability. As per the view of Lin, (2014) the employee’s
motivation depends on various factors, such as polices, strategies, rules, regulations, workplace
environment and so on. Along with this promotional and appreciation should be given to the
staff. It helps in encouraging them and boosting up their confidence. However, on the
contradictory of the above point Moody and Siponen, (2013) along with effective work place,
proper training activity should be also organized. It enables individual in facing difficult
challenges related to the work. Along with this compensation should be also introduced, it helps
in motivating them and results into the increased working hours (Paustian-Underdahl, Walker
and Woehr, 2014). Apart from that leader of the organisation should be provided with effective
quality. It helps in influencing employees so that they can perform better. Along with this it
plays significant role in providing positive workplace environment to the workers.
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Chapter 3: Research methodology
3.1 Introduction
Research methodology is one of the most important part of the research. Through
applying it into research work, investigator is able to implement various tools and
methodologies, in order to get effective outcomes. There are various models and approaches that
are included in each of the methodologies (Epitropaki and Martin, 2013). It helps in increasing
the effectiveness of the data. It is considered as one of the most significant part of the
dissertation, with the help of which problems are analysed. On the basis of this, effective
outcomes are produced, in order to resolve research issue. To have deep understanding regarding
the factors effecting motivation and leadership skills for employee’s performance in Hope Street
hotel. The organisation is considering this approach for gathering effective information related to
the factors affecting employee’s motivation (Vadera and Pratt, 2013). Along with this role of
leadership style is also analysed. Following is the detailed discussion related to the research
3.2 Research Philosophy
Research philosophy is considered as crucial step for the research work. With the help of
this strategy, analyser is able to determine the steps that will be implemented into the research
work. Through this step research aim is turned into the outcome. It helps in gaining knowledge
about the topic and developing understanding. With the help of this approach, Hope Street hotel
is able to determine effective strategies in conducting analysis that can help to overcome the
problems faced by them (Ferreira Rebelo, Santos and Silva, 2014). There are two types of
research philosophies, these are available such as positivism and interpretivism. The positivism
is considered while investigator is focusing on the aim and moving towards the outcomes. With
the help of this step, investigator is able to determine the effectiveness of the facts. Through
implementation this approach, structural flow can be developed for this research.
All the observations are collected by implementing experiments. On the other hand,
interpretivism is focused on the subjective flow of the research. It is based on the
implementation of various tools and approaches to reach the research questions (Does
Leadership Style Affect Employee Work Performance? 2017). The present analysis is based on
the positivism approach. Through implementing positivism, investigator is able to frame the
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boundary or limit for their research (Jayawarna, Rouse and Kitching, 2013). It helps in
determining the effectiveness of objectives. On the basis of that necessary approaches are
implemented to understand the factors that affect motivation of employees and leadership styles
that increases their performance. Through this approach, they are able to collect information
related to the aim and objectives of the dissertation.
3.3 Research design
This is considered as an important approach through which investigator is able to
implement different approaches in order to establish logical path for the analysis (Employees
Satisfaction Surveys: Measuring Staff Engagement, 2017). With the help of this research,
investigator is able to develop blueprint for the research work. It helps in removing the chances
of errors and difficulties related to the process. Along with this, it also helps in identifying the
challenges related to the process (Zohar, 2014). On the basis of this identification, researcher is
able to implement effective strategies. In order to complete this process, there are various
designs such as descriptive, experimental and exploratory research method.
Descriptive design approach refers to the theoretical analysis process. This is considered
as one of the effective approach for applying theory based analysis. In this process characteristic
of research is described on the basis of strategies that are implemented in order to reach the
outcome. It helps in determining the issues that are considered in the research. It supports
effective and efficient outcomes while considering research (Rao, 2014). Exploratory approach
is considered when reseracher it implementing questions to reach outcomes. With the help of this
approach they are able to determine various issues related to the process, on the basis of that
necessary steps are applied in order to overcome these issues. The third method is based on the
experimental process. On the basis of that results are collected with the help of observations. It
helps in reaching the outcomes along with justified reasons (How to keep your employees
motivated and excited about their job, 2017).
