
Employee Motivation and Satisfaction Survey


Added on  2020-01-16

36 Pages4351 Words1503 Views
Research Project on analysing the factors ofemployee’s motivation in Marks and Spencer1
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AcknowledgementI am highly grateful towards my professors & teachers for their support & guidance incompleting my project. They helped in resolving all the issues which came across during myproject. I would also like to recognize my friends and classmates who helped and supported inconducting the research project over the research title “analyzing of motivation factors in Mark& Spencer’s”. Lastly, would like to mention the immense support & guidance of my parents.They are the true inspiration & confidence builder during my low times. Their valuable supportcannot be described in words. Finally, would like to thanks all other who have been part of myresearch project and provided their valuable time, effort, money etc. 2
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Table of ContentsAcknowledgement...........................................................................................................................2Abstract............................................................................................................................................4Introduction......................................................................................................................................5Literature review..............................................................................................................................7Research Methodologies................................................................................................................10Analyzing and finding...................................................................................................................14Conclusion and recommendation..................................................................................................17Presentation....................................................................................................................................18Appendices....................................................................................................................................24Appendix 1.....................................................................................................................................24Response table...............................................................................................................................353
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AbstractThe Research study is based on the title “analyzing of factors of employees’ motivation in Mark& Spencer’s”. The main aim behind conducting the research is to know the effect of motivationfactor over the employees. The research study includes identification of problems, setting ofaims/ objectives, implementation of methodologies, collection &analyzing of data and lastly,recommendations for improvement. There are various motivational factors such as awards,rewards, promotion, increment in salary, gatherings & discussions etc. These factors have largeimpact over the working intensity of employees. Also, these factors motivate them to improveand enhance productivity. Through, this research study a data will collect to know the impact ofmotivational factors over Mark & Spencer’s employees.4
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IntroductionResearch is a mechanism which includes a set of activities to investigate and to gatherinformation about a topic. Through research investigation, new facts & information areestablished.Employees are the key resources for any organization and they play critical role inenhancing Organizational performance. Nowadays, nearly all organizations understand theimportance of human personnel. Therefore, an organization executes varied motivationprogrammes for improvising motivation level of employees. According to Mensah&Tawiah,(2015), Motivation is a process which enhances the level of intensity & efforts towards work toachieve the pre-defined objective. Through, this study an insight into the various factors thataffect the motivational level of Mark & Spencer is to be analysed. Undoubtedly, there arenumber of motivational factors that help the organization to motivate its employs and thus,increase the organizational effectiveness. The employee who are motivate deliver best outcome as they show their complete interesttowards work. With the rise in the competition across the globe the organization are makingeffort to motivate their employee which directs them towards the desired goals and objective.The research will help in identifying the effect of the motivation on the employee of Mark &Spencer. Through motivation employee can make effective coordination with its employee andimprove their quality of outcome. The motivation helps in building good relationship with theemployee which helps the organization to control wastage of resources and make optimumutilization of their resources.The motivational technique helps in building good relationship withthe customer which helps the company to easily adopt with the change in business environment.The employee can be motivated by offering various reward which helps the business to grow itsoperation. The employees are highly motivated on the basis of environment in which they areworking and the facility which they are getting at the workplace. The research will help inidentifying the factor which causes motivation among the employees of Mark & Spencer. Theemployee motivation will also help the company in reducing the rate of employee turnoverwhich helps them in controlling cost of production. 5
