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Enterprise and Entrepreneurship at Uber: Characteristics, Business Model, and Sustainability


Added on  2023/06/08

AI Summary
This report discusses the characteristics and motivation of entrepreneurs at Uber, the current business model, and recommendations for sustainability. It covers major business models and theories that should be implemented by entrepreneurs to cope up with contemporary business environment. The report also includes SWOT analysis and recommendations for Uber to ensure sustainability of the organisation.

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Introduction to
enterprise and

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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................4
Account and findings of entrepreneur/s behavioural characteristics and motivation in relation
to contemporary enterprise and entrepreneurial theory at Uber..................................................4
Account and findings of current business model and its suitability with respect to
contemporary business pressures at Uber...................................................................................6
Recommendations for Uber to ensure sustainability of the organisation...................................8
Recommendations to ensure that the organisation remains entrepreneurial.............................10
CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................13
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Entrepreneurship is considered as major economic activity which helps in performing key
business operations with increased stability (Berglund, and Verduijn, 2018). The
entrepreneurship is also known as major activity which is performed for earning profit and
revenue from the marketplace. The entrepreneur is the person who commence business for
selling goods and services at the marketplace. In this project example of Uber company is taken
into consideration which is based in California, United States. The subsidiaries of Uber
company are Uber Eats, Careenm, Postmates, MORE and many more. Uber Eats company
was founded in the year 2009 and the entrepreneurs who founded it are Travis Kalanick and
Gerrett Camp. The project will include behaviour and characteristics of an entrepreneur which
are important for a business to develop key and systematic operations. This report will cover
major business model which should be implemented by the businessman to cope up with
contemporary business environment. This project will also provide recommendations to an
entrepreneur in order to deal with key consequences and challenges associated with business.
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Account and findings of entrepreneur/s behavioural characteristics and motivation in relation to
contemporary enterprise and entrepreneurial theory at Uber
In the era of stiff competition between different companies it is essential for an
entrepreneur to have certain skills and competencies (Bridge, and O'Neill, 2017). The
behavioural traits and characteristics makes an entrepreneur more focused towards functions and
tasks of the business. Focus is the main thing which was practised by both entrepreneurs in order
to accomplish goals and objectives. Characteristics in a positive manner helps and entrepreneur
to develop focused approach in leading the competition. Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp had
different qualities which made them more distinct and enthusiastic in order to achieve all major
organisational objectives.
Characteristics of successful entrepreneur and behaviour related terminology are
mentioned below:
Dynamic personality- The entrepreneur who is starting the business must have a great
and dynamic personality. This will help him to impress other members associated with
the business to follow him in a well defined manner. The main role of an entrepreneur is
to consider key performance based approaches which increase overall potential of
business. Uber company's entrepreneurs Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp always
adopted crucial ways to improve their personality in order to impress others.
Politeness and humble- The politeness and humbleness are two important characteristics
of an entrepreneur which has made Uber effective. These traits also helped and supported
Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp to develop systematic approach in managing key
employees with patience. Entrepreneur must be polite to employees, so that all could be
enhanced in business performance and development.
Team management- Management of a team and its development is most essential for a
business entity. Team management makes the employees more versatile and dynamic at
the marketplace (Bridge, 2017). The entrepreneur of Uber must increased focus on team
development and management in order to enhance possibilities of overall development.
The team development and management theories must be taken into consideration by an
entrepreneur to successfully develop effective approach at the marketplace.