In this dissertation, descriptive designing approach is implemented. With the help of this
step investigator is able to gather information based on facts and figures (Daft and Marcic,
2016). On the basis of these information, researcher is able to develop questionnaire and
determine the factors affecting motivation and role of leadership in employee’s performance. On
the basis of outcomes, they are able to consider effective improvement strategies.

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3.4 Research approach
Research approach is effective method, it helps in determining the investigation process.
With the help of this strategy researcher is able to select specific or generic approach for their
analysis. It supports the investigator to have general or deep knowledge about the issues. It is
considered as a way through which theories and models are effectively implemented for
generating outcome (Kara and, 2013). In order to implement this approach, there are two
different type of research approaches which are inductive and deductive.
Inductive research approach is considered, if the analyser focuses on development new
theories with the help of which data is gathered. In this process, no assumption and hypothesis
are considered while conducting research (Fu and Deshpande, 2014). It supports the researcher
in order to change direction of research if the favourable outcomes are not achieved. In this
process, all the information is collected with the help of primary data collection method.
On the other, deductive research method is applying hypothesis instated of models , and
analysing the effectiveness by applying models. It helps the researcher in interconnecting
hypothesis with the applied models. It helps in determining the effectiveness of the considered
hypothesis by comparing with existing models (Leadership Style and Employees Performance?
The existing dissertation is considering inductive research approach. With the help of
inductive approach, analyser is able to implement various models and approach for gathering
information (Frankel and PGCMS, 2017). It helps the researcher in determining the factors
affecting motivation of employees of Hope Street Hotel. It supports collection of information for
generating effective outcomes.
3.5 Research Strategy
This is considered as one of the most important step for determining research
methodologies. At this stage investigator identifies theories on the basis of their objectives.
There are various approaches that are available for analysing effective research outcome. In this
process two research strategies are available such as quantitative and qualitative.
Qualitative is based on various tools and approaches in order to reach subjective of
research work. On the other hand, quantitative research strategy is considered, it helps the
investigator in determining the effectiveness of the research objectives Along with this, various
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mathematical tools can be also applied through this approach (Halbesleben and Wheeler, 2015).
The implementation of statistical tools and mathematical concepts increases the effectiveness of
the outcomes, apart from increases the effectiveness of the considered framework and model.
The present analysis is implementing qualitative research strategy. It helps in increasing
effectiveness of the data through considering various approaches and models. With the help of
implementing different strategies investigator is able to obtain productive outcomes. Therefore,
with the help of this research strategy Hope Street hotel is able to determine the factors affecting
the motivation of employees. On the basis of that necessary steps can be implemented.
3.6 Data collection
Data collecting is considered as significant steps of research work. It helps in developing
deep understanding regarding issues on the basis of which effective approaches are considered to
overcome them. There are two methods which are available in order to collect information i.e.
primary and secondary. With the help of this step analyser is able to collect information.
Primary data collection is based on gathering new and fresh information related to the
topic. In this process information is collected with the help of interview, questionnaire and
conducting survey (Paustian-Underdahl, Walker and Woehr, 2014). In this approach results of
previous studies are not considered. However, secondary research completely depend on the
information of previously conducted researches. With the help of this method information
gathered by various researchers are applied effectively.
The present dissertation consists of both the strategies, it helps in developing deep
analysis of the research (Why employees’ motivation is important? 2017). In this process,
primary data collection method is considered, for collecting authenticated results. For this a
questionnaire is developed containing both open and close ended questions. It helps in
determining the interconnection of various available model with the objectives (Erdogan and
Bauer, 2014). Questionnaire and interview questions are developed on the basis of aim and
objectives of the research. On the other hand, Hope Street hotel is able to collect information
with the help of secondary research. For this information can be gathered from various sources
such as books, journals, internet, etc (Optimism's Role in Employees Motivation. 2015).
