
Fun Policies at Work: Boosting Efficiency and Harmony in Architecture Company


Added on  2020-09-25

9 Pages4038 Words145 Views
Leadership Management
Fun policies at workIntroduction: A warm and foggy topic like fun will have an impact on an organisation 's success. Considering thatthis analytical essay explores the successful implementation of a workplace-friendly policy that canboost efficiency and harmony within Architecture company. This concept would inspire managers tobuild organisational cultures that support play, laughter and fun, is the start of today's fun workplacemovement. Humor can be used, as stated in the literature, to describe group membership, strengthenidentity and personal relationships (Maeve Clancy & Carol Linehan 2019). However, three mainissues must first be addressed to ensure an effective implementation of this new company policy. Thefirst is to define an acceptance limit to which the policy must work by determining the type ofcompany and the employee's demographics. Second, the various 'friendly' practises sponsored bymanagement and how they suit individual organizations. Third, how this approach affects a company,given the expected human resource outcomes. Discussion:We all know the importance of injecting fun into the workplace, and research has shown that fun isbeneficial. A recent study of 2,000 employees showed that workplace fun integration reducesabsences, stresses and increases productivity. Owler & Morrison (2020), believes that fun can be themost important feature of a successful and efficient organisation. Indeed, "fun policies" companiesrefer to increased job satisfaction and employee loyalty as two important benefits. Any individual orperson can't control another individual's enthusiasm for his activity. Noticeably, promising yourself isup to an individual, yet you can advance the cycle by making a spurring situation. The prizes canprofit individuals, groups, and even whole associations. Spurred individuals are exceptionallyversatile and decidedly grinding away, particularly with regards to change. They strive to accomplishtheir objectives, as well, and are critical, not unmotivated. Private company pioneers every now andagain have incredible dreams, objectives and tentative arrangements. If your workplace is motivated,these goals can be revitalising and enjoyable, not stressful and burdensome. There are a number ofworkplace motivation approaches that can attract your team and industry to your personal preference.Consistency is essential in order to achieve results and build momentum, so choosing the theory ortwo and staying with them for sufficient time to monitor results (Ehrenreich 2013). So, there's the value. But how can you make your workplace fun? There are many ways to add fun towork and can be highlighted as under;
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Environment: The design of an office impacts the health, well-being and productivity of itsoccupants is overwhelmingly obvious. Google staff play table tennis, climb walls, and bowl attheir office. Their Zurich Head Office features a massage room, an aquarium and a tobogganrunning from the cube to the coffee shop. AWeber Communications, a software company foremail marketing, was even bigger by installing two slides in their office in Philadelphia.Inspiring spaces are the understanding of how people work together and the knowledge thatevery unit within a company has a unique way of doing business. Understanding your uniquecorporate and departmental culture can enable you to create spaces in which employees canwork and engage fully (Tsaur et al. 2019).Volunteering: About one in five companies gives volunteer employees paid time off. Andwhen the workforce of the organisation does well, they are more likely to be good. A studyhas shown that voluntary work makes staff feel better physically, emotionally and mentally.In fact, 76% of participants said that they felt healthier through voluntary work and 94% saidthat volunteering improved their mood (Yuan Gu et al. 2020).Setting Limits for Fun Policy:To enforce a fun policy in this organisation, boundaries must first be developed to ensure a smoothtransition to everyday culture. Boundaries define "the absolute limit of what is consideredpermissible, comprehensible or conceivable. These limits are unique to each organisation and resultfrom the characteristics of society, business, and employees (Yuan Gu et al. 2020). This imposes astrict restriction on the approval or rejection of a 'friendly activity' by employees. Benefits of Implementing Fun Policy: Fun policy is a strategic tool for influencing organisational culture. An organisation culture is vital tothe business success. As it defines how workers communicate, the degree of labour turnover andinnovation met. These aspects are fundamental to the sustainability of any organisation, and thereforemust concern management. Too many owners and administrators assume no play or work is the idealway to improve productivity. It’s nice that researchers don't immediately recommend this notion.Studies over the past two decades have shown how companies make fun of having happy, morefulfilled workers. And satisfied workers at their jobs are all around better. Workplace fun was linkedto: improved motivation, improved efficiency, reduced work, increased job satisfaction, and improvedtask efficiency. Joy is one way to manage employee feelings effectively. It also showed that teamworkwas strengthened, partnerships were formed, and employee retention increased. There is plenty of
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machinery and equipment in an office, but no workers. As people, we are social beings who need funto cope with the stressors we face every day. Finally, it's just one thing the business atmosphere youwant to create, and more importantly, in which people want to function (Miya Tokumitsu 2017). The other main benefits of fun policy can be outlined as below; Group cohesiveness: Cohesion within the organisation is defined by a number of variablesboth external, disruptive and internal, such as; recruitment of new workers. Companyarchitects can face problems that fuse younger and older workers due to particular beliefs, andcommunication strategies that