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Decision making- The decision making capability of an entrepreneur is important
characteristic in order to ensure key development. The decision making by an
entrepreneur must be done by following advice of employees to formulate key and
successful decisions. Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp has always been a good decision
maker because of their tendency to promote employee participation.
Motivation in relation to contemporary enterprise and entrepreneurial theory:
The motivation is an important factor which is helpful in development of emotional
intelligence and mental strength in employees. It is main role of an entrepreneur to develop
motivation in employees for increasing their performance (Burnett, and Danson, 2017). The
motivation is the most essential and desirable factor that enhances capabilities of employees.
Motivational theories like content and process theories must be used by an entrepreneurs to
develop key factors that are important for overall growth. The entrepreneurship theory of a
business firm states that entrepreneurship, properly understood and is a major but neglected
element in explaining the boundaries and nature of the business organisation. Entrepreneur
should implement psychological and sociological entrepreneurship theory to understand wants
and needs of employees. It is key role of a business man to fulfil wants and needs of employees.
The contemporary environment should be analysed by a business entity in order to develop key
and focused approach at the marketplace (Drobyazko, Barwińska-Małajowicz, and Danylovych-
Kropyvnytska, 2019). Motivation is an important factor which is also helpful in increasing
chances of practical development of employees. It will also facilitate development of employees
on the basis of their wants and needs in order to perform key and systematic operations.
Analysis- It is essential for an entrepreneur to focus on motivation and development of
spirit in employees. Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp has always adopted best ways to develop
motivation in employees and selected best theories to achieve the same. They both implemented
Maslow's need hierarchy theory, Herzberg motivation and McClelland's need theory in order to
get better results. In order to gain positivity in majority of operations, it is essential for the
owners to follow best practices related to theory and overall development.
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Account and findings of current business model and its suitability with respect to contemporary
business pressures at Uber
The development of a business rely on various business models which are appropriate for
business model. The analysis of need of implementing major business models and theories are
also important for a business to focus on majority of goals and development (Durmanov, Kalinin,
and Shapovalova, 2020). The business models are considered as scientific and well defined
frameworks that are important for developing a well maintained approach. Current business
models which should be adopted by entrepreneur of Uber are mentioned below:
Porter's Generic Growth strategies-
This is one of the finest models which could be adopted by Uber in order to dominate the
marketplace. Porter's generic growth strategies and its application is useful for an Uber business
firm in order to achieve key goals and objectives. This model is effective in making a business
more developed with increased revenue. Uber will implement this model to gain fast pace
growth at the marketplace (Javed, Yasir, and Majid, 2019). The Porter's generic growth strategy
model is helpful in making Uber business more effective at the marketplace. The practical
application of this model for Uber is mentioned below:
Cost leadership- The cost leadership is one of the main approaches which helps a
company to develop key approach at the marketplace. It is essential for a business entity
to develop this approach for increasing chances of success. Cost leadership is the way of
minimising product development cost to sell it at the marketplace at lower price and Uber
has followed this process since a long time. The main role of a business is to develop
unique selling preposition at the marketplace in order to maintain precise approach at the
marketplace (Khudyakova, Shmidt, and Shmidt, 2019). This is most important role of
Uber to focus on analysing key factors which are associated with cost and take help of
operations management in order to develop systematic approach. Cost leadership is also
considered as key approach which provides less priced good in order to boost the sales.
Differentiation- Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp has felt the need of implementing
differentiation in its plans and policies. This is one of the most significant phase in
Porter's generic growth strategy in order to develop key selling based development. The
differentiation of products and services on the basis of contemporary requirements is
most essential for a business entity. The differentiation of key products should be valid
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and supportive for the organisations in order to enhance chances of increased stability.
The differentiation of key products by Uber is necessity of a business to develop more
advanced approach.
Focus- The key focus of a business on all major operations is required by a business
organisation to facilitate majority of operations (Komarova, Tsvetkova, and Pronkin,
2019). Focus of a business should be on stakeholders in order to develop focused and
effective approach. The main focus of Uber company must be on key parameters that are
required in order to enhance growth and stability. Focus is also one of the key aspect
which should be there in employees to generate major practices for Uber commercial
SWOT analysis-
It is very much important for a business entity to perform SWOT analysis of whole
business in order to develop effective approach at the marketplace. The SWOT analysis is
considered as one of the key tools and techniques that is important for business growth
(Kwilinski, Dalevska, and Kovalenko, 2019). Most of the successful companies in the domestic
and global marketplace focus on analysing the SWOT analysis in order to deal with
contemporary situations. The SWOT analysis of Uber business Uber is mentioned below:
Strengths- The strengths are considered as important capabilities of a business firm
which helps in smoothing operations. It is essential for a business entity to develop
certain strengths which are important for dynamic possibilities. Key strengths of Uber are
its marketing management and human resource management which consist of
professional employees. In order to take advantages of the strengths, it is necessary for
company to take assistance of best strategic choices. Financial management is also one of
the key strengths of a business which will increase its chances of competitive approach.
Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp has always tried to develop key strengths in their
functioning and working to achieve and accomplish major targets.
Weaknesses- The weaknesses are major limitations and drawbacks for a business entity
which leads to create hurdles and obstacles for the business (Matlay, 2018). These
elements put a significant impact on the business entity in a negative manner. The main
weaknesses of Uber business developed concern on its research and development
department. It is main duty of management of business to strengthen its R&D department