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3.7 Sampling
Sampling is an approach through which researcher is able to determine their target group
for research from the universe. Next stage of research is carried with the help of that sample. It is
implemented while considering primary research approach. This helps in gathering new
information based on various conditions. The present dissertation is based on the determining the
factors that are affecting motivation (Aarons, Ehrhart and Farahnak, 2014). In order to
implement this data collection approach, sample is identified. There are two types of sampling
method are available i.e. profitability and non-profitability.
The present dissertation is applying random sampling approach, under which manager of
the organisation are identified as the sample space. In this step questionnaires is developed for
determining their view. Hope Street Hotel is consisting of 20 managers into their company.
Therefore, with the help of questionnaire they are able to collect information (Batool, 2013). In
this process, they are providing question to the senior and collecting their responses. The
analyser is trying to identify the factors that are affecting motivations. On the basis of that they
are applying changes into the process. Sample of managers are considered for the sample as they
are considering various strategies (Breevaart, Bakker and Demerouti, 2014). Therefore,
managers of the firm are able to determine issues and factors. With the help of this approach
necessary information related to the motivation factors can be gathered.
3.8 Data analysis
The data analysis is considered as crucial part of the research work. All the collected
information’s are analysed by applying different tools and approaches (Does Leadership Style
Affect Employee Work Performance? 2017). At this stage of the research, all the gathered data
are considered for interpretation, in order to reach final outcome.
Data analysis is can be implemented into two ways i.e. qualitative and quantitative. With
the help of qualitative data analysis method, researcher is able to implement thematic analysis
strategies. In this process information can be represented with the help of graphs, pie chart and
bar. On the other hand, quantitative is based on SPSS, it supports tools like regression, T test etc.
For the data analysis process, qualitative approach is used. With the help of this step researcher
is able to develop themes based on objectives of the dissertation (Reb, Narayanan and
Chaturvedi, 2014). During this process investigator is free to adopt themes for determining the

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subjective information related to the topic. In order to generate effective outcome of qualitative
research, thematic analysis approach is considered. With the help of this method, information is
represented into graphical form with the help of graphs, charts, tables, etc. It increases the
understanding all the gathered facts and figures in details.
The present dissertation is implementing thematic analysis approach. All the themes are
developed on the basis of questionnaire. It helps the analyser in collecting effective outcomes.
With the help of this approach Hope Street hotel is able to determine the factors that are
influencing motivation of employees. It helps in identifying issues, in order to overcome them
necessary step are considered for boosting up confidence of employees (Employees Satisfaction
Surveys: Measuring Staff Engagement 2017).
3.7 Ethical consideration
Ethical concentration is considered as an important step of the research work. It helps in
determining the ethical assurance related to the research work. While conducting analysis,
research should always consider ethical practices while collecting information. Author is
considering secondary information for their research work, which is previously done by
someone. In this situation issues related to unethical practices raised, such as data theft,
plagiarism, data breach, etc. It affects the quality of the research work and create issues like data
duplication and leads towards data redundancy (Ferreira Rebelo, Santos and Silva, 2014). On the
other hand, if primary research is applied, it includes personal information of the respondent. In
case if the analyser is not able to maintain security of data. It creates various problems for the
interviewee. In can create situation of data breach and create challenges for the analyser.
Therefore, while conducting analysis process, the researcher should maintain safety and security
of the data, for this only authorised person should be permitted to access data. On the other hand
while conducting secondary information into the research, proper references and in-texting
should be done. It reduces problems like data stolen and theft. Along with this, effectiveness of
the information should be also maintained. It helps in reducing the chances of data theft and
modification. In the present dissertation, researcher has collected data by considering ethical
approaches. While collecting information they are considering effective safety and security
measures. The information is stored at cloud platform, due to which hackers cannot attack of
data. Along with this, only limited persons are provided with permissions. On the other hand,
proper references are considered along with in-texting (Jayawarna, Rouse and Kitching, 2013). It
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helps in maintaining the ethical consideration of both primary and secondary data collection
method. It supports in overcoming the changes of interviewee's data theft and reduces the
chances of plagiarism.
3.8 Validity and reliability
Validity and reliability is considered as an important approach for gathering information.
