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Employability Skills


Added on  2023/04/21

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This document discusses the concept of employability skills and their importance in the workplace. It explores the role of a human resource manager in recruiting and managing employees. It also provides insights on improving employability skills, motivating employees, and effective communication strategies. Additionally, it offers tips on time management techniques. The document is based on a case study of Next PLC, a retail company operating in the clothing and footwear industry.
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Table of Contents
TASK 1.................................................................................................................................................3
1.1 ...................................................................................................................................................3
1.2 ...................................................................................................................................................4
TASK 2.................................................................................................................................................6
TASK 3...............................................................................................................................................10
4.2 .................................................................................................................................................10
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Employability skill is a set of knowledge and abilities to complete a particular job with
effective and efficient manner (Gravells, 2010). These are the essential attributes which are required
to perform a job. These are the some general and specific attributes which can depend on the
particular work profile. Change in the economies has occurred around the world due to
globalization, privatization, liberalization and technology so the organization requires a skilled and
smart workforce to achieve their organizational goals and objectives. The study is based on Next
PLC, it is a retail company which is operating its business activities in the filed of the clothing, foot
wear and home appliances. In this report ways to solve the problem, recommendations for
improvement and time management strategies are described. The purpose of this report is to find
out and address the needs and significance of the employability skills.
I am working as a human resource manger in Next PLC so my duty is to appoint and recruit
most eligible people or candidates in the company (Finch and Fafinski, 2014). To appoint the most
suitable candidate is my prime obligation as I have to work for the betterment of the entity. In below
mentioned way my roles and responsibilities being a HR manager is described as under:
Recruitment: it is the most important role of HR manger as he is liable to take care of all the
responsibilities related with the recruitment and section of the day. So Next PLC is a retail
company and is operating its business activities in the filed of the clothing and footwear.
There are large number of employees are working so it is most important duty of mine to
select the appropriate candidate. So being a HR manger it is my first obligation to select the
appropriate candidates for the business (Chaita, 2016).
Safety: Work place safety is the important factor for the success and development of the
organisation. Human Resource manger is liable to take care of all the employees who are
performing in the company. So the safety issues of the workers are to be handled by me.
Maintaining Employee Relations: it is the another most important feature and responsibility
of mine, it is very important to have a good and healthy work culture. For this there should
be great and healthy relations among the workers. And this can be done by me so I have to
take care the employees and the relations which can be made among them (Trought, 2011).
Training Development: it is very important for the workers to provide good training to the
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staff members. Because ultimately they are liable to make the employees capable for
performing the tasks. So it is also a part of my job to provide best training sessions to the
Along with this my objectives are to provide best services to the entity, to create a healthy
work environment. To select the best staff members and candidates is also very important goal
which is to be obtained by me.
It is my duty to fulfil all my obligations in such manner that the goal can be achieved. I can
provide my best services to the organisation. To select the appropriate candidates It is my prime
obligation and I can attain them properly (Lumley and Wilkinson, 2013). I have to mange the
employees' relation so that the workers can provide the best services to the company. I can work for
the development of company, and can assist my subordinates. The performance objectives can be
achieved by me in such manner as they can influence the company and its marketing position.
Being a HR manager I have to manage the training and development programmes for the
organisation. I can work for inviting the best talent in the entity. My duty is to work for the welfare
of the employees. The company is requiring the best talent and this can be attracted by following
practices of the human resource manger.
In below mentioned way the SWOT analysis of mine is described as under:
Strength: My keen learning and hard working nature is my core strength. I can explore
myself by using these measures.
Weakness: my greatest weakness is that I do not have the problem solving skills. It is very
important to have the problem solving skills so that issues can be resolved.
Opportunity: To grab the best positions in the organisation is the good opportunity for me. I
can explore my self and can learn various things.
Threat: In the organisation there are large number of employees are working so it is not
possible for me to achieve the targets as I can face rivalry at work place. So the competitiveness is
my greatest threat (Rae, 2007).
I can improve myself by taking acre of various elements such as I have top pay attention on
my communication skills and this can be helpful for me to attaining the best talent for the entity.
