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Environmental Health and Safety Among Farmers Case Study 2022


Added on  2022/09/26

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Health and safety challenges regarding
use of fertilizer amongst farmers in
Northern Nigeria
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II. Abstract
This study is based on the health and Safety issues of the farmers using chemical fertilizers in
the Northern part of Nigeria and the level of knowledge among the farmers as a part of the
health and safety challenges faced by them. The Study was conducted in Abuja and the
farmers of the Federal Farmer Union of the country were included as sample participants of
the study. The Purpose of this research study is to identify and evaluate the health and safety
related issue associated with the use of fertilizers application in amongst farmers in Northern
The research was conducted by using a quantitative study method. A survey research design
was adopted by the researchers to achieve the selected study goals. The researchers
constructed a questionnaire and then the self-structured questionnaires were distributed
among the study participants for collecting the responses. In order to collect data the
questionnaires were distributed among the farmers and along with this, various secondary
source of literature related to this topic was considered as information in order to broaden the
level of knowledge among the farmers of the country.
The study result showed that, there was significant correlation in between the level of
knowledge and poor health and safety outcomes of the farmers in the Northern part of the
country. Apart from that, lack of adequate technical knowledge regarding this issue also
contributed to the adverse health effect among the farmers.
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III. Acknowledgement
I would like show my gratitude to my assessors and professors who have guided me to
understand the topic and complete the project. I would also like to thank my peers and family
members who have always supported me for this project.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION................................................................................................5
1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................5
1.2 Background of the Study.............................................................................................7
1.3 Problem statement.......................................................................................................8
1.4 Research aim.............................................................................................................10
1.5 Significance of the study...........................................................................................10
1.6 Structure of the study.................................................................................................10
Chapter 2: Review of Literature...........................................................................................11
2.1 Review of Literature.......................................................................................................11
Chapter 3: Methodology- Materials and Methods..............................................................21
3.1 Research Question..........................................................................................................21
3.2 Design........................................................................................................................21
3.3 Settings......................................................................................................................23
3.4 Participants, Sampling Strategy and Sample Size.....................................................24
3.5 Data Collection Methods and Tools..........................................................................25
3.6 Plan of Data Analysis.....................................................................................................25
3.6 Ethical Consideration................................................................................................26
Chapter 4. : Result and Findings..........................................................................................27
4.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................27
4.2 Demographic Analysis...................................................................................................27

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4.3 Variable Declaration.......................................................................................................32
4.4 Descriptive Analysis of Variables..................................................................................34
4.5 Correlational Analysis of Major Findings......................................................................35
5.1 Discussion and Conclusion.............................................................................................38
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1.1 Introduction
The insecurity related to the foods and safety in Africa specifically in Nigeria is highly
associated with the growth of the population and the enhanced environmental threats due to
the growth of the population. Nigeria is one of the most black populated countries of Africa
and it can be stated that, the challenges regarding the environmental health and safety is
buried in the problem of high food production requirement in the country for meeting the
requirement of the population of the country. Moreover, the negative reality has again
contributed to the over dependence of the country on the chemical fertilizers as the use of the
chemical fertilizers will help in improvement of production of the agricultural crops. In many
studies, it is found that, the people of West African countries like Nigeria, are mainly
involved in the agricultural processes for maintaining their daily life. In Nigeria, it is stated
that more than 60 per cent of people are actively engaged in the agricultural sectors and 85%
of the people of the country are living in rural areas and they are mostly dependent on the
agriculture for their daily economic expenses (Boland et al. 2014). Although, a huge amount
of people are engaged in the agricultural process, still there is a huge disparities in the
production of foods and the requirement of the overall foods in the country. As a result, the
agricultural process of the country has become more dependent on the use of chemical
fertilizers for producing more crops. Almost 150 kg of chemical fertilizers are used per hector
of land in agricultural use. The over dependence on the chemical fertilizers has enhanced the
overall fertilizer use in Africa (Foning et al. 2014). According to the study of Boland et al.
(2014), it is reported that regardless the condition of the country whether it is developing or
developed country, all the countries are facing risks as a part of the use of chemical fertilizers
in the agricultural fields.
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In Nigeria, the primary source of the food supply is met by the local farmers who have
very small amount of land for of the country and since the pre-colonial days, this local
farmers who have very small amount of land for farming are the major contributor of the food
production of the country. It is expected that within the 2013, there will be approximately 30
million local farmers who have very small amount of land for farming in the country. In this
context the study of Tingem et al. (2018), highlighted the fact that the increased number of
local farmers who have very small amount of land for farming in Nigeria will eventually
enhance the pressure on the lands for enhancing the productions of crops for meeting the
requirement of foods. Apart from that, the reduced assistance of government regarding the
supply of foods to the people in the country also promotes the local farmers who have very
small amount of land for farming to search alternative ways to increase the production of the
agricultural crops as it will help to enhance the overall production of the food materials in the
country. Moreover, it is also evident that, limited lands in the country will also promote the
increase use of chemical fertilizers to facilitate food production in the country. In the study
of Foning et al. (2014) reported that, the farmers are now using the technique of slash and
burn farming techniques along with the use of chemical fertilizers for the gaining high
agricultural productions. In Nigeria, it is reported that almost 7 to 10 kg/ ha of fertilizers are
used in the agricultural fields. In a study by Adekunle et al. (2017), it is reported that, the use
of the chemical fertilizers in the agricultural fields of has greatly affect the health condition of
the farmers of the Nigeria. The study reported that, the environmental and occupational
exposures to the pesticides in the agricultural fields are highly correlated with the adverse
health effect of the farmers in Nigeria. It is reported that the most commonly used fertilizers
among the farmers of Nigeria were the herbicides (61.67 %), fungicides (20.0%) and the
insecticides (18.33%) (Adekunle et al. 2017). The study showed that, the sprayers who are