It helps the analyser in collecting effective and desired information. The present dissertation
maintains validity and reliability while conducting research and gathering information. In order
to conduct primary research, questionnaire is developed containing reliable information for
attaining results. Along with that, data gathered with the help of secondary data collection
approach is also reliable (Zohar, 2014). All the information is collected from valid sources such
as books, journals, newspapers and so on. It helps in maintaining effectiveness of the research.
With the help of implementing valid and reliable approach, researcher is able to effectively
determine the factors that affects motivation of employees. Also supports in analysing leadership
style for maintaining performance within Hope Street Hotel (How to keep your employees
motivated and excited about their job, 2017). On the basis of that organisation is able to take
necessary steps in order to overcome it. Therefore, it is considered as significant step for
producing reliable information.
3.8 Research limitation
There are various limitations identified by the investigator while conducting research.
These all create direct impact on the overall outcome of the research. It influences the
effectiveness of the process and reduces the scope of research. While conducting the present
dissertation, various challenges are faced by the investigator (Rao, 2014). Some of them are as
Selection of ineffective method: While conducting research, researcher should have
proper knowledge of methods and must have enough experience. Otherwise it will
influence the quality of data collection process and create a research limitation (Daft and
Marcic, 2016).
Time limitation: Before starting the research process proper distribution of time should
be done. It helps in maintaining effectiveness of data. If the analyser is not able to
complete task within the time limit it affects next level and create research limitation.
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Unavailability of financial sources: While conducting research proper planning should
be implemented, during this process total resources should be distributed among each
process. It helps in conducting research effectively. Otherwise turn into limitation (Kara
and, 2013).
Ineffective aim and objective: Before, starting research aim and all the objectives
should be discussed with team members. If the considered objectives are not effective, it
affects the outcomes and create research limitation. (Leadership Style and Employees
Performance? 2017).

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Chapter 4: Data Analysis
4.1 Introduction
Data analysis is one of the essential chapter of research work. With the help of this
method final discussion can be generated with the help of analysed information. Qualitative data
analysis approach is considered, in order to produce effective outcomes. In this method,
qualitative data analysis approach is applied. Through this thematic analysis can be applied into
research. It helps in analysing outcomes of survey on the basis of various motivational theories.
Present report is consisting of questionnaire for gathering primary information, for this 20
managers of Hope Street hotel are selected as sample space. Their response will be represented
in the form of pie chart, graphs, etc. In order to effectively analyse outcomes of the research
thematic analysis method is implemented.
4.2 Discussion
Theme 1: Health and compensation benefits provided by the company.
What are the benefits provided by the
company? (Can choose than one )
Health 7
Transportation 4
Accommodation 2
Compensation 7
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Interpretation and analysis
On the basis of result generated by the questionnaire, it is analysed that out of 20
managers 7 are satisfied with the health facilities provided by company. 4 of them are satisfied
with the transportation services of the organisation. 2 employees are happy with the
accommodation facilities and 7 are satisfied with compensation. Therefore, it is analysed that,
majority of employees of Hope Street hotel are satisfied with health and medical facilities
offered by the firm. It shows that workers of the company are influenced with the health and
compensation provided. These services are motivating them for maintaining their performance
and take advantage of these facilities. It helps the organisation in maintaining their performance
and increasing their productivity.
Theme 2 Internal factors are influencing the employees most.
Which factor are influencing the employees
Internal 12
External 8
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Interpretation and analysis
On the basis of results generated by the questionnaire, it is analysed that out of 20
managers 12 are influenced by the internal factors. On the other hand, 8 are influenced by
external factors. Therefore, it is analysed that majority of the people are influenced by the
internal factors. The positive or negative workplace environment of the Hope Street Hotel is
creating signification impact on their motivation. Employees are demotivated with the
ineffective policies of the organisation. Employee are not able to present their problems and
issues due to ineffective communicate channel, it is creating negative impact on their confidence
and demotivating them. It is creating huge impact on their work and affects its quality.
Therefore, the organisation is required to take necessary steps in order to maintain effectiveness
of workplace. It helps in boosting up their confidence and creates positive impact on their
Theme 3: Work place environment of the company is good.

