Hotel Tax System Solution
Added on 2019-09-30
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Faculty of Engineering & TechnologyDepartment of Computer ScienceCoursework Title: Hotel Tax SystemModule Name: Introduction to Computer ProgrammingModule Code: 4100COMPLevel: 4Credit Rating: 20Weighting: 40%Maximum Mark Available: 100Lecturer: Dr. Denis ReillyContact:If you have any issues with this coursework you may contact your lecturer (the academic who delivers your lectures), if there are any outstanding issues you may contact the module co-ordinator whose contact details are:eMail: 731Hand-Out Date: 17th Oct 2016Hand-In Date: 11th Nov 2016Hand-In Method:BlackBoardFeedBack Date: 2nd Dec 2016FeedBack Method: eMailProgramme(s): CS, CSc, SE, MC, CF, CSeIntroduction:This coursework is to be attempted individually.You are required to apply basic computer programming concepts and techniques to solve a computing problem. The coursework is supported by tutorial sessions up to the submission date.Learning Outcome(s) Being Assessed:
1.Apply knowledge of programming constructs and basic algorithms.2.Demonstrate problem solving skills by producing simple programming solutions.3.<not assessed in this coursework>4.<not assessed in this coursework>5.<not assessed in this coursework>Details of Task:A new hotel tax system is required to help managers determine how much tax they must pay calculated by the number of bookings multiplied with the room price for different room types. Every time the system runs, the tax rate may be specified by the managers or set to a suitable default. You are thusly required to produce a console application (using Java) that is ready to open the file M:\data\rooms.txt which contains the room’s data.NOTE : The rooms.txt file (i.e. Appendix A) is provided on BlackBoard in the Assignments section.You should download the file to a new folder called data on your M: drive.It contains three sample rooms. The format of each room’s data is as follows :room typenumber of bookingsroom priceUpon application launch, the system should ask the managers if they wish to specify a custom tax rate, this should be in the form of a yes / no question. When the managers say yes, the system should request the tax rate as input (from the keyboard) which will then overwrite the default tax rate (i.e. Appendix B). When the managers say no, the system should report (to the screen) the default tax rate (i.e. Appendix C). Next, the system should loop through the room’s data, calculating and printing (to the screen) the room type, number of bookings, room price, income and tax, the latter two requiring some basic calculations.Running totals for the income and tax should be calculated and printed before the system gracefully exits.What you should hand in:The properly formatted & commented code in a ZIP file. Specifically, a single Java (.java) file.Instructions will be provided on how to use Blackboard Assignment Handling.
Marking Scheme/Assessment Criteria:AssessmentAssessment Criteria% weighting forpart1Solution’s FunctionalityConstants & VariablesReading InputFormatting Outputif, if-else Statementswhile, for Statements1020201515802Best Practice103Commenting10Guidelines:It is not necessary to develop your system outside the specification above, marks are available for answering the question, the whole question and nothing but the question, thatsaid see below regarding best practice.This coursework is explicitly assessing the following aspects of programming:oConstants & Variables (int, double & string)oReading Input (from keyboard & files).oFormatting Output (to screen).oSelection Statements (if, if-else).oIterative Statements (while, for).The code should employ best practice (i.e. indentation, spacing & camelCase).The code should also be suitably commented (i.e. non self-explanatory).Resources Required:You may use the computing labs on the 6th & 7th floors of the Byrom Street Campus as well as the 1st floor of the Henry Cotton Campus.You should make use of these specific tools & resources:Eclipse (Neon).Lecture Materials.The Internet.
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