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engaged in the agricultural field work, had faced immediate symptoms after the pesticide
1.2 Background of the Study
The use of chemical fertilizers in the field of agriculture has enhanced in a great
manner in a last few decades. In order to meet the requirement of the foods, it is very evident
that, the farmers have to enhance the production of the crops. Therefore the farmers opt for
using the artificial fertilizers or chemical fertilizers in the agricultural fields. Therefore, it can
be said that, the main challenge of the agriculture is to feed the growing population of this
world. It is expected that, by the end of the 2020, the global food production should be
doubled in order to drive the flow of food consumption in a fluent manner. According to the
study of Nganchamung, Robson and Siriwong (2017), it is reported that, the use of the
chemical fertilizers in the agricultural fields is not at all safe for the health of the
environment and as well as it affects the health of the farmers engaged in agricultural process
by using the chemical fertilizers. The recent upsurge of population and the on-going demand
of meeting the needs of foods in order to maintain the food security have encouraged the
farmers to use huge amount of chemical fertilizers as a part of the agricultural process. The
use of those chemical fertilizers help the farmers to produce more amount of crops in a same
amount of time. So, it is quite natural that, the farmers opt for the chemical fertilizers.
Therefore, another factor also encourage them to use more amount of fertilizers and that is
the use of pesticides have make the pests resistance to those known pesticides (Yargholi and
Azarneshan 2014).
In Nigeria, it is reported that, almost 70% of the Nigerian population is dependent on
agriculture for survival. Due to the enhancement of the country’s agricultural production,
there is an upsurge of various type of pests in the field and thereby requires control strategy
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for those pests as well (Apeh 2018). It is estimated that approximately, 125,000–130,000
metric tons of chemical fertilizers are used in different agricultural fields of Nigeria.
Therefore various studies showed that, there is a positive relationship in between the adverse
health conditions and the use of chemical fertilizers among the farmers of Nigeria.
1.3 Problem statement
The continuous of the chemical fertilizers in the agricultural fields is greatly affecting
the safety issues of the health of the farmers engaging in the use of chemical fertilizers in the
agricultural process of the country and it is stated that those fertilizers can exert hazardous
effect to the body while it is used in the excessive limit. Most of the studies stated about the
risks of cancer, liver failure as well as Kidney disease to be associated with the growing
reliance on fertilizer usage by farmers in developing countries like Nigeria, however future
effects may even be worse unless appropriate measures are deployed to salvage the situation.
Although the production of the agricultural products have enhanced by using those fertilizers,
but the effect of those chemicals on the human health are not controlled at all in a well
manner. According to the report to the World Health Organization, it is reported that, almost
more than three million of farmers are affected by the adverse effect of the chemical
fertilizers in developing countries of the world (Apeh 2018). According to the study of Gizaki
et al. (2015), it is reported that poor literacy rate and poor knowledge regarding the use of the
chemical fertilizers among the farmers will also another contributive factor for adverse health
effect of the farmers in the country.
Other factor that is associated with the hazards of chemical fertilizers is the issue of
urbanization in the developing countries. So, there is a specific needs of reviewing the health
and safety challenges associated with the use of chemical fertilizers in the countries that have
lack of appropriate knowledge regarding the use of those substances.
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1.4 Rationale of the Study
According to the various studies, it is reported that, the use of the chemical fertilizers
among the farmers has serious hazardous effect on the various human body system such as
human endocrine system and immune system of the human body (Chima 2015). Hence, the
researchers try to assess the adverse effects in the context of Northern Nigeria.
According to the study of Sharma and Singhvi (2017), it is reported that, use of fertilizers
in the agricultural fields can affect the circulatory system of the body by immobilizing the
blood haemoglobin of the human system. Not only this, but the those chemical pesticides are
also associated with health problems such as dizziness, abdominal pain, headache, vomiting
and nausea, skin and eye related problems as well. However, the study of Gonçalves et al.
(2014), also reported about the onset of cancers among the users of the chemical fertilizers.
According to the study of Islam et al. (2015), it is reported that deposition of pesticides in the
human bodies through the vegetables cultivated by using excessive chemical fertilizers has
direct relationship with the onset of cancers in human.
Although there are opposing opinions that the growth of recent bioorganic fertilizer
industries may result in long-lasting sustainable means for stimulating and rehabilitating
agricultural soils which could consequence a healthy as well as high crop production in
Nigeria, these position are still highly contested. Based on this issue, it can be stated that, the
study is mainly aiming to examine the thoughts of the local farmers on the use of fertilizers
application on food crops. The study will also establish whether the farmers have adequate
knowledge or not regarding the applications of fertilizers in the agricultural fields. Not only
that, but the study will also analyze the health and safety issues of the farmers due to the use
of the chemical fertilizers in Nigeria.

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1.5 Research Question
1. What are the Health and safety challenges regarding use of fertilizer in Nigeria?
2. What is the knowledge level of farmers on the safe use of fertilizers?
3. How does the Nigerian government address the issue of unsafe use of fertilizers?
The above research question will analyse the health and safety condition of the farmers
using chemical fertilizers in the agricultural fields of Northern Nigeria.
1.6 Research aim and objectives
The aim of this research study is to identify and evaluate the health and safety related
issue associated with the use of fertilizers application in amongst farmers in Northern
Nigeria. Therefore the objectives of this research are:
To explore the possible cause of hazardous contamination in farming because of
hazardous chemical use as well as its impact and outcomes on health and
To identify the current situation of hazardous chemical usage for farming in
Northern Nigeria and associated issues or impact
To examine the awareness and knowledge of farmers and farming associated
personnel regarding the potential hazards and results because of poisonous
chemical use in farming.
To find the ways of mitigating these errors in chemical usage for farming in
Northern Nigeria
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1.7 Significance of the study
In this, current context, the health condition of the farmers are very crucial and not
only this, the excessive use chemical fertilizers in the agricultural field also can affect the
environment. Therefore, in order to improve the condition of the physical health due to
the adverse effect of chemical fertilizers use in the agricultural fields, the evaluation of
this fact in the Northern region of Nigeria is very crucial.
1.8 Structure of the study
In this study, there will be five chapters that comprise of introduction, literature review,
methodology, results and discussion and conclusion.
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Chapter 2: Review of Literature
2.1 Impact of hazardous chemical usage in farming
It can be reported that, the adverse health effects due to the use of chemical fertilizers
among the farmers of Nigeria are noticeable. Hence, this study will try to examine the
adverse health effect of the chemical fertilizer use among the farmers of Northern Nigeria.
The primary health effects faced by the farmers were chest pain sensation or burning
sensation and the prevalence rate was 82.5% (Adekunle et al. 2017). The prevalence of skin
redness or presence of white patches was almost 68.33 per cent. Along with this, the in some
farmers the problems of breath shortness was reported (almost in 64.17% cases). Excessive
salvation and burning sensations in the eyes were reported among the 60% and 57.5% of the
farmers respectively. Not only this, but most of the farmers believe that, they are facing
those health related issues just because of the use of pesticides in the field (Adekunle et al.
2017). On the other hand, the study of Nganchamung, Robson and Siriwong (2017), reported
about the excessive use of chemical fertilizer among the farmers in South East Nigeria. It is
reported that, most of the farmers used inorganic fertilizers such as nitrogen, phosphorus and
potassium (NPK) (almost 74%). The study also explored that, approximately 92% of the
farmers participated in the study were exposed to the chemical fertilizers and pesticides that
are used to enhance the agricultural production (Boland et al., 2014). Thus the farmers has to
use more amount of fertilizers in the field and thus farmers generally use of huge amount of
fertilizers every year in Nigeria. It is found that, the farmers of South East Nigeria use
excessive amount of chemical fertilizers and almost 93.8 per cent of vegetables cultivated by
them. Surprisingly, approximately, 85.2 per cent of the farmers do not use any kind of
protective equipment in during the application of the chemical fertilizers in their agricultural
fields (Apeh, 2018). Therefore, it can be said that, the condition exists not only in South East