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Rate the work place environment of the
Good 10
Better 6
Best 3
Poor 1
Interpretation and analysis
On the basis of result generated by the questionnaire, it is analysed that out of 20
employees, 10 said that organisation is providing good workplace to their workers. 6 answered
workplace environment is better, 3 people said best. However, 1 said workplace environment is
poor. Therefore, it is analysed that majority of employees referring that Hope Street Hotel are
able to maintain environment of workplace. It shows that organisation is providing peaceful and
positive environment to their customers. It supports the staff in understanding the process along
Document Page
with this help implementing new and innovative approaches. With the help of this employees are
able to effectively understand their responsibilities and able to maintain their performance. It
helps the firm in maximising their profitability.
Theme 4: Stress is the factors influencing motivation level of employees.
What is the factors influencing motivation
level of employees?
Communication 3
Stress 10
Pressure 5
Ineffective leadership 1
Interpretation and analysis
On the basis of result generated by the questionnaire, it is analysed that out of 20
managers, 10 respondent said that stress is major issue that is affecting motivation of employees.
Ineffective leadership
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5 employees are feeling pressure as the problem, 3 are considering communication system of the
organisation is not effective. While 1 is saying that leadership approach of Hope Street hotel is
not effective. It represents that workforce of the company is facing lots of stress while work. It is
creating negative impact on their confidence and demotivating them. Therefore, in order to
overcome these issues, the firm need to take necessary steps. For encouraging employees and
boosting up their confidence.
Theme 5: Yes, we are able to introduce innovation and creative changes into your work.
Are you able to introduce innovation and
creative changes into your work?
Yes 10
No 8
Cannot say anything. 2
Interpretation and analysis
On the basis of result generated by the questionnaire, it is analysed that out of 20 people,
10 respondents said that they are able to implement creativity and innovative approach while
Cannot say any thing.

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doing their work. 8 employee’s respondent that they are having freedom for introducing
innovation and creativity while doing their work. However, 2 mangers said nothing. Therefore,
on the basis of majority of respondents it is analysed that Hope Street Hotel is providing work
related freedom. Employees of the company are able to implement innovative and creative
approach in order to generate effective outcomes. It helps the firm in encouraging the workforce
in motivating them and boosting up their confidence. With the help of this step they are able to
increase performance of their employees.
Theme 6: Employees are strongly feels that motivation is required.
Do you think employee's motivation is
Strongly agree 8
Agree 4
Disagree 2
Strongly disagree 1
Neutral 5
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Interpretation and analysis
On the basis of result generated by the questionnaire, it is analysed that out of 20
managers, 8 strongly agree and said that motivation is necessary for the organisation, 5
employees thinks neutral, 4 said agree, with the need of motivation for the company. However,
2 employees disagree and said that motivation is important, while 1 is strongly disagree with the
requirement of the motivation within company. Therefore, on the basis of majority of response it
is analysed that motivation is considered as essential factor for the growth of the organisation. It
helps in maximising the performance of workforce by appreciating them and boosting up their
confidence. It encourages them for maintaining quality of their work and increasing them.
Theme 7: Yes motivated employees maximises the productivity of the organisation.
Are motivated employees maximising the
productivity of the organisation?
Yes 12
No 8
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Document Page
Interpretation and analysis
On the basis of results generated by the questionnaire, it is analysed that out of 20
employees, 12 responded that motivated employees maximise productivity of the organisation.
However, 8 workers are saying that motivated staff does not supports the productivity. On the
basis of majority of respond it is analysed that motivation plays significant role in the growth
and productivity of the Hope Street Hotel. It helps in increasing their performance by
encouraging them. Therefore, in order to increase profitability and expand the firm motivated
workforce is essential requirement.
Theme 8: Hope Street Hotel is making average strategies to motivation their employees.
