
Ecofriendly Practices and Its Effect on Hotel Selection Decision


Added on  2022-12-12

26 Pages6625 Words388 Views
Data Science and Big DataCalculus and AnalysisEnvironmental Science
Ecofriendly practices and its effect
on hotel selection decision A case
study of UK hospitality industry
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CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................4
Research questions.................................................................................................................4
Dissertation structure.............................................................................................................5
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................................................6
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................10
Research type:......................................................................................................................10
Research approach...............................................................................................................10
Research philosophy............................................................................................................10
Data collection.....................................................................................................................11
Data analysis........................................................................................................................11
Ethical consideration............................................................................................................11
Reliability and validity.........................................................................................................12
CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS...........................................................................................13
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION................................................21
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The eco-friendly basically refers to the earth or environment friendly practices
which is not harmful. It mainly accounts for the items which contributes to the green living
or the practices which helps in conserving the natural resources. This research study is based
on understanding the relevance eco-friendly technologies and practices over the UK
hospitality industry which is having amajor contribution in the growth and development of
the country. There has been change a in the perception and the level of awareness of the
people in respect to the well-being of the environment which has resulted into increase in the
implementation of environmental practices in place.
To investigate the ways in which eco-friendly practices has its effect on hotel selection
decision of guests in hospitality industryof UK.
To understand the concept of eco-friendly practices.
To understand the benefits of eco-friendly technology and practices in hospitality
To assess the methods of implementing eco-friendly practices.
To recommend the ways which UK hospitality firms can implement in respect to eco-
friendly practices.
Research questions
1. What is referred by the concept of eco-friendly practices?
2. What are the benefits of eco-friendly technology and practices within hospitality
3. What are the methods of introducing eco-friendly practices?
4. What are the ways through UK hospitality industry can implement such methods?
The rationale behind the selection of this research topic is that thereis an increase in the
usage of the eco-friendly practices by the organization which helps in not only benefiting the
organization and the environment but also has turned out to be an important factor in regard
to the attracting the customers and employees aswell. In the today’s world, there is greater
emphasis over the eco-friendly which also states about the reputation of the company. Thus,
this topic is important for research as it helps in analysing the impact of it.
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This research study will help the organization within the hospitality industry to
identify the changes which are coming and how it can affect the decision of makinga
selection of the hotel.This will be mainly useful for the firms within the geographical
boundaries of UK.
Dissertation structure
Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter provides an overview of the research topic and what will be covered for
meeting the desired research questions.
Chapter 2: Literature review
It will provide an in-depth theoretical analysis of the various research themes which
is derived from the topic. It helps in gathering better information pertaining to the topic.
Chapter 3: Research methodology
This chapter provides information over the research tools and approaches which are
being utilized by the research for achieving aims and objectives.
Chapter 4: Data analysis
It involves analysis and interpretation of the primary and secondary data collected in
respect to subject based upon which final decision is made.
Chapter 5: Conclusion and recommendation
It is the last chapter which draws the final conclusion about the research project and
based upon which certain recommendations are being made.
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Theme 1: Understanding the concept of eco-friendly practices
As per Nguyen and et.al.(2020) eco-friendly refers to the approaches and the
methods which are being used by the businesses which helps in minimising the negative
impact its practices can have over the environment. It contributes towards the green living or
the practices which will support the protection and conservation of the scarce natural
resources. Almost all the business organizations have realized the relevance of such practices
over the business activities. This has resulted into increase in the introduction of such
practices which helps in positively contributing towards the environment and the society at
large. It involves making use of the recyclable materials like the products which is being
made from the glass, wood, or plastic which can be reclaimed from waste products and
converted into something new. According to Kim and et.al. (2019) these practices help in
bringing in sustainability which means that businesses do not deplete the natural resources
and leaving nothing for the future generation. It involves making use of such technologies,
systems and approaches which helps the reducing the negative impact of the business
practices on the environment.
As stated by Sharma and et.al.(2020)eco-friendly practices have nowadays
becoming not only the source of minimising the cost but have also turned out to be factor
which helps in drawing attention of the people towards it. People have nowbecome more
aware about the negative impact that the business practices have over the surrounding and
have put emphasis on the businesses which have promoted sustainable practices. Further
stated by the author that implementing such practices might be little costly in the initial stage
which will be later on will be of no much cost and will also result into cost savings.
According to Thao (2017) for advancing the factor of sustainability and to preserve
Mother Nature, it is significant for everyone to move off from the customary methods of
covetousness and abuse and search for a superior and more promising future to come. In the
event that the people and the industrialists step up for Going Green for a change, there will be
better drive for improvement in the spaces which are identified with environmentally friendly
sources of green energy. Reusing and recycling is additionally a great action through which
onecannotwaste or through the pre-owned material and use it again and again, which in other
words, implies that everyone is utilizing their assets effectively and in better way. Therefore,
it becomes important to effectively understand the importance and relevance of eco-friendly
practices from the perspective of the businesses whichresults into having awider impact over
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