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Nigeria, but also in overall Nigeria. Hence, it can be estimated that, the condition of the
Northern Nigeria may be same. . In a study by Adekunle et al. (2017), it is reported that, the
use of the chemical fertilizers in the agricultural fields of has greatly affect the health
condition of the farmers of the Nigeria. Excessive salvation and burning sensations in the
eyes were reported among the 60% and 57.5% of the farmers respectively. The study of
Gonçalves et al. (2014), also reported about the onset of cancers among the users of the
chemical fertilizers. According to the study of Islam et al. (2015), it is reported that
deposition of pesticides in the human bodies through the vegetables cultivated by using
excessive chemical fertilizers has direct relationship with the onset of cancers in human.
2.2 Underlying causes of chemical hazards in farming
It has also been seen that the factor of the carbon and nitrogen accumulation in the soil is
hampered by the use of the inorganic fertilizers. It can be stated that the factor of the use of
the inorganic fertilizer in a vigorous amount would lead to the soil contamination with the
inorganic metals as well. These metals can cause the genetic imbalance development among
the yield crops and thus affecting the health condition of the consumers. The farmers also can
be highlighted as the consumers of these food crops. Hence, the health affected by these
crops can be seen among the farmers as well (Chivenge et al. 2011). Thus the education to
the farmers regarding use of the fertilizers in a proper manner should be provided as well. In
this context it can be stated that the use of the organic fertilizers and plant and the soil quality
improvement should be implemented other than the inorganic fertilizers (Omari et al. 2016).
The factor of the inorganic fertilizer effects over the soil, crop and the consumers including
the farmers should be addressed with the help of these above mentioned processes in order to
eliminate the risk factors of the inorganic fertilizers. However, the education to the farmers
should be provided with more priority. Moreover, the knowledge of the farmers about the
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climate change and the changes in the soil should be considered for the better process
development for the crop yield improvement as well. Thus it can be stated that the process of
the farming should be improved with the help of the advanced processes that has lesser
harmful impact over the farmers and the surrounding environment as well.
According to Yang et al. (2014), farming of the legume plants or plants that can
incorporate nitrogen in the soil would also be the effective process for the soil quality
improvement and also the factor of the yield amount development. Using protein yield crops
and also the natural and seasonal crops would also help in the soil improvement for the future
crop development. Hence, the inorganic fertilizer implementation can be reduced and the use
of the bio-fertilizers would also help in the process of the risk reduction of the chemical
contamination and health effects regarding those chemical effects as well. On this context it
can be recommended that the use of the organic fertilizers for the environmental, farmer
health and wellbeing as well as the consumer wellbeing (Gizaki, Alege & Iwuchukwu, 2015).
However, the use of the inorganic fertilizer helps in the sustainment of the food crop yield
according to the population rise exponentially. Moreover, the factor of the use of the
fertilizers in a high amount would affect the context of the health and also the ecology as
well. It can also be stated that the factor of the crop rotation would also benefit the cop yield
development and the soil fertility development (Li et al. 2011). Thus it can be stated that the
factor of the development of the crop production should be considered and the use of the
scientific processes can help in the production development.Hence, the education to the
farmers would be required for the changing in the process of the farming as it can be seen that
the knowledge of the farmers are not adequate on this context of the fertilizer use and the
proper process of the development of the crops.
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2.3 Fertilizer use and environmental factors
According to the Federal Ministry of Environment of Nigeria most of the land of Nigeria
is rocky and also the rainfall is 2500 mm, however, in Northern part of the country the rain
fall amount is 400 mm (, 2001). Thus it can be seen that the factor of the
agricultural development has some barriers and the process of the farming of crops is
dependent on the fertilizer use especially in the Northern region. Hence, it has been found
that the use of the fertilizer is predominant among the farmers of Nigeria and the process of
farming is affected by the fertilizer effects as the inorganic fertilizers affect the soil and the
environment (Gizaki, Alege & Iwuchukwu, 2015). The farmers also affected by the over use
of these chemicals. On the other hand the factor of the change in the process of the farming
would be dependent on the knowledge and awareness development among the farmers as
well as the adaptation to the smart agriculture processes. On this context it can be seen that
the factor of the farming should be developed with the help of the government policy
development for the environmental sustainment and also the human health quality
development. The factor of the knowledge development for the farmers should be considered
by the government and also the agricultural society of the country.
Based on the views of Olaniran, Bolaji and Adeboye (2015), greenhouse gas emission
and consequent global warming is one of the most evident factor of the agriculture. On this
context it can be seen that the effect of the fertilizer use leads to the aspect of the emission to
air as well as the spreading in the water as well. Hence, the aspect of the emission rate of
fertilizer found to be high as Nitrogen fertilizer 37.05 kg per hector, phosphorous fertilizer
37.05 kg per hector and potassium fertilizer 37.05 kg per hector (Eshun, Apori and Wereko
2013). Hence, the study showed that the use of the fertilizer chemicals is higher in the
Nigerian context despite of the risk factor of the global warming and the emission to the air.

