
Ethical Dilemmas in Travel and Tourism


Added on  2020-01-07

3 Pages1017 Words651 Views
Task 4:4.1 The ethical dilemmas faced by the travel and tourism sector:The Cultural tourism, which is developing very rapidly in today's world, by the researchers ofthis phenomenon is relatively congruently explained as conscious travelling to facilities and sitesof culture and to visit cultural events and associated in this process of travelling in the differentplaces and exploring and serving the best services to the customers. Meeting of the travelparticipants with these cultural products that is something that considered by them to the cultureas some mental reality and makes them interpreters of these creations. This process resulting inqualitative enlargement of their knowledge about it and about the surrounding world organizedby a man as its produce the service to that specific customers. It is tourism undertaken by people- cultural tourists who are prepared to travel, interested in given aspects of culture, have travelexperience, are aware of the need to care about the heritage and contemporary culturalenvironment, and are open to other communities, they are cultured and follow the lines of ethicsfollowed by the organization and the customers as well. The presented image of the culturaltourist, unfortunately the process cannot be applied to all participants in cultural tourism becausein this group there are people who are not essentially culturally motivated and reaching culturalfacilities and cultural events at general case, guided by fashion, social coercion, desire of mereentertainment or yet another motivation of that service sector. In recent times the importance ofresponsible tourism is growing fast and people are taking more and more assistance from thissector. The aim of responsible tourism is to maintain sustainable development through providingthe service to the customers, which is the proper ratio between the spheres, not only economicand ecological, but along with the connectivity of the social things as well. More attention isdrawn to the fact that the travel agents and travel agencies that offer expeditions to the remotestcorners of the globe, are also responsible for ensuring that these areas will remain unspoilt andthey are giving various offers to the customers in many times and the customers also grabbingthis opportunities. Tour operators, in turn, are to ensure that incoming tourists have theopportunity to more deeply understand the local culture and society as they are getting thefinance from the customers who are living in the environment. They need to care about theeducation of tourists, not only about own maximum profits, in order to enable them to travel with
Ethical Dilemmas in Travel and Tourism_1

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