
Employee Relations: Importance, Strategies and Legislation in TESCO


Added on  2023-06-10

16 Pages4631 Words78 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentReligionPolitical Science
Employee Relations: Importance, Strategies and Legislation in TESCO_1

MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
Employee relations......................................................................................................................3
Importance of employee relations and its value in Tesco............................................................4
Legislations law applied to employee relations and followed by TESCO..................................5
Rights and duties of Employer and Employee in an organisation...............................................6
Advices for improving the Employee relationship in the TESCO..............................................7
Effective employee relations strategies.......................................................................................8
Recommendation for increasing and improving the employee relations strategy.......................9
Stakeholder analysis for the organisation....................................................................................9
Stakeholders Engagement and contribution for supporting employee relations within an.......10
The impact of both positive and negative on employee relations within the workplace...........11
Employee Relations: Importance, Strategies and Legislation in TESCO_2

Employement relationship is a people practice in which management of people’s and
groups or teams in an organisation for making them work with complete harmony according to
the group goals with following all the rules and within the framework of the company (Onkila,
2022). TESCO is a retail company of United Kingdom having its operation worldwide for selling
its products and services internationally. This report will include an overview of employee
relations and its importance and value to the organisation and the legislation that applies to
employee relations in the company. Furthermore, investigating the rights and duties of both the
employer and employee and appropriate with specific examples. An evaluation of effective
employee relations strategies including shared culture, power sharing, shared values, effective
communication and continuous learning and improvement. Lastly, the stakeholder analysis for
organisation with recommendations for improving and increasing the efficiency of the employee
relations strategy will be discussed.
Employee relations
Employee relation is important for creating and making the positive working environment
between the employee and employer (Ismail, 2020). Employment relationship is necessary for
making sure that the practices of people are fair and all of them are working in groups with
complete harmony. This is the method of creating trust and loyalty of both the parties employer
and employee towards the organisation. The main aim of employee relations is improving the
collaboration of employer and employee in the workplace (Kurdi, 2020). TESCO is a retail
company having its branches worldwide and employees working differently with different
working environment of this company. TESCO has created an environment in which it ensures
that the employment relationship is effective with fairness in the activities of the employees and
employers at all levels of departments for making more profits. TESCO or any other company
without proper working conditions between the employee the company cannot achieve its
objectives efficiently or effectively.
Employee Relations: Importance, Strategies and Legislation in TESCO_3

Importance of employee relations and its value in Tesco
Reduce absenteeism: The healthy employee relations create less absenteeism because
employees will be more confident and feel safe in working with others due to good
relations (Žuľová, 2018). TESCO is creating an environment in which employer and
employees are participating together in the organisation decision making for developing
new ideas and thoughts from both the parties. With healthy employee relations the
employee will enjoy their work and come daily in the office and work with their full
efforts and efficiently.
Employee engagement: Engagement of employee is the most important role in an
organisation without which an organisation cannot work efficiently. TESCO’s leaders
and managers are communicating more to employees and the leaders are encouraging to
its team members and listening to their particular problems effectively for making them
feel engage in an organisation. The company must share its views and ideas or thoughts
in front of every employee to make them feel belongingness and encourage them to
communicate their individual perspective. This helps the employee to feel engaged and
involved in the discussion.
Employee satisfaction: It is important for making an employee satisfied in an
organisation because without satisfaction the employee will not work effectively
(Rayment, 2019). The manager or leaders should provide various rewards and
recognition to the employee for making them perform better and send feedbacks for the
inappropriate work. TESCO is using various motivational theories for making its
employee satisfied like providing all the basic and safety needs to each employee in the
company or recognising the good performances by them so that they can achieve their
individual goals with group goals.
Cultural environment: The peoples in the organisation are from different cultures and
have different perspectives and it creates conflict working together with different
thoughts. The TESCO is creating a good cultural environment in which employee of all
levels can socially communicate with each other and providing platforms to discuss their
ideas and thoughts in front of everyone.
Employee Relations: Importance, Strategies and Legislation in TESCO_4

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