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to increase coverage of market research. Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp has always
focused on key development based techniques in order to enhance the performance of its
research and development department.
Opportunities- The opportunities are considered as golden chances for a business entity
in order to develop expansion and growth. Successful business organisations at the
marketplace focus on increasing key business opportunities that are effective in making
business organisation more dynamic. The major opportunities available to Uber is to
open branches in London in a set time period. By taking advantage of this opportunity,
business organisation can expand its business coverage.
Threats- Threats are the main danger for a business at the marketplace that negatively
impact on key operations. This is main role of a business to focus on analysing key
threats with increased responsibility in order to develop in a precise manner. The main
threat available to a business at the marketplace includes risk. Management of risk is
most essential for the Uber business to develop more focused goals.
Recommendations for Uber to ensure sustainability of the organisation
The sustainability of the organisation is most important in order to develop suitable
operations. It is key role of a business to facilitate development of major recommendations that
are appropriate for increasing sustainability based functions. Many organisations in recent times
follow sustainability to conserve the environment and facilitate future generations (Mazzarol,
and Reboud, 2017). This is main role of a business to secure its place in the market by adopting
key elements related to sustainability. The entrepreneurs and owners of the company are advised
to adopt the following strategies and ways to maximise the profitability. The main sustainable
factors that contributes to success of the organisation are mentioned below:
Contemporary business practices- In the era of stiff competition between different
companies the best way to survive is following current business practices. The business
organisation should focus on development of a key approach which is beneficial for
overall development. The contemporary business practices which are in compliance to
major rules and regulations related to business should be followed in an ethical manner.
The contemporary business practices which are developed by an business organisation
are helpful in focusing on effective practices that are suitable for development of
sustainability. It is essential for Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp to focus on finding out
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best ways to solve the problems through key practices which are prevailing within the
Eco-friendly practices- Eco-friendly practices are essential to be developed and
formulated by higher level authorities (McNaughton, and Gray, 2017). The top level
management should adopted eco-friendly practices that are fruitful in making company
ecology friendly. The entrepreneur must strategic choices which are beneficial and
suitable for long term growth. Government formulated rules and regulations must be also
formulated by different companies in order to develop enhanced objectives. Eco-friendly
policies are helpful in gaining chances of competitive growth which enable a business
entity to save the environment. Uber company should adopt the best ways to perform
eco-friendly practices which are relevant for its development and considerations.
Strategies and policies- The development of strategies and policies is effective for a
business firm in development of systematic operations. The strategic management of a
business entity should be prepared to enhance high development based chances of policy
development. In the recent times, all major companies focus on increasing the potential
of employees to formulate effective practices. The major strategies and policies are
worthy for a business to develop systematic capabilities. This is most important for
business organisation to increase competitive growth based chances which are important
for development based results. Major strategies which are to be adopted by Uber
company should be based on practical application of key techniques which are suitable
for business development. Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp should adopt best
strategies and policies which are best for the employees in order to develop effective
Green HRM- This is totally a major concept in the field of human resource management
which is helpful in development of key initiatives (Mouraviev, and Avramenko, 2020).
Green HRM mainly considers those factors that enable a company to adopt key
sustainability based practices. All major companies in the international and national
marketplace should formulate major plans and policies which are effective in order to
formulate key practices related to development. The growth of a business is dependant on
increasing value and strengths of employees and provide them with effective
sustainability based practices that are helpful for future growth. Green human resource
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consist of professional employees who are helpful in supporting the company to achieve
major goals related to sustainability. All companies in growth based marketplace should
consider key factors related to major rules and regulations. This is main task of a business
to focus on development of regulations for the employees and provide them with crucial
training and development based measures that are important for organisational growth.
The company must focus on development based goals in order to achieve benefit of
whole organisation in a specific period of time. Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp follow
the concept of green HRM in order to develop key practices which are suitable for
Recommendations for Uber company to ensure that the organisation remains entrepreneurial
In order to move ahead of its competitors, it is necessary for the organisation to adopt
systematic practices and suggestions (Smallbone, and Welter, 2020). The entrepreneur of Uber
should develop main and effective practices that are beneficial for increasing the strength of
business. The main recommendations which should be followed by both the entrepreneurs to to
carry business in a straight forward direction. Key recommendations which are helpful for Uber
business to remain entrepreneurial at the marketplace are mentioned below:
Leadership- The leadership is considered as key element which could help the
organisation to increase chances of competitive development. Leadership is a major art of
maintaining all operations with ease and effectiveness to deliver best values.
Management of Uber business should adopt a suitable leadership style in order to comply
with current conditions of corporate world.
Human relationship theory- Human relationship theory is the most appropriate
approach which helps a company to deliver best values. This theory is applicable to
whole organisation in order to perform operations with increased stability. The
application of this theory increases chances of developing healthy relationship between
employees in order to increase stability. The human relationship theory includes
formation of harmony between different employees to ensure maximum growth. This will
increase job satisfaction of employees and will also boost their confidence.
Professional information and technology- Information and technology is the major
pillar which is supportive in providing key success to business organisation. IT tools must
be used by Uber business organisation in order to perform operations in a quick and