Along with this I am lacking in problem solving skills, so I can improve them by attending sessions
and seminars of handling the crucial issues at work place. Along with this I can take the advantage

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of the experience of my seniors also, they can give me their suggestions and let me know about the
growth and skills of solving the problems. To have the skill of influencing other is the most
important feature for a HR manager (Rosenberg, Heimler and Morote, 2012). I should take the
classes of the personality development and can work for the welfare of the employees. The manager
of human resource has to interact with the various clients nd workers, so it is essential for him to
have the impressive style of speaking. I can improve my self by taking guidance of the colleagues
and seniors. Along with this I can work for me as I can attend the sessions and this will be
beneficial for me. Thus, in given way it is described that I have to work for the development of
mine. And by taking care of some elements I can be able to improve my employability skills. The
issues or matters are to resolved by a mutual consideration. Being a HR manager my duty is to
address the problems of the workers and this can be done by taking assistance of them. I can
improve myself by giving effort on my listening skills as these are the most important features
which are to be taken care. So in the above mentioned way it is described that I can improve myself.
The motivation is the most important part for the employees. It is very important for the
manager of the entity to provide the best assistance to the workers. As they are the key factors for
the company and their interest must be taken care. If the employees will be satisfied then they will
try to give their best potential to the organisation. So they can be provided some extra facilities and
the motivation can also be provided to them there can be two ways of the inspiring the workers
these are monetary and non monetary (Zaharim and 2009). As far as monetary terms are
concerned in it the workers are inspired by giving the incentives and bonus to them when the
employees are working for the development of the entity, then it is essential of the management of
the corporation to provide them some extra incentives by this they will eel motivated and will try to
give their best to the organisation. So by providing the monetary benefits such as incentives, bonus
and the increment in salary can create a good impact on the workers by this they feel more
motivated and work for the development of the entity. Along with this there are some non monetary
terms in it the appreciation can be done of the employees before the whole staff members. By this
they will be happy theta their efforts are being appreciated by the seniors. So the company must try
to motivate the employees and this can be done by using some measures. If the motivation will be
provided to them they will feel more prevailed and will work for the development of the
organisation (Tomlinson, 2008). Some extra facilities can also be provided to the workers. Thus, in
above mentioned way it is described that the motivation is the most important tool for the
development of the workers.
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Job description is related with the profile of the job, in it the candidates are told about the
role s and responsibilities which are to be followed by them. So it is a wider term and in it all the
essential elements are described which can be related with the job profile.
Along with this the person specification is the another major tool, in it the person who is
most liable and eligible for the job profile is described. Such as the minimum qualification criteria,
experience and age factors are described. So that it can be determined that who is the most
important and suitable candidate for the job (Martin, West and Bill, 2008). So as far as the person
which is to be appointed at management level is concerned, his position or job description will be
supervisor. And he is liable to manage all the activities and to instruct the employees. The person
specification for this job profile will be an experienced person with the management degree. Along
with this the at staff level I can appoint a office boy, he will be liable for serving the employees.
And for this profile the person specification will be decided as per the relevant experience and the
skills of communicate and behavioural matters can be considered. Thus, in this way the two persons
one for the position of the supervisor and the other for the position of the office boy can be
Problems are the usual things which can take place in the organisation, so there should be a
tool for resolving the problems (.Stoner and Milner, 2010). The solutions can be developed as per
the situation. If the issue is very crucial then the solutions must be as per the situations. Different
critical events demand the different solutions and resources of that. So the solutions can be
developed as per the need and requirements of the problems. The most important solutions which
can be developed are mutual understanding, mutual consideration and communication level. So the
issues can be addressed by using some most suitable alternatives.
The communication is the most important element which can take place in the organisation
to communicate the informations. The information can be circulated among the members by using
some most suitable strategies or styles of the communication these are described as under:
Face to face: In this element the detail and data can be communicated to the employees so
that they will be able to understand the matters related with the problems and their solutions.
Higher level managers are communicated by using this method of the communication
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(Bakar and Hanafi, 2007).
Meetings: I can organise the meeting of the staff members and can address their issues, by
this I can be able to communicate them the informations and matters related with the
problem solving issues. Below level and middle level employees can be communicated by
this way.
Conference: This is the another most important tool, in it the conference is organised by the
management of the company and the employees are addressed by the manger. This is a good
way to interact and provide the necessary detail or information to the employees at middle
level (Thijssen, Van der Heijden and Rocco, 2008).
E-mail: It is the most common way to communicate any particular information with the
every level in the company. So this is a quick and easy manner to provide the information to
the employees in a company.
Time is very important for the development of mine. In below mentioned way some time
management strategies are described as under:
Set the Priorities: It is very important for the set and determine the priorities so that the
workings can be done as per this. As by using this tool all the essential tasks will be
completed in a sequence and in a perfect order.