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345 kg fertilizer and 50.82 kg transportation which are accounted for 72 percent and 10
percent of the total greenhouse gas production respectively (, 2001).
Hence, on this context it can be stated that the fertilizer use in the Nigerian farming of rice
and also the energy use in the process leads to the high risk development of the climatic
change. This condition would affect the human health in the country and especially the
farmers as they are in the direct contact of these chemicals as well. Hence, it can be stated
that the process of the fertilizer use among the Nigerian farmers is high which highlights the
factor of the lack of knowledge about adequate use of the fertilizers in the farming process
and hampering the health and safety of the farmers as well. This process also leads to the high
production of the rice crop however, affecting the health of the farmers as the integration of
the fertilizers in the crops also leads to the food chain contamination (Koc and Ceylan 2013).
2.4 Lack of awareness and knowledge as major limitation
According to Ajibade and Eche (2017), knowledge of Indigenous people of the African
continent plays a key role in the safe use of the fertiliser in the context of farming. It has been
seen that the factor of the fertiliser use would be effective if the causes of the soil erosion and
also the crop production rate reduction. Hence, the authors conducted a survey among 266
farmers of local government areas of Kwara state, Nigeria. The randomised sampling
technique has been used by the authors for the selection of the participants for the survey.
Based on the survey result it has been found that the factor of the climate changing
knowledge is found adequate among 97 percent of the participants. It has also been seen that
the farmers of the Indigenous community know that the climate change and the consequences
such as the reduction in production and also the soil quality degradation (Guthiga and
Newsham 2011). They also stated that the factor of the inadequate knowledge of the fertiliser
us, bush burning, overgrazing, deforestation and other activities hampered the climate cycle
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and also the environment. On the other hand the process of the uses of the chemical
herbicides and the inorganic fertilizers more cost effective for the process. Hence, the use of
these products is predominant in the African context s ell. However, the effect of these
chemicals is found in the crop products (Eshun, Apori and Wereko 2013). Thus the authors
highlighted that the knowledge of use of the fertilizers are not adequate among the farmers of
the country. Hence, it can be recommended that new and advanced ways should be
implemented in the agricultural process for the better outcome and also better weed
management. Hence, it can be seen that the knowledge about the climate change and the co-
factors of this changes and the effects are properly known to the farmers. However, the
knowledge about the safe use of fertiliser is inadequate among them (Kalanda-Joshua et al.
2011). This condition would affect the human health in the country and especially the farmers
as they are in the direct contact of these chemicals as well. Hence, it can be stated that the
process of the fertilizer use among the Nigerian farmers is high which highlights the factor of
the lack of knowledge about adequate use of the fertilizers in the farming process and
hampering the health and safety of the farmers as well. The factors of the smart farming and
also the knowledge about the adaptation for the effective processes of the boosting of yield
amount of the crops should be developed through the knowledge development among the
farmers for the sustainment of the environment and also their health condition. It can also be
stated that the process of the knowledge development should be focusing on the government
procedure and policies as well as the factor of the presentation of the effectiveness of these
procedures over the inorganic fertilizer use would be required in order develop the awareness
of the farmers (Nciizah and Wakindiki 2015).
Ansong Omari (2018), highlighted that there are knowledge gaps among the farmers
about the process of the fertilizer use in the agriculture and also the facts of the risks of the
chemical reactions of the inorganic fertilizers in the soil. On this context the authors
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conducted a semi-interview survey among 114 farmers and found that the farmers know
about the reduction in the crop production and the soil changes. Thus the use of the fertilizers
are dependent on the boosting the crop production and the yield quantity of the soil (Benin et
al. 2013). Hence, the process of the fertilizer use has been dependent on the observable signs
that are the indicator plants, growth vigor of plants, soil color, and tithe and texture. Other
than these the factor of the fertilizer resources also impact on the use of the fertilizer in the
process of farming. Hence, it can be stated that the factor of the knowledge among the
farmers are less in terms of the fertilizer use and the inorganic fertilizers harm the health and
safety of the farmers as well. Hence, the farmers should be informed for the proper use of the
fertilizers and the impact of these fertilizers on the health of themselves and other people as
2.5 Strategies to reduce hazardous condition
Tiamiyu et al. (2017), opined that the smart farming practices are lacking in the Nigerian
context. The authors studied among 577 farmers through multistage sampling procedure and
the interview process. The collected data has been analysed through the descriptive statistical
process. The participants of the study were mainly rice and maize producers. The study
highlighted that the climate change and the adaptation for the smart agricultural models are
lacking among these farmers of the Northern territory of the Nigeria. It has been found that
the adaptation to the advanced practices for the climate change and sustainment of the food
production was highly adopted as the knowledge of the farmers is low in this context. Hence,
it has been found that the use of the fertilizer is predominant among the farmers of Nigeria
and the process of farming is affected by the fertilizer effects as the inorganic fertilizers affect
the soil and the environment (Nganchamung, Robson & Siriwong, 2017). The farmers also
affected by the over use of these chemicals. On the other hand the factor of the change in the