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The motivation has helped Mark and Spencer in controlling the unrest within the employeewhich helps in retaining employee for the longer period. The researcher during the research hascollected data from both primary as well as secondary sources which have helped in identifyingthe factor which were motivating the employee of Mark & Spencer. During the research bothqualitative and quantitative measures were followed to identify the outcome of the research. Themotivational technique will help in attracting qualified staff which will help the company inimproving their quality of outcome. The motivation will help Mark & Spencer in buildingoptimistic and challenging attitude at the workplace. This will provide competitive advantage tocompany. The motivation will increase the level of satisfaction of the employee which willcreate there interest towards the work. AimThe main aim behind the research project is to diagnose the impact of various motivationalfactors over the employees of Mark & Spencer. ObjectivesThe main objectives of this research study are as followsTo know the varied motivational factors planned & executed by Mark & Spencer’s.Impact of motivational factors over employee’s performance.Analyze the increase in the organizational effectiveness due to motivated employees.To find issues prevailing in Mark & Spencer’s in terms of employee motivation? Research QuestionWhat are the current motivational factors managed by Mark & Spencer’s?What are the impacts of motivational factors handled by Mark & Spencer’s?What are the improvements in organizational effectiveness for effective motivational factors?What are the issues faced by employees while entertaining motivational efforts? 6
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Literature review Today, nearly, all organizations realized the importance of motivational factors. Organizationspends varied costs for motivating employees and thus, improves overall organizationalperformance (Dobre, 2013). The main issue which is to be addressed in this study is regardingthe extent to which motivational factors affect the level of motivation among the employees andstrive, them to put in more efforts in completing their works. In the words of Harvey various social opportunities & social benefits are used as motivationalfactor for the employees of the organization (Danish and Usman, 2010). According to Yazdaniet.al, stated that the focus on motivation factor improve the work environment and if workingenvironment is good and positive, it will automatically boost the motivation of employeesAccording to Mehmood et. al, concluded that Nature of Job can be a motivating factor for theemployees of the organization as when the job is related to the work passion, then an employeecan easily work in that particular job (Odukah, 2016).Frederick Taylor stated that the influences on the increment in salary as the factor of motivationfor employees. It also leads to increase in production and growth of the employee which helpsthe company in increasing outcome of their work.As said by Chiang and Jang the employee canbe motivated by sharing of the information and then communicating that information with thestaff members (Yusoff&Kian, 2013). It can be a motivator for the employees. In the words ofHossain and Hossain he has influences on job Security as factor of Employees motivation. JobSecurity means the security of the job as less chances of firing of employee etc. William James throws light on employee motivation as by providing good working conditions aswith all the available facilities (Srivastava and Barmola, 2012). Creating good working cultureand motivates environment can be best motivation factor for the employees.Steidleet. al., saidthat a motivation factor can be promotion of the employee and it can be best suited as themotivation factor. Mahazrilet. al., motivation factor can be employee appreciation and whenappreciating the employee for the work done can be a motivation factor (Navdeep&Pankaj,2010).7
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According to Candie et.al (2013), motivation factor is when an employee got recognition forthe work done by them. Commeiras et al (2013), he focuses on the training of employee whichcan be a motivational factor for the employees. According to Azizi and Liang he showsemployee motivation can be job transfer as to do job in a better way there can be transfer of jobbetween the employees (Chandra, 2011). Hunter et al (2012), focuses on the Achievement asthe employee motivation as when achievement leads to motivation in the minds of employees.The performance of the employee highly depends upon the training which they acquire inrelation to their work. The training provides required skills and knowledge to employees whichhelps them in conducting their role with efficiency. The company needs to increase theinvolvement of the employee in decision making in relation to their part of work which helpsin building their trust towards the company. The employer needs to examine the regular checkover the employee to identify the problem which they are facing at the workplace. Theemployee recognition is the other key factors which motivates the employee and increase theirinvolvement towards the work. The outcome of the work highly depends upon the way inwhich employee are motivated towards the work. The employee are highly motivated on theway how the company satisfy their needs. Theories of motivation Expectancy theory- As per the theory the behavior of the people highly depends upon thereturn which they are receiving from the company from the role which is performed by them.The theory also suggest that the behavior of the employee highly depends upon the reward whichthey will be getting in return. For example the worker will work harder if the company promisethat they will be paid higher. The theory is based on three key element which are expectancy,instrumentality and valence.Hertzberg’s two-factor theory- The Hertzberg has specified two factor theory of motivationwhich are motivator factor and hygiene factor. The both the factor helps in motivating theemployee and appeared to work independently of each other. The absence of the motivationfactor doesn’t creates dissatisfaction among the employee on the other hand absence of hygienefactor causes dissatisfaction among the employees 8
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