Planning: it is the another most important tool, it is very important to make a proper
planning for doing a particular task (Wye and Lim, 2009).
Delegate the task: It is good and required to delegate the roles and responsibilities of doing
and completion of the work to the other staff members. By this all the work will be managed
Get organised: It is the another major part, when the things are to be done then these should
be organised in a good way so that quickly the work can be operated.
Avoid Multi tasking: It is advisable to avoid the multi tasking as all the works can not be
done at one time by one person. So at a time only one task must be done this will be more
beneficial in managing the time and work balance (Saunders and Zuzel, 2010).
Human resource is very crucial for organisation such as Next PLC to perform their role in
achieving the objectives in cost effective way. In a team all members play these kinds of role:

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Shaper: this is a dynamic role of team member. Shaper mostly impatient, argumentative and
aggressive. They put team to making decision forcefully to group members.
Implementer: this kind of role performer want things should be done in organise manner.
This kind of personality individuals are more down to earth and organise with their works.
Finisher or completer: as the name suggest finisher are more work-oriented in organisation.
This kind of team member always worry about fulfilment of their task. Finisher deal with
task themselves or delegates duties to subordinate to accomplish it (Crossman and Clarke,
Motivator: this kind of personality person role is motivator in team. They encourage
members to achieve and assign organisational task in deadline. They provide specific
techniques or method to group members to perform their role with high efficiency.
Coordinator: it is a crucial role in team it deals to maintain balance of work in company and
fill the gap between group member through allocation duties, role and responsibility to
members in company. Coordinator is like a leader in team who define objective and role of
group personal to according their work skills.
Team worker: as the name implies its concern with team performance in company. Main
aims of this role player is to manage the team in the business to achieve objectives.
Resource investigator: it aims to deal with outsider and negotiate them and collect essential
external resources and information to use achievement objectives of business (de Guzman
and Choi, 2013).
Monitor: it aids to enhance team performance by making new strategy and techniques of
work and provide essential knowledge to group members.
Specialist: in a team their role is to provide expertise knowledge to team how to deal with
specific task and in its accomplishment faster with minimum use of company resource.
In modern corporate world team is crucial for an organisation. Team dynamics simply
defines as behaviour of group member in an organisation. It can affect business efficiency by power
and authorities of team worker. Its include culture, languages, nationality, and ethnicity. In present
business world team play key role in achievement of objectives of organisation (Robles, 2012). In
company team is established by different types of persons they have different types of nature,
thinking and work attitude to perform their role in group. Team is greatly affected by leadership of
team if leader is lack of quality, group will suffer in performing their duties. Poor team leading
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quality can be laible for conflicts and issues which affect productivity of members negatively, team
leader with low skills could not resolve their queries and problem those are creating berries in
business decision. Differences in authority can impact a team, it creates confusion among team
members to follow orders and decrease in their productivity and efficiency. Separated human nature
effect in team motivation because a team made by different person and all have own nature, and
they think and deal in different manner with particular situation.
Teamwork's main motive is to achieve group goals, team efficiency is based on
accomplishment of assigned task in organisation. There are various ways to meet team goals:
Making team policies, guideline and goals: it is initiative step of making a effective team it
include planing guidelines and setting goal of group. Primary task of team is setting objectives of
group, by this it can be determined that what is to be done, Policy and guideline help members to
achieve their objectives in teamwork with efficiency. Its clearly defines team objectives and policies
to the members (Nickson and 2012).
Define role of employee: Clear role and responsibility link with employee's morale, it assist
to member in performing their role, in a team every member's role is distinct from others and they
are responsible only to perform it.
Indicator of the Success of the Employee: It is essential for a team member to develop
himself, and he is provided training and development sessions this is helpful for them in becoming a
successful person.
Remove barrier: a successful team require less problem, it affects employee performance,
there can be many barriers, these barriers may be different culture, languages, ethnicity etc. It
generates coordination problem within in group. So an effective team work is liable to remove all
barriers (Kazilan, Hamzah and Bakar, 2009).
Open communication: a good communication supply helps team to meet their goals.
Workplace is a premise where employee can freely express their opinion regarding their role and
responsibility, and provide new ideas about working culture, create favourable team environment
which lead to achieve team goals more effectively.
