
Exploring the Intersections of Sustainable Tourism and its Indicators


Added on  2019-12-28

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Exploring the Intersections of Sustainable Tourism and its Indicators_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction .....................................................................................................................................3TASK 1 ...........................................................................................................................................3a) 1. List of stakeholders in the development of Chumbe Island ................................................3a) 2, Benefit to stakeholders from tourism development planning .............................................4b) 1 Advantages and disadvantage of public and private sector partnership in tourismdevelopment planning at India.....................................................................................................5b) 2 Advantages and disadvantage of public and private sector partnership in tourismdevelopment planning at Chumbe Island.....................................................................................6TASK 2............................................................................................................................................7a) The main features of tourism development planning at various levels...................................7b) Evaluation of interactive planning systems and processes in sustainable tourismdevelopment ................................................................................................................................8c) Methods of measuring tourism impact at Chumbe Island.......................................................8TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9a) The concept of sustainable tourism and its significance..........................................................9b) Factors that prevent sustainable tourism in Chumbe Island .................................................10c) The stages involved in planning for sustainability and analyzing the issues involved in it .11TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................11a) Conflicts of issues and suitable methods for resolving the conflicts.....................................11b) The implication for attempting to balance supply and demand.............................................12c) Moral and ethical issues of enclave tourism..........................................................................12TASK 5..........................................................................................................................................13a) Comparing recent issue connected with tourism development............................................13b) Recommendations to develop tourism in India and Chumbe Island in future......................13CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................14REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................152
Exploring the Intersections of Sustainable Tourism and its Indicators_2

INTRODUCTION Travel and tourism is among the extremely growing industry having maximum share inthe economic development. Further, the sector initiates large number of economic advantageslike it drives foreign trade, stimulate foreign and national investment. In addition to this, traveland tourism sector encourages the development of infrastructure and other services that benefitinternational visitors as well as local residents of tourist destination. Furthermore, in year 2014,the contribution of tourism sector was up to 10% of foreign GDP. In addition to this, it generated277 million jobs and helped to a large extent in reducing unemployment at global level(Economic Impact of travel and tourism, 2015). Therefore, to preserve the ample number ofadvantages spurred by travel and tourism sector, it is significant for stakeholders of the sector toensure sustainable tourism. It further means progress in tourism sector without causing harm onthe environment. By considering the sustainability aspect, travel and tourism sector should assure that theiroperational activities and consumers have affirmative impact on the environment, economicsystem and society (Bramwell and Lane, 2008). In this report, various aspects of sustainabletourism will be elaborated. The learning will be shown regarding the significance of sustainabletourism on the development of Chumbe Island. It is privately owned island located in EastAfrica. In this report, advantages and disadvantages of public and private ownership in tourismdevelopment will also be explained. TASK 1 a) 1. List of stakeholders in the development of Chumbe Island Stakeholders are those individuals or groups that can be affected or affect the tourism ofChumbe Island (Byrd, 2007). It is important for tourism organization to consider the interest ofstakeholders in order to ensure smooth functioning. Stakeholders of cited destination are asfollows: Government: It plays a key role in the functioning of tourism industry. Government cancontrol the activities of tourism entities for the best interest of country. Major concern ofgovernment is to maximize their income in mode of tax and enhance contribution of3
Exploring the Intersections of Sustainable Tourism and its Indicators_3

travel and tourism sector in GDP. Therefore, government will promote tourism sector bybuilding infrastructure for the tourism in Chumbe Island. Environmental groups: There are large number of environmental groups that areworking for protecting environment from the negative impact of tourism in ChumbeIsland. Main aim of these groups is to minimize the over exploitation of resources. Forinstance, Chumbe Island Coral Park Ltd is a body that works for safeguarding coral reefsof the region (Carlsen, 2011). Tourist: They have main interest in the growth and development of tourism. They spendtheir money to experience the natural beauty, cultural heritage etc of a tourismdestination. Main aim of them is to get maximum value for the money paid on gettingtravel experience of Chumbe Island (Buckley, 2012). Local residents: It represents those individuals living in Chumbe Island that get theirsource of livelihoodfrom the expenditure done by tourist. Main concern of suchstakeholder is to ensure positive impact on their livelihood from tourism. Tourism companies: The success of tourism companiesin Chumbe Island. depends upongrowth of tourism. Major concern of these entities is to boost tourism and enhance theirprofitability (Edgell, 2013). a) 2, Benefit to stakeholders from tourism development planning The stakeholders are those individuals or groups that can be impacted by the tourismdevelopment planning. Therefore, they must be considered in planning process. . Explanation ofwhich is as follows: Government: Tourism development will assist government in economic development ofthe country (Erkuş-Öztürk and Eraydın, 2010). Government can increase its income fromtaxation. Tourism organization will pay service tax while tourist will pay Vat on thegoods and services purchased at Chumbe Island. International tourist will improveforeign currency reserve of the country.Environmental groups: Tourism development planning will help in protecting theinterest of these groups. Eco-friendly tourism can be encouraged so as to prevent naturefrom any kind of negative harm (Ham and Weiler, 2012). 4
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