Do you thing Hope Street Hotel is making
effective strategies to motivation their
Strongly agree 5

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Agree 4
Disagree 2
Strongly disagree 1
Neutral 7
Interpretation and analysis
On the basis of result generated by the questionnaire, it is analysed that out of 20
managers, 7 employees said that Hope Street Hotel is making average strategies for motivating
their employees. 5 of them are strongly thinks that the company is taking effective steps for
encouraging staff. 4 members agree with the strategies applied for motivating workforce. On the
other hand 2 managers disagree with the methods implemented by the organisation while 1 of
them is strongly disagree with their strategies. On the basis of majority of responses, it is
analysed that Hope Street hotel is not able to implement effective strategies, in order to motivate.
The staff of organisation are not encouraged and increasing their performance. To make the
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Document Page
applied strategies effective, leader of the firm need to identify loopholes. Necessary steps should
be considered to overcome them and maintain their effectiveness.
Theme 9: The motivational approach of the company is good.
Rate the motivational approach of the
Excellent 2
Good 8
Average 7
Poor 3
Interpretation and analysis
On the basis of result generated by the questionnaire, it is analysed that out of 20
employees, 8 respondents that motivational strategies of the organisation is good. 7 answered
Document Page
that the steps considered for motivating employees are average, 2 of them has rated as excellent.
However, 3 employees are rating it as poor. On the basis of majority of majority of responses, it
is analysed that, Hope Street Hotel is implementing effective strategies for motivating their
employees. These strategies do not influencing employees and affecting their performance.
Therefore, organisation is required to take necessary steps for maintaining effectiveness of their
approaches and encourage workforce for effective performance.
Theme 10: Most of the time leader of the organisation is able to resolve issues employee's
Are leader of the organisation is able to
resolve issues employee's conflicts?
Sometime 3
Most of the time 10
Never 7
Most of the time

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Interpretation and analysis
On the basis of result generated by the questionnaire, it is analysed that out of 20
managers, 10 employees are responded that leader of the organisation is able to resolve issues
and conflicts. On the other hand, 3 workers and saying that they are not able to to resolve them
sometime, while 7 are saying that leaders are not able to resolve their issues. On the basis of
majority of responses, it is analysed that hope Street Hotel is consisting of effective leader. They
are able to understand issues and problems of the work force and able to provide effective
solutions. It is also analysed that employees of the firm are influenced with the leader. It refers
that the company is considering effective leadership styles and able to motivate staff.
Theme 11: No employees are satisfied with the motivational approach of company.
Are you satisfied with the motivational
approach of company?
Yes 8
No 12
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Interpretation and analysis
On the basis of result generated by the questionnaire, it is analysed that out of 20 people,
12 managers of the organisation are not satisfied with the motivational strategies of the
organisation. However, 8 responded are satisfied with the approaches that are considered by the
Hope Street hotel. On the basis of majority of responses, it is analysed that strategies applied by
the firm is not able to motivate employees. It is creating direct impact on their work and
influencing their performance. The workforce is not able to perform their work effective, due to
which growth and profitability of the hotel is getting affected. Therefore, company should take
necessary steps in order to determine loopholes due to which employees are demotivation.
Theme 12: The leadership styles of the company is average.
Rate the leadership styles of the company. Frequency
Excellent 2
Good 6
Average 9
Poor 3
Document Page
Interpretation and analysis
On the basis of result generated by the questionnaire, it is analysed that out of 20
managers, 2 responded that the leadership styles of the organisation is excellent. 6 of them are
saying that leadership strategies considered by the company is good. On the other hand 9
employees are saying that company is implementing average approaches, while 3 are saying that
hotel group is considering poor leadership styles. On the basis of above analysis majority of the
employees are saying that strategies are not effectively. They are not able to provide effective
guidance to the staff in order to reduce pressure and workload. Therefore, organisation should
implement effective leadership styles in order to provide guidance to the workforce. Along with
this it helps in maximising their profitability.
Theme 13: Hope Street hotel is providing average facilities to their employees.
