1EFFECT OF CLIMATE CHANGE Climate disruption phenomenon or the issue of climate change refers to the long-term disruption of the wind, temperature, precipitation and other aspects of the weather and climate.The issue of climate change is greatly affecting the ecosystem of natural and managed forests. The emission of greenhouse gases are making the condition more difficult. As a part of this, the temperature is also increasing day by day. In this essay, the issue of climate change due to global warming and its effect on the natural and managed forests are highlighted in a brief manner. It is quite evident that, the climate plays a crucial role in maintaining the function and structure of the natural and as well as managed forest ecosystems and such changes in the climate can also affect the forests’ health.The changes in the climate may promote various adverse issues such as fire, pest outbreak, and drought. As a result of these events, the growth of the forests are also restricted as result in the change in the rates of rainfall changes in the temperature.For promoting reforestation assisted migration can be promoted and it will enhance the forest density.Therefore such changes affect the ecosystem of the natural and managed ecosystem as in order to survive in the nature all the creatures need a particular amount of rainfall and specific amount of temperature.Any disruption in the characteristics of rainfall and temperature range can alter the general habitat of those species living in that particular ecosystem. One of the primary reason of this alteration in the climate is the emissionofgreenhousegases.Theincreasedamountofgreenhousesgasesinthe environment, restrict the thermal radiation to return to the space. In the contrary, those gases traps the thermal radiationand releasesthose heat in the lower atmosphere. By this greenhouse effect, the temperature of earth is increasing day by day. There are various greenhouse gases such as Carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and nitrous oxide which exist in the environment naturally. On the other hand, other greenhouse gases such as horofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur
2EFFECT OF CLIMATE CHANGE hexafluoride (SF6) are also contributing to the global warming due to the activities of the human being. Among all of these, the increased amount of Co2 in the environment is the primary area of concern. In order to reduce the CO2 from the environment an international agreement named Kyoto Protocol was signed in Japan. The amount of CO2 is increased by 30% since 1990 and it is estimated that 49 gigatonnes of CO2 equivalent (GtCO2eq) was present in the environment in 2010. Therefore, in recent years, it is reported that, the global emission trend of CO2 emission is increasing 2.2% in between 2000 to 2010. In addition to this, it is estimated that, the average global temperature rise will be 3.7°Cand 4.8° C by the end of 2100. As a short term goal, emission of greenhouse gases will be reduced by 30% by the end of 2030. As a long term goalit is planned toreduce the CO2 concentrations to 450ppm CO2eq by the end of 2100 and it is recommended that greenhouse gas emission should be reduce by 40-70% and this will simultaneously help to reduce the global warming below2°C as well.