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process of the farming would be dependent on the knowledge and awareness development
among the farmers as well as the adaptation to the smart agriculture processes. The factor of
the smart processes such as the Integrated Pest/Weed Management, agro-forestry, efficient
soil fertilization and water management were not seen in an effective way as well as the
knowledge about these processes also lacking among the farmers (Nciizah and Wakindiki
2015). They also stated that the factor of the inadequate knowledge of the fertiliser us, bush
burning, overgrazing, deforestation and other activities hampered the climate cycle and also
the environment. On the other hand the factor of the bush burning is still a practice that
hampers the soil and the climate and thus the crop production as well (Ogundele and Jegede
2011). Hence, the authors recommended some policy development and also training process
for the farmers in order to develop the knowledge and also the adaptation to these smart
processes for the development of the crop production and also reducing the effects of the
fertilizers on the health of the farmers as well as the consumers of the food (Nwaobiala and
Nottidge 2013).
Tippe et al. (2017), stated that the factor of the weed management is highly dependent on
the process of the fertilizer and the herbicide use for the elimination of these parasitic weeds.
However, the authors found that the factor of the weed management has seen that the process
of the Rhamphicarpa fistulosa and Striga asiatica growth is high and these are more affecting
the farming process than the parasitic weeds (Rodenburg et al. 2016). On the other hand the
process of the uses of the chemical herbicides and the inorganic fertilizers more cost effective
for the process. Hence, the use of these products is predominant in the African context s ell.
However, the effect of these chemicals is found in the crop products. Thus the authors
highlighted that the knowledge of use of the fertilizers are not adequate among the farmers of
the country (Mrema et al. 2017). Hence, it can be recommended that new and advanced ways
should be implemented in the agricultural process for the better outcome and also better weed
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management. On this context it can also be seen that the farmers are not aware about the
effects of the inorganic fertilizers as well. Hence, it can be stated that the education and
awareness is required in a higher priority. Mrema et al. (2017), also stated that the perception
of the farmers also affect the production and the management methods of weeds and other
factors affecting the crop production. However, the climate changing knowledge is adequate
among the farmers. The knowledge about the effect of the chemical reactions in the soil and
the crops are not adequate among the farmers. Hence, it should be considered that the factors
of the scientific factors of the agriculture and the effect of the processes used in the
agriculture are more effectively reviewed by the educators and the agriculture experts for the
better outcome and more cost effective process development (Nganchamung, Robson &
Siriwong, 2017). However, the perception of the farmers should also be considered for the
better assessment of the condition as well as the factor of the development of the yield
production in a high amount so that the produced food sustain against the overpopulation
Literature Gap
Based on the reviewed literature it can be seen that the factor of the knowledge of the
Indigenous farmers are the most crucial factor in the process of the farming and the safety of
the environment as well as the health of the farmers. However, there is no adequate
discussion about the factors affecting the smart agricultural process adaptation. It has also
been seen that the factor of the farming process in the Northern territory of the country has
not been focused in any literature. The most highlighting factor for the Nigerian agriculture is
the factor of the development of the knowledge and also the factor of the effect of climate
change on the agricultural process. Thus it can be stated that the statistical description of the
knowledge of the farmers and the statistical factors of the fertilizer use should be evaluated as
well. On the other hand the focus in the Northern territory should be given into account as
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well. Hence, it can be stated that there are needs of the knowledge development in different
factors as well. Hence on the context of the farming process and the safety of the farmers
should be focused with more priority. It can also be stated that the policy development of the
government should be considered as well for the sustainment of the environment and also the
factor of the safety of the farmers and the food crops and consumer health for the fertilizer
use in the country. On the other hand the proper research is required for the development and
betterment of the yield and the soil of the country for better production as well. It has been
found that the use of the fertilizer is predominant among the farmers of Nigeria and the
process of farming is affected by the fertilizer effects as the inorganic fertilizers affect the soil
and the environment. The farmers also affected by the over use of these chemicals. On the
other hand the factor of the change in the process of the farming would be dependent on the
knowledge and awareness development among the farmers as well as the adaptation to the
smart agriculture processes. Hence, on this context it can be started that the factor of the
development of knowledge should be dependent on the adequate research and also providing
the farmers the adequate knowledge about the effects of the use of fertilizer in the agricultural
field vigorously. On this factor it can be stated that the factor of the knowledge development
and also the factor of the proper policy development should be considered with priority in
order to prevent the mal effects of the practice of the over use of the fertilizers. Hence, it can
be stated that the factor of the literature in this context should be developed on the Northern
territory farming condition and also the factor of the smart farming process in details for the
proper knowledge development as well.

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Chapter 3: Methodology- Materials and Methods
3.1 Design
The proposed study will be conducted by using a quantitative study method and this
method will help to address the above research question in the context of the health and
safety issue of the farmers using chemical fertilizers particularly in the Northern part of
After assessing the nature of the topic, the researchers used an encompassing and a
comprehensive study design in order to make sure the fact that the selected research questions
based on the health and safety issues of farmers of the Northern Nigeria can be addressed
properly. Therefore, in this context, a survey research design was adopted by the researchers
that aimed towards achieving the research aims selected by the researchers. Along with this,
the researchers had used a quantitative research methodology in this research. For the survey
conducted in this research, the researchers constructed a questionnaire and the self-structured
questionnaires were distributed among the study participants for collecting the responses
from the participants of the study. Eventually the, the questionnaire is based on the health
and safety issues of the farmers using chemical fertilizers. There are two segments in the self-
structured questionnaire and the first part of the questionnaire is composed of the
demographic profile of the participants and this sections, the age, gender, educational level,
nationality, ethnicity are included. In the second section of the questionnaire, is associated
with the information regarding the health and safety issues of the farmers using chemical
fertilizers specifically in the Northern part of the Nigeria. Not only this, the questions of this
section are designed to examine the knowledge level of the participants in the specified study
location that is Northern Nigeria.
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While performing the research, the researchers followed all the ethical considerations of
the college providing the degree. Apart from that, an approval was taken from the supervisor
regarding the reliability of the questions present in the questionnaire and after getting
approval from the supervisor, the questionnaires were distributed among the study
participants of the study.
A quantitative research method refers to that study that can help to address the needs of a
particular group of people by using scientific enquiry regarding the specific topic selected by
the authors of a particular study. According to the study of Matveev (2002), it is reported
that, a quantitative study design is used to gain knowledge and understanding about the
society in the context of a specific problem. In this research, the researchers aimed to
examine the effect of chemical fertilizers on the health of the farmers. Along with this, a
quantitative study also helps the researchers to address the problem in a broader manner by
including more amount of participants in the study. Therefore, a large sample size will also
help to reduce the statistical errors during the analysis of results of the study. A broader
sample size offers more accuracy to the study results. Apart from that, a quantitative study
design also allows the researchers to keep the research anonymous in spite of the fact that the
questionnaires are distributed among the study participants. Along with this, it is also quite
evident that standardization of the each step of the study in the quantitative research approach
helps in the reduction of bias during the collection of data and analysis of the results. In this
context, it can be stated that the results can be applied to general people of the community as
well. Another advantage of the quantitative approach is that this type of research can be
performed remotely as well that is the participants need not to present in a specific location as
the researchers can circulate the survey or questionnaire in an online method and thus allow
more amount of study participants to take part in the study. In this, context, the researchers
use the survey method by using the self-structured questionnaire. So, it can be said that, this
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method only needs the costs of time and this makes this process cheaper than any other
research methods.
Along with this the researchers also used relevant literature published on this topic to
carry out a coherent analysis on the stands of the scholars regarding the health and safety
issues of the farmers using the chemical fertilizers in Nigeria. In this regard, the researchers
also studied related materials based on the challenges regarding the health and safety issues
and knowledge levels of the farmers on that topic using chemical fertilizers.
3.2 Settings
In this study the health status of the farers of the Northern Nigeria was analysed in
order to assess the health an d safety challenges regarding the use of the chemical fertilizers
in order to meet the enhanced need of food production in the country. Therefore, the research
analysed the knowledge level of the farmers and the related government measures regarding
the minimization of the health and safety challenges of chemical fertilizer use in the
agricultural fields. In this context the view point of the farmers regarding the use of chemical
fertilizers is also important as sound knowledge regarding good and bad effect of chemical
fertilizers on the health of the farmers also can improve the health condition of the farmers in
Northern Nigeria. However, the research process and collecting the data from the farmers
were not so easy as the researchers travelled to the remote location to reach to the affected
community in Abuja. In order to gain knowledge regarding the issue of overdependence on
chemical fertilizers of the farmers the researchers were engaged in asking critical question
related to the fertilizer use and level of knowledge regarding the bad effects of the chemical

