
Employee motivation case study of Tesco


Added on  2019-12-28

8 Pages3194 Words137 ViewsType: 137
Data Science and Big Data
Employee motivation case study of Tesco_1

Research method is a process which is used with an aim to fulfil the aims and objectivesof the specific study in an effectual manner. For any researcher, the given section is veryimportant as it as it guide them towards aims and objectives of the study. The research methodspossess number of tools and technologies which helps the scholars in the process of gettinganswer to the research question which is being faced by them. This essay will be carried out onthe topic of analysing the importance of employee motivation in enhancing performance of retailenterprise: a case study of Tesco (Latham and Pinder, 2005). The essay will showcase theapplication of different research methods which will be used with an aim to resolve the researchquestion associated with the selected topic. In addition to this, the essay will critically evaluatethe selected research methods. Furthermore, it will also provide justification behind selectingdifferent research techniques. Finally, at the end of present essay conclusion will be drawn. There are different types of research methods which can be applied for the purpose toaddress research questions associated with the study of analysing the importance of employeemotivation in enhancing the performance of Tesco. The research methods consist of researchphilosophy, research design, research type, research approach, data collection, sampling and dataanalysis etc (Kothari, 2004). The first research method which can be applied for the present study is researchphilosophy. Here, research philosophy is the philosophy which basically reflects author'simportant assumptions. The assumptions which are given by the author are used for developingthe base for research strategy. In this context, it has been identified that the research philosophyhas many branches which are associated with wide range of disciplines. The research philosophyis of two types one is positivism and the other is interpretivism (Kimmel, 2009). However, forthe selected topic under study interpretivism philosophy can be used. Interpretivism is thephilosophy which allows the scholar to interpret the element of the study. Furthermore, theinterpretivism philosophy states that the truth is not fixed and it changes over the time. The givenphilosophy is effective for conducting research on the topic which is qualitative in nature. This isbecause, with the help of given method the areas which are associated with the qualitativeresearch can be studied in depth. However, it has been critically evaluated that interpretivismphilosophy follows more of subjective approach. In addition to this, it is also influenced throughthe biasness of the researcher (Jonker and Pennink, 2010). It is due to the fact that, the researchercannot generalize the primary data which is being obtained through interpretivism study. This
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happens because the data which researcher assembles is heavily influenced by the personalvalues and view point of scholar. But, still the given method plays very important role in theprocess of attaining aims and objectives of the study related with the selected topic (Hoy, 2009). For the present study, interpretivism philosophy is applied because of the qualitativenature of the topic. In this context, it has been witnessed that the employee motivation impact onthe performance of the enterprise varies from one to other. Thus, with the help of givenphilosophy, the problem can be looked by scholar in totality. However, for the given studypositivism philosophy is not applied because of the absence of quantitative data. In addition tothis, positivism philosophy follows descriptive approach (Positivism philosophy, 2016). Thismeans that it lack in-depth analysis to the specific research issue or the problem. Here, in thegiven study scholar is interested in analysing the impact of employee motivation on overallperformance of Tesco. For this, the, researcher will have to carry out detail analysis. This isbecause, it is through this way only the question of the present study can be answeredappropriately (Gibbs, 2002). Moreover, research design is another method which is used with an aim to conduct theresearch on the selected topic in an effective way. Research design is considered as the blueprintof the study which assist scholar in the process of selecting appropriate research tools andtechniques (Research design, 2016). The research design plays very important role whileconducting research on the selected topic. It is due to the fact that, the design helps the scholarsin carrying their study in the confined place and thus its aids in drawing an appropriateconclusion with regard to the present study in an effectual manner.The research design is of four types such as experimental, exploratory, and conclusive(descriptive and casual) along with case study. These all forms of design have their ownadvantages and disadvantages. Here, in the present study which is related with the topic ofanalysing the importance of employee motivation in enhancing the performance of Tesco,exploratory research design can be applied (Friese, 2012). Exploratory research design assists thescholar in the task of exploring research questions which are framed with regard to the particularstudy. This technique helps the researcher in evaluating the nature of the research problemassociated with the study. Here, with the use of respective method research of the given studycan be assessed that whether performance of the organisation is impacted through employeemotivation or not. Thus, by complying with the given type of activity only, aims and objectives
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