Review for your organisation? Frequency
Satisfactory 7
Unsatisfactory 4
Average 9

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Interpretation and analysis
On the basis of result generated by the questionnaire, it is analysed that out of 20 people,
7 employees of the organisation are satisfied with the facilities provided by the organisation. 4
people are unsatisfied with the services provided by the organisation. However, 9 workers are
saying that they are providing average facilities. On the basis of majority of reviews, it is
analysed that Hope Street hotel is not giving effective facilities to their employees. It is
demotivating their and creating huge impact on their performance. Therefore, the company is
required to offer attractive facilities, it helps in motivating them and encourages their
confidence. It helps in increasing their performance and create positive impact on the
productivity of the organisation.
9 Satisfactory
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5.1 Conclusion
On the basis of above report it is inferred that there are various factors that are affecting
motivation of employees and influencing their performance. The leader of the organisation is
provided with the responsibility of motivating workforce for maintaining their performance.
There are various tools and approaches are available that are available in order to motivate
employees and maintain their performance effectively. Hope Street Hotel is considering various
approaches for determining factors that are demotivating employees. The role of leadership
styles is also analysed for increasing performance of the employees. There are various
motivational strategies are implemented such as Maslow hierarchy for need and Herzberg's two-
factor Theory. Along with this Multi-Factor Leadership Questionnaire, is also applied for
analysing the leadership approaches. Through implementing these strategies various issues are
identified such as communication barriers, stress, pressure, work place environment, etc. For
this, various objectives are also considered in order to have deep understanding of the issues. On
the basis of that necessary recommendations are also provided. It helps in maintaining effective
motivational strategies into the organisation and maintain performance of employees effectively.
On the basis of first objective, that is concept of motivational theories and leadership
styles. It is inferred that motivation plays significant role in the growth of organisation.
Motivated employees are able to perform their job effectively, it helps in increasing productivity.
It also helps in increasing growth and profitability of the company. In this process leader of the
organisation is very important in order to motivate workforces. They are able to influence the
staff for doing their work willingly. Along with this proper guidance are also provided by them.
It helps in maintaining quality of their work. Therefore, it is considered as one of the significant
element for resolving issues of the employees and provide them effective workplace
environment. The hope street hotel is also considering various motivation strategies for
motivating their employees also with this maintaining leadership qualities within organisation. It
helps in encouraging workforce and improve their performance.
On the basis of second objective, which is focusing the factors influencing employee’s
motivation. With the help of above research it is analysed that there are various factors that are
affecting motivation of employees. It is creating huge impact on their performance. Employees
of Hope Street hotel is also facing various challenges into the organisation. These all problems
Document Page
are creating negative impact on their work. Some of the major problems that are identified as
ineffective communication channel, stress, pressure, workplace environment and so on. Along
with these there are various issues are identified related to the safety, security and compensation.
These all are influencing their performance and demotivating them. Therefore, leader of the
organisation is also considering various strategies in order to improve their performance. With
the help of effective leadership style the organisation is trying to resolve various issues.
Therefore, organisation is required to implement tools and strategies it helps in resolving various
issues and problems of employee's. It helps in motivating employees and influence them for
being productive and supportive towards the organisation. It supports Hope Street hotel in
maximising their profitability and improving productivity.
On the basis of third objective, that is considering the methods and tools for motivating
employees. In order to improve performance of employees, motivation is considered as essential
requirement. Therefore, various tools and methods are available in order to resolve them. Some
of them are Maslow hierarchy for need and Herzberg's two-factor Theory. With the help of this
step organisation is able to encourage by resolving their issues. In this process first model is
Maslow hierarchy for need, with the help of this approach leader of Hope Street hotel is able to
determine the factors that are affecting employees, such as physiological, safety and security,
belongingness, actualization and self-esteem. On the basis of that necessary strategies can be
implement in order to overcome those issues and motivate them for maintaining their
performance. On the other hand company is applying Herzberg's two-factor Theory also. It helps
the organisation in motivating by encouraging them and appreciating them for their good work.
On the basis of that they are applying certain steps such as recognising their work, providing
them responsibilities, providing them promotion and compensation and encouraging them for
facing challenges. It helps in creating positive impact on employees and increases their
Therefore, Hope Street hotel is required to implement various strategies for boosting up
their moral and encouraging them. It helps in increasing their performance and helps in
maximising their profitability. Along with this training and learning should be also provided it
helps in managing workload and reducing pressure and stress.

