
Dark Side of Entrepreneurship: Traits, Risks, and Mental Health


Added on  2023-01-04

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Dark Side of Entrepreneurship: Traits, Risks, and Mental Health_1

Part A:........................................................................................................................................3
Major traits associated with the dark side of entrepreneurship..............................................3
Entrepreneurship: Magic & Mystery or Discipline?..............................................................4
PART B......................................................................................................................................5
Reasons behind the success and competitive edge of GoPro.................................................5
Threat and Recommendations for GoPro:..............................................................................6
Dark Side of Entrepreneurship: Traits, Risks, and Mental Health_2

Importance of entrepreneurship important skill in business growth and development is hotel
in present day world. The skill is derived over a period of experience gained in the journey
certainly not about being successful at the very beginning. In this report a discussion has been
presented based on the case study of the eminent company, GoPro earning popularity for
selling action camera the world. From the analysis of the journey of the founder of the
company Nick Woodman, some of the question about Entrepreneurship and its Dark Sides
has been answered. It has been discussed whether entrepreneurship is a discipline or magical
process. The report further looks into the factors that brought competitive edge to the
company and also focus on the existing threats surrounding the firm. The report gets wrapped
with recommendation to combat the threat and conclusion.
Part A:
Major traits associated with the dark side of
Goodness of the entrepreneur does not depend on his probability of getting things right but it
depends on his knowing and consequently making all the errors as quickly as possible so that
he goes through a journey of experience all derived by his own self giving him a proper
acumen for the business growth in the upcoming time. Now what are the errors that can be
made by the entrepreneurship can be better demonstrated by the Dark Side of
entrepreneurship which of father discussed below.
Time Consuming: There is no quick way to make profit in an enterprise that have been
started shortly. Again financial capital is one important component for any business to be
supported and to be flourished into bigger scale. The biggest turn off regarding
entrepreneurship is that the initial years of any venture is quite time consuming in order to
reach a level revenue is greater than the cost so that the entrepreneur can make profit. Rather
it is the other way round and the entrepreneur has to spend more than he can earn (Drucker,
2014). It might also happen that he does not receive a pay cheque for quite few months and
eventually he has to depend upon personal savings, loan etc.
Dark Side of Entrepreneurship: Traits, Risks, and Mental Health_3

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