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accurate manner (Tien, Anh, and Do Thi, 2019). The business should also hire
professional and trained employees in the management to develop focused practices. It is
main role of a business to focus on delivering best values related to IT in order to perform
specific operations. The information and technology based tools and techniques are also
helpful in developing major approach in managing advance business operations. The
Uber business must also use key IT tools like Decision support system, knowledge
information system and customer relationship management software to perform
operations with increased stability. The business organisation should also consider
important tools which are adopted by multinational companies to perform developed
operations. It is key role of a business to analyse the strength of its IT operations by
managing key tasks and activities.
Risk management- The management of risk is most crucial for an organisation in order
to develop more appropriate approach. In the Uber established business entity chances of
risk are very high so the entrepreneur must calculate key risk associated with different
aspects. Management of risk must be done in a well defined manner in order to gain
effective place in the marketplace. Risk is also the main part of an organisation which
helps in increasing the capability of business to perform stable operations in relation to
contemporary business environment (Wagner, 2017). In order to minimise risk of the
business, it is essential to analyse scope of business growth in the current market area.
Finance and sources of funding- The main task of a business is to focus on finance
department for performing all the transactions with safety. Financial management of Uber
enterprise must be accurate and certain in order to manage key functions of financial
nature. Uber business must also selects appropriate sources of funding in order to develop
effective approach at the marketplace. Banks are important sources of funding which are
available to a business as they provide loan on basic interest rates. The banks are major
source of finance and Uber business, Uber can also prefer to select creditors as a major
source of finance. Uber company can also utilise its financial resources in order to
develop main consequences of positivity and must utilise funds in right direction.
Meetings and collaboration- The Uber business organisation must adopt practice of
organising meetings and collaboration in order to develop effectiveness. Meetings and
collaboration are the major way of taking crucial decisions related to an organisation. It is
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ethical role of the top level and higher authorities of Uber business to organise key
meetings for growth and development. Business organisation should develop key
approach in managing systematic functions with the help of collaboration tools. The Uber
business should also select the best way to communicate with employees to increase
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From the above analysis it can be concluded that entrepreneur must posses certain
positive characteristics in order to lead the competition. This analysis concludes that
implementation of business models is essential for a business entity in order to develop effective
approach at the marketplace. This project concludes that most of the companies in the
international and national marketplace focus on analysing key external and internal factors which
are important for overall development. This project concludes that it is crucial for an
entrepreneur to have certain capabilities and skills in order to make business more dynamic and
vivid at the marketplace. This analysis concludes that key characteristics which are part of an
entrepreneur makes him more successful at the marketplace.

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Books and Journals
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