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5.2 Recommendation
In order to overcome factors that are affecting motivation of employees, Hope Street
hotel should implement effective strategies. Motivated employees help in maximising
productivity and increases profitability of company. For applying effective strategies following
are some recommendations are provided:
Maintaining effective communication channel: Hope Street hotel should make
necessary changes into their communication channel. Staff of the organisation is not able
to communicate their issues and problems to their seniors, due to this they are not able to
focus on their work (Why employee’s motivation is important? 2017). It is creating
negative impact on their motivation level and influences their performance. Therefore, in
order to encourage employees and motivate them for producing effective,
communication channel should be effective, so that problems of staff can be resolved. It
helps in building trust of employees and increases their involvement towards the
organisation. Therefore, communication barriers of the process should be effectively
Implement suitable motivation approach: Employees of Hope Street hotel is not able
to providing effective services as they are demotivated. They are facing various
challenges related to the work and organisational environment, due to which they are
demotivated and not able to provide effective services. Therefore, in order to motivate
staff organisation is required to take necessary steps. They should adopt suitable
strategies for maintaining it. With the help of implement effective approaches such as
Herzberg's two-factor Theory and Maslow hierarchy for need. Through this approach
organisation is able to analyse various factors on the basis of that changes can be
Compensation and appreciation: In order to motivate employees, compensation and
appreciation can be also provided. Currently, workforce of organisation is demotivated
due to this they are not able to produce effective services. It is creating negative impact
on their work. Therefore, for encouraging them and motivate for producing effective
services they are required to introduce compensation and appreciation. It helps in
boosting up their moral and increases their performance. It encourages workforce in
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order to produce better services and get advantage of compensation. It supports in
maximising the productivity of company and increases profitability.
Training and development: Hope Street hotel can also organise training and
development activities. With the help of this process they are able to prepare their
employees so that they can effectively manage workload and reduce stress and pressure.
Currently, staff is facing various challenges related to the workload. They are not able to
handle stress and pressure. It is influencing quality of their work and creating negative
impact of their performance. With the help of training and development activities, they
would be able to manage effectively. Along with this it helps is develop various skills
and ability, through which they are able to become more productive. It supports the
profitability and productivity of the firm.
Conflict resolution: Conflict is also one of the biggest issues with the staff of the Hope
Street hotel, due to this workers are not interacting with each other. It is creating impact
on their work. They are not able to effectively handle the work load, as they are not
discussing problem with other employees. This is directly influencing their performance
along with this created negative impact on planning. Employees are not able to handle
issues effectively, due to which they get demotivated. Therefore, in order to resolve these
issues leader should take necessary step. They should try to understand their problem on
the basis of that activities should be considered.
Review and suggestion: This is considered as one of the most important step towards
motivating employees. It helps the employees in presenting their view points and issues
related to any service. On the basis of that organisation is able to take necessary step in
order to implement changes. Currently, employees are not provided with any medium
through which they can express their views. With the help of this step company is getting
feedback related to their services, it helps in implementing necessary changes in order to
make it effective.
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Name of candidate:
Total number of years worked with the hotel?
Less than 5 years.
5- 10 years
10-15 years
more than 15 years.
What are the benefits provided by the company? (Can choose more than one)
Which factor is influencing the employees most?
Are external factors being more influential?
Don't know
Rate the work place environment of the company.
What are the factors influencing motivation level of employees?
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Ineffective leadership
Are you able to make innovation and creative changes into your work?
Cannot say anything.
Do you think employee's motivation is required?
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Are motivated employees maximising the productivity of the organisation?
Do you this Hope Street Hotel is making strategies to motivation their employees?
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Rate the motivational approach of the company.
Are leaders of the organisation able to resolve issues of employee's conflicts?
Most of the time
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Are you satisfied with the motivational approach of company?
Rate the leadership styles of the company.
Review for your organisation?

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