
Employability and Enterprise Skills - Doc


Added on  2021-05-27

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Running head: EMPLOYABILITY AND ENTREPRISE SKILLS 1 Employability and Enterprise SkillsStudent NumberTutor’s Name
Employability and Enterprise Skills - Doc_1

EMPLOYABILITY AND ENTREPRISE SKILLS 2Breach of Psychological ContractWorking with the construction company was the worst job experience that Mr. Kingmight have had his entire lifetime. Mr. King had held a couple of positions before he got thisparticular job as the supervisory in charge. From the contract he signed, the job was a lucrativeone and enticing to any other person that was looking for a position that would build up theircareer at that specific time. To his advantage, the job suited his description as the employerswere looking for someone with a bachelor’s degree in engineering and with at least five years ofexperience. He was glad to begin his career as the supervisory in charge, and he was given twodays to prepare to join the rest of the workforce. Mr. King had a registered mentality that madehim believe there was a mutual obligation that exists between an employer and his employee. Tothis, even in his previous jobs, he found it annoying when most of their bosses treat him asbeggars and more precisely this is the reason he left his previous career. He, therefore, signed thecontract knowing that even though he is not a shareholder in the company he is a partner inhelping to realize the vision of the organization.One of the elements that had been listed in the job requirements was that Mr. King wouldwork only 8 hours a day with a possible extension of two hours that would pay in a differentpackage as overtime. To his surprise on his first day he left work after twelve hours of hard laborand unlike in the contract where he was to work for five days a week, he was given newinformation that he would work one extra day making a total of six days. When he enquiredfrom his employer, it was communicated to him that any extra work that he performs outside thecontract he signed would be catered for differently. Since Mr. King was not interested in money,this did not impress him that much. He preferred having some time for his family, and the reasonwhy he signed the contract was that the job suited the kind of lifestyle that he wanted.
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EMPLOYABILITY AND ENTREPRISE SKILLS 3He decided to give it a try and develop a positive attitude towards the job. However, thechanging terms and condition in the workplace did not stop at that. After he had worked for afew days, absenteeism was a common phenomenon among the subordinate staff. This wasexpected as the job was overwhelming and too demanding on them. When he inquired of theother employees, he realized that in so many ways his colleagues were also feeling betrayed bythe company. As a result, absenteeism was the culture of the organization and the reasons as towhy the company was not doing well were due to the same effect. This was a deviant behaviorthat the employees had formed, and the management could not question them because it had notfulfilled its obligation towards them. More so he realized that most of his employees worked formoney and they were not interested in the well-being of the company.Mr. King was not in any way surprised by this, even though it affected his functionalityregarding productivity. They still had to meet the daily target with the limited number ofpersonnel. The breach of the psychological contract has numerous negative effects on theworkforce, and one among the many is the reduced productivity. When employees arepsychologically affected, they often tend to decline in performance which changes the output ofthe organization. It is apparent that it was not only Mr. King that was influenced by the breachbut all the other employees of the organization. As a result, most of the people opted out of theworkforce, and the remaining could not handle the pressure, this significantly affected theproductivity of the construction company.When the burden could not be bearded any no longer Mr. King filed a complaint to hisseniors and demanded that the lost workforce is replaced. However the management wasreluctant on dealing with the issue, and as a result, he was forced to join his seniors inperforming the manual work beside his job descriptions. To begin with, the work was physically
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EMPLOYABILITY AND ENTREPRISE SKILLS 4hard and dirty. Not that he had a problem with handling such kind of work, but this is not exactlywhat he wanted and what he signed for in the contract. There was no enough machinery at theconstruction site and at the time he was required to move large pieces of rocks with his barehands. Being an aged man, her health was affected after a few days of doing such activities.After a month Mr. King felt like he could not take it any longer. After he received his pay whichto his surprise did not cater for the extra hours that he had worked, he decided to quit the job. Mr.King’s employers had the opportunity to take various steps to solve the situation at hand whichthey didn’t. One of the ways was to show concern to Mr. King and all the other employees of theorganization. The workforce would have behaved differently but all the same, the managementwas not bothered. The secondly Mr. King longed for one to offer him explanations for thedifferent changes and decisions that were made in the organization. No one explained to Mr.King why he has to work extra hours and extra days. And no one explained why the workforce isnot being replaced as it ought to. He quit his job because the management took no action towardssolving the issue at hand. Instead of giving a lot of pressure to the employees the administrationwould have opted to reduce the daily target to reasonable standards or otherwise recruit asneeded by the workload of the organization.Questions Why does a breach of psychological contract happen from a manager’s perspective?Does every employ some extent experience mental breach of contract
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