The problems can be resolved by using some tools and methods. Mutual understanding is a
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great tool to resolve the problem. It is very important to have a mutual understanding with the
colleagues. In this way the issues can be sort out. Along with this communication is another major
method by which the conflict can be sort out, when the interaction is made properly then the issues
can be resolved at initial stage (Shafie and Nayan, 2010). Apart from this the problems can be sort
out by making a conversation with the team members. It is the most important tool by which the
issues can be resolved. Conference can be arranged by managers to sort out the matters. To resolve
a problem, it is essential to have the words with the people involved in it. The alternates can be find
out and then they are to be evaluated. The pros and cons of the solutions or alternatives which are to
be applied are identified and addressed. This can be done by determining the best possible solutions
for the specific conflict. A better understanding among the followers can be helpful in resolving the
matters . Meetings can also be organised to discuss the matters with the employees and staff
members. The conflicts can take place due to unpreparedness and unforeseen events. Some
problems in a workplace can be avoided by using the prediction measures (Benson, Morgan, and
Filippaios, 2014). There can be a person who can be held liable for resolving the issues and
unforeseen events. The most appropriate tool is the mutual discussion by this the problems can be
addressed in a smoother way. It is very important to resolve the issues at initial stage so that they
can not take a crucial phase. Thus, in given manner it is described that problems can be resolved by
applying some most suitable measures.
The problems are obvious aspect which can occur at workplace. The employees are the most
important factors for the entity. The conflicts can be sort out by using some strategies these are
described as under:
Identify the Problem: it is the most important factor for resolving the issue. In it the problem
is identified and then the source of the conflict is find out.
Determine the Causes: Once the problem is defined then the causes of arising those conflicts
are find out and it is determined that how and in which manner the issue can be sort out
(Gravells, 2010).
Generate the alternatives: In it the alternatives of the problems are identified and it is
determined that in which way the conflicts are sort out.
Select the appropriate alternatives: In it the alternatives are evaluated and the most suitable
alternative as per the problem is selected.
Imply the solutions: In this term the most prime and suitable solution which can be helpful to
resolve the problem is implemented (Finch and Fafinski, 2014).

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Follow up: In it the whole process with the solution and problem solving method is
discussed and it is evaluated that there is any error remained in the process or not. After this
the errors are sort out so that the problems can be solved in the most efficient manner.
Thus, in given way the problem can be sort out. Being a HR manager it is the prime
objective of mine to select the most appropriate candidate. And for this there are some matters
which are to be discussed such as the hod description and person specification. The conflicts can be
resolved by using the steps mentioned above (Chaita, 2016). It is the duty of the management of the
entity to work for the development and welfare of the staff members. This can be done by
evaluating the roots of the problems and the causes of the conflicts. By this the step of never
occurring of that issue can take place. Therefore, the source of the problem must be identified and
For the organizations the problem solving is too essential for the future. Because it impacts
the future events of the employees with in a team. If the conflict can be resolved easily then it can
lead to increase the productivity of the employees. There are following impact on the business for
that particular strategy:
Problem can be resolved easily: If any conflict can arises between the team members it is
good for the business that issues may resolved easily and shortly. Because for the long time it may
impact on the business performance and also the relationship of the team members (Trought, 2011).
Problem can be resolved at initial stage: Team members requires that the crises can resolved
at the initial stage. Becasue it is good for the business as well as team members that at the initial
stage the crises can resolved and the goasl and objectice can achieved in a time manner.
Increase productivity: If the crises can resolved that may lead to increase the performance of
the business and also increase the productivity.
Future problem may reduces: When the team members communicating with each other for
the particular issue. It will lead to overcome the future conflicts (Lumley and Wilkinson, 2013).
Increase the mutual understanding between team members: Sometimes conflict is good for
the team because it can increase the discussion between the team members and after sometimes they
can know there the situation and can react and act accordingly. It can make the harmonious
relationship between them.
Therefore, it can lead to the health and harmonious work environment within the team
members. So that organizational goals and objectives can be achieved efficiently and effectively.
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The above report is based on that, how employability skill are required to perform a job and
to achieve the organizational goals and objectives. The employability skill are required for both the
organization and the employees as well. Because without employability skills an employee can not
perform his job in a effective manner and the organization can not be able to sustain for long run in
the market. They can lose their market share or their profits which is the core objective of any
business activity. Employability skills can also be important for the future. For the employees
prospective it is required tom know that the employability skills are the most prominent factors for
the development of the business.
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