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3.3 Participants, Sampling Strategy and Sample Size
In this study, the farmers registered in the official farmer Union of Nigeria were
included as they were the representative of most of the farmers in Nigeria and the study was
based in Abuja. Along with this the officials of the Ministry of Agriculture of Nigeria were
also included in the study. The main reason of including the staffs of the ministry in the study
was to gather information from the government officials regarding the health and safety
challenges and this allowed the researchers to highlight the government’s initiative regarding
this topic. Simultaneously the Government also could take required actions for boosting the
production of agricultural products in the country. From the sample population, the farmers
were selected in a random manner in order to reduce participant bias from the study result.
After selecting the participants through random selection method, questionnaires were
distributed among the selected participants. Almost 50 questionnaires were distributed among
the farmers after collecting the responses, it was observed that only 43 respondents returned
the questionnaires. While addressing the responses, it was recorded that, only 30 participants
completed the questionnaire in a proper manner. In order to study the actual scenario of the
health conditions of the farmers, face to face interviews were planned for the government
officers. However, none of the officers failed to provide required information and thus their
responses are not included.
3.4 Data Collection Methods and Tools
For collecting the primary data from the respondents, self-structured questionnaires
were used and the responses were collected in that questionnaire from the participants. These
primary responses were used to gather the first-hand knowledge regarding the health and
safety issues due to the excessive use of chemical fertilizers among the farmers. As the topic
was related the health issues of the farmers, hence the questionnaires were distributed among
Document Page
those farmers who had basic knowledge level. For analysing the secondary information
related to this topic the researchers used related journals, articles, text books and it had helped
the researchers to broaden the knowledge level regarding the health and safety issues of the
farmers as a result of using chemical fertilizers.
3.5 Plan of Data Analysis
The collected data generated form the primary data collection method from the
participants for were analysed by using the statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS).
Not only the data regarding the health and safety challenges of the farmers using chemical
fertilizers, but the data of the participants regarding demographic profiles were also analysed
in a scientific manner in order to conclude the study results. The researchers believed that, the
chosen study method of data analysis had become successful in answering the research
questions regarding the health and safety challenges due to use of chemical fertilizers among
the farmers of Northern Nigeria.
Along with this, the secondary sources were also analysed by examining the existing
content related to the selected topic in order to get the views of other authors on the similar
topic. This literature search helped the researchers to get adequate information and this
helped the research to be more informative and reliable as well. The knowledge regarding
the health and safety challenges of the farmers using chemical fertilizers in Nigeria
specifically in Northern part of the country.
3.6 Ethical Consideration
The ethical approval was taken from the Middlesex university and the ethical principles
of beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, justice, were maintained throughout the study.
Along with this, any type of physical, psychological, emotional pressure were not given to
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the participants during the study. The information collected in the study would not be used in
any other purpose and decision made by the authors at the end of the study was not
influenced as well.

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Chapter 4. : Result and Findings
4.1 Introduction
In this result section the findings from the collected survey data through quantitative
and statistics data analysis method have been presented in tabular and graphical form. The
demographical variables such as Gender, Ager, Experience, Education Level and Category of
farmer union have been analysed through percentage distribution analysis. The variables
declared for the respective questions have been presented. After that the situational measures
and major variables of this research have been analysed through descriptive statics using
mean, median, mode and standard deviation. Finally the correlational analysis has been
presented for the variables associated with Education, Awareness and Fertilizer Abuse
4.2 Demographic Analysis
From frequency analysis of gender presented in table 1 and figure 1 it has been found
that the percentage of male farmer is comparatively higher than the number of female farmer.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent
Valid Male 19 63.3 63.3 63.3
Female 11 36.7 36.7 100
Total 30 100 100
Table 1: Percentage Distribution of Gender
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Male Female
Figure 1: Percentage Distribution of Gender
From the above frequency analysis of education presented in Table 2 and Figure 2 it
has been found that the percentage farmer has bachelor or HND degree is significantly higher
than the other level of education. The second comparatively higher educational level within
the local farmers who have very small scale land for farming is masters. The number of
doctorial and others are very low.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent
Valid Bachelor/HND 11 36.7 36.7 36.7
Master 8 26.7 26.7 63.3
Doctoral 7 23.3 23.3 86.7
Others 4 13.3 13.3 100
Total 30 100 100
Table 2: Percentage Distribution of Education Level
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Bachelor/HND Master Doctoral Others
Figure 2: Percentage Distribution of Education Level
From the frequency analysis of experience presented in Table 3 and figure 3 it has
been found that the percentage farmer has 6 to 12 years of experience is significantly higher
than the other level of experience. The second comparatively higher experience level within
the local farmers who have very small scale land for farming is 13 to 19 years and 0 to 5
years of experience. The number of other experience level is very low.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent
Valid 0-5 6 20 20 20
6-12 14 46.7 46.7 66.7
13-19 7 23.3 23.3 90
20 & above 3 10 10 100
Total 30 100 100
Table 3: Percentage Distribution of Experience

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0 to 5 years 6 to 12 years 13 to 19 years 20 & above
Figure 3: Percentage Distribution of Experience
From the above frequency analysis of age presented in Figure 4 and Table 4 it has
been found that the percentage farmer between 31 to 40 years of age is significantly higher
than the others. The second comparatively higher age level within the local farmers who have
very small scale land for farming is 41 to 50 years. The number of other age band is very low.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent
Valid 20-30 5 16.7 16.7 16.7
31-40 14 46.7 46.7 63.3
41-50 9 30 30 93.3
46-55 2 6.7 6.7 100
Total 30 100 100
Table 4: Percentage Distribution of Age
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20 to 30 years 31 to 40 years 41 to 50 years 51 to 65 years
Figure 4: Percentage Distribution of Age
From the frequency analysis of farmer categories presented in Table5 and Figure5 it has been
found that Local farmers who have very small scale land for farming of NIRSAL background
are higher in number compared to the number of local farmers who have very small scale
land for farming from Local farmers who have very small scale land for farming union.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent
Valid NIRSAL 16 53.3 53.3 53.3
Local farmers
who have very
small scale land
for farming
14 46.7 46.7 100
Total 30 100 100
Table 5: Percentage Distribution of Farmer Union Category
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NIRSAL Small scale farmers Union
Figure 5: Percentage Distribution of Farmer Union Category
4.3 Variable Declaration
For the data analysis the questions have been coded into smaller cods while keeping the
meaning of the question as unchanged as possible. In table6 the codes allocated for the
respective questions have been presented together. For these variables the data was collected
with the help of 5-option Likert scale. In these five options the most negative option such as
highly disagree has been allocated as 0 value and the highest positive option such as highly
agree has been allocated as 5 value.
Question Codes
1 There are safety and health issue in the use of fertilizer
in northern Nigeria
2 Farmers are aware of the health and safety issue in
fertilizer usage
Farmers aware
3 Farmers in northern Nigeria use fertilizer Uses fertilizer
4 Fertilizer abuse affects food crop production in
northern Nigeria

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5 There are different dimensions of the effect of
fertilizer abuse on food crop
6 There are social and economic factors that enhance
fertilizer abuse in northern Nigeria
7 There are cultural factors that facilitate fertilizer abuse
in northern Nigeria
8 There are measure that has been put in place by
government to reduce the health and safety effects of
fertilizer abuse in northern Nigeria
9 Farmers are aware and sensitized of the safety
measure put in place by government to manage the
health and safety effect of fertilizer usage in northern
10 Poor education remains a major barriers in enhancing
fertilizer usage in northern Nigeria
11 Unavailability of adequate extension workers in
northern Nigeria continues to pose a major challenge
12 Poor funding remains a major challenge in managing
the safety and health implications of fertilizer usage
Poor funding
13 Poor institutional framework in unionizing northern
farmers is another challenges
Poor framework
14 Unavailability of modern farm inputs has continued to
mar fertilizer usage in northern Nigeria
Unavailability inputs
15 Inadequate technological know-how has continued to
impact negatively on fertilizer usage in northern
Inadequate technology
16 Farmers stereotype on the utilization of scientific
innovation in agricultural process has continued to
mar efficient fertilizer usage in northern Nigeria
17 Corruption in the process of allocation or sale of
fertilizer among farmers affects fertilizer usage
18 Majority of northern farmers are still unwilling to
improve their knowledge of fertilizer usage
19 Farmers easy access to fertilizers has been improved Accesibility_improved
20 Agricultural regulatory agencies are has fared well in
reducing the unsafe use of fertilizers.
21 Government environmental regulatory agencies has
enhanced safe handling of fertilizer in northern
22 Improved safety in the application of fertilizer will
improve the economic fortunes of farmers in northern
23 Improved fertilizer usage will result in increased
agricultural input to Nigeria’s Gross Domestic Product
24 There are incidences of discrimination in distribution
of fertilizer among farmers in northern Nigeria
25 Increased safety in the application of fertilizer will
improve agricultural productivity in northern Nigeria
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Table 6: Variable declarations for the respective questions
4.4 Descriptive Analysis of Variables
From the descriptive statistics for all the major variables presented in Table 7 and
Figure 7 it has been found that the mean, median, mode value of Poor funding remains a
major challenge in managing the safety and health implications of fertilizer usage is
approximately 4 with 0.71 standard deviation that means most of the participants supported
that lack of funding is a major issue in lack of safety in fertilization use. The mean, median,
mode value of inadequate technological advancement is approximately 4 with 1 standard
deviation that means a major section of the participants supported that lack of technological
advancement in agriculture major issue in lack of safety in fertilization use. The mean,
median, mode value of improving accessibility is approximately 2 with 0.9 standard
deviation that means a major section of the participants supported that lack of improvement
in the accessibility of local farmers who have very small scale land for farming to safety
equipment is a major issue in lack of safety in fertilization use. The mean, median, mode
value of local farmers who have very small scale land for farming awareness in regulations is
approximately 2 with 0.6 standard deviation, that means a significantly major section of the
participants supported that local farmers who have very small scale land for farming do not
have proper education and awareness regarding regulatory issues related to safety in
fertilization use.
Variables Mean Median Mode
Unsafe_fertilizer_Nigeria 3.17 3 3 0.874
Farmers_aware 3.3 3 3a 0.794
Uses_fertilizer 4.13 4 4 0.681
FA_affect_production 3.03 3 3 0.928
Dimentions_FA 3.37 3 3 0.964
Social_economic_FA 2.7 3 2 0.877
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Cultural_FA 2.33 2 2 0.547
Government_imposition 3.7 4 3a 0.794
Farmers_aware_regulation 2.27 2 2 0.64
Poor_education_barrier 3.13 3 3 0.9
Inadiquate_workers 2.9 3 3 1.062
Poor_funding 3.7 4 4 0.75
Poor_framework 3.27 3 3 0.785
Unavailability_inputs 3.37 3 3 0.964
Inadequate_technology 3.7 4 4 1.088
Stereotypes_modernisation 1.93 2 2 0.74
Corruption 3.03 3 3 0.765
Unwilling_knwoledge_improvement 2 2 2 0.788
Accesibility_improved 2 2 2 0.91
Agencies_improved_safety 2.8 3 3 0.714
Agencies_improved_safe_handling 2.83 3 3 0.648
Safety_improves_economy 3.67 3.5 3 0.922
Safety_improves_GDP 3 3 3 0.587
Discrimination_distribution_fartilizer 2.83 3 3 0.95
Safety_improves_productivity 3.23 3 3 1.305
Table 7: Descriptive Statistics for Major Variables
5 Mean
Figure 6: Descriptive Statistics for Major Variables

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4.5 Correlational Analysis of Major Findings
From the correlation analysis of education level of local farmers who have very small scale
land for farming and their opinion presented in Table 8 it has been found that in most of the
correlation the two tailed significance value is less than 0.05 in every case. Therefore, in all
cases of awareness of safety issues related fertilizers education has significant dependency.
To analyze the correlation factors the Pearson correlation coefficient has been considered.
The correlation value of unsafe fertilization in Nigeria and the education level of local
farmers who have very small scale land for farming is 0.836. It indicates that 83% cases the
education of local farmers who have very small scale land for farming has direct influence on
their sincerity about the unsafe fertilization. The correlation value of fertilization abuse affect
food production in Nigeria and the education level of local farmers who have very small scale
land for farming is 0.836. It indicates that almost 84% cases the education of local farmers
who have very small scale land for farming has direct influence on their sincerity about the
fertilizer Abuse and its adverse impact on food production in Nigeria. The correlation value
of poor education as a barrier in Nigeria and the education level of local farmers who have
very small scale land for farming is 0.74. It indicates that 74% cases the education of local
farmers who have very small scale land for farming has direct influence on their sincerity
about educational needs of small scale farmers. The correlation value of dimension in
Fertilizer Abuse and the education level of local farmers who have very small scale land for
farming is 0.64. It indicates that 64% cases the education of local farmers who have very
small scale land for farming has direct influence on their sincerity about multiple dimensions
of adverse effect caused by fertilizer abuse. Therefore, it has been proved that educated local
farmers who have very small scale land for farming are more aware of the safety regulations
and issues related to fertilizer use in Agricultural industry.
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Education Pearson Correlation 1 .886** .784** .848** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) 0 0 0
N 30 30 30 30 30
Pearson Correlation .886** 1 .757** .862** .886**
Sig. (2-tailed) 0 0 0 0
N 30 30 30 30 30
Pearson Correlation .784** .757** 1 .657** .784**
Sig. (2-tailed) 0 0 0 0
N 30 30 30 30 30
Pearson Correlation .848** .862** .657** 1 .848**
Sig. (2-tailed) 0 0 0 0
N 30 30 30 30 30
Pearson Correlation 1 .886** .784** .848** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) 0 0 0
N 30 30 30 30 30
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Table 8: Correlational Analysis within Education, Awareness and Fertilizer Abuse
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Chapter 5.
5.1 Discussion and Conclusion
From the above discussion it can be stated that the use of the excessive chemical
fertilizers to enhance the production of the agricultural crops in the country, is directly
associated with the adverse health effect of the farmers in the Northern part of the country.
From the analysis of the result, it can be stated that the knowledge level of the farmers were
not at all very low and thereby they had adequate knowledge regarding the adverse effects of
the use of the chemical fertilizers. Along with this, the experience in the agricultural fields of
the participant farmers also helped them to gain knowledge regarding the adverse effect of
the chemical fertilizers. This study result was also supported by the study findings of Tayoh,
Kiyo and Nkemnyi (2016). As per this study, it was reported that, level of knowledge
regarding the use of chemical fertilizers is Associated with adverse health effect of the
farmers. It is reported that, poor knowledge among the farmers regarding the use of the
chemical fertilizers can adversely affect the health and vice versa. However, this study result
showed that, in spite of having a significant knowledge regarding the adverse health effect in
most of the farmers, they are also facing health related issues and therefore it can stated that,
lack of adequate funding and lack of measures taken by the government are also contributing
to the poor health condition of the farmers of the Northern part of the country. Furthermore,
the study result failed find any data regarding the use of personal protective equipment during
the use of the chemical fertilizers. The study of Sharma and Singhvi (2013), stated that, the
use of PPE during use of chemical fertilizers is quite beneficial for the health of the farmers
and in this study it was reported that only one out of four farmers used the PPE during the
handling of chemical fertilizers. On the other hand, the authors also reported that, from the
end of the government, there is no such relevant policies and measures to address the problem
of excessive population growth and the enhanced food requirement in the country. Therefore,

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it can be stated that, lack of measures from the end of the government also promoted the
farmers to use more chemical fertilizers. This finding of the present study also supported by
many other study. The study of Tayoh, Kiyo and Nkemnyi (2016), reported that, the growing
population and needs of food production, is one of the contributors of enhanced use of
chemical fertilizers among the farmers. Although the farmers particularly with sound
knowledge levels regarding the use of the chemical fertilizers, are aware of the poor health
condition, they are not at all capable of using the PPE during the use of chemical fertilizers
due to the poor economic condition of the country. The study confirmed that 60% of the
citizens of the country are involved in the agricultural process and thus it is very crucial to
address the adverse health condition of the farmers in the country in a serious manner. In
spite of having significant amount of educational knowledge, still they had a huge knowledge
gap regarding the use of chemical fertilizers in the context of technicality, use of modern
equipment and modern techniques of agriculture as well. The study result showed that, there
is significant correlation in between the safety issues and level of education among the
farmers and it was reported that the correlation in between those factors is 0.836 that
indicated that in most of the cases the education of farmers has direct influence on their
sincerity about the unsafe fertilization. On the other hand, 84 per cent of cases indicated that
education level of the farmers had direct effect on the sincerity level of the farmers regarding
the use of the fertilizers and its adverse impact on the health of the farmers in Northern part
of the country. The correlation value of dimension in Fertilizer Abuse and the education level
of farmers is 0.64 that indicates that almost in 64% cases the education level of the farmers
has direct impact on their sincerity about numerous aspects of adverse health effect caused by
chemical fertilizer abuse. This study result supports the findings of the study by Mubushar et
al. (2019). In this study, it was stated that, the insufficient use of proper protective equipment
among the farmers is associated with the adverse health effects of the farmers. Due to lack of
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adequate technical knowledge regarding the use of chemical fertilizers in the agricultural
fields, it the participants were unable to read the instructions written on the levels of the
fertilizers. Approximately 48.2 per cent of total participants, were unable to read the
instructions due to lack of proper knowledge. On the other hand, this study also discussed
about the lack of awareness among the farmers and as a result, it was reported that the
farmers took this adverse health effect due to the chemical fertilizers in a casual manner. As
a consequence of this, it was reported that, only 17.4 per cent of the participants thought that,
it was important to read the instruction written on the levels and on the contrary
approximately , 34.4 per cent of the participant did not acknowledge it as a crucial matter
and thus only sometimes read the instructions present in the levels of the fertilizers used by
Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of chemical fertilizers in the Northern
part of Nigeria is directly affecting the health of the farmers and thereby the poor enhanced
requirement of foods and lack of government policies regarding the growth of the food
products in the country also promote the farmers of the country to use more chemical
fertilizers. Therefore, it is found that, poor level of technical knowledge among the farmers
participated in the study is also associated with the enhanced use of chemical fertilizers and
its related effect on the health of the farmers in Nigeria, specifically in the Northern part of th
country. Therefore, it can be recommended that, the government should take required
initiatives to enhance the knowledge level of the farmers of Northern Nigeria so that they can
be aware of the adverse health effect regarding the use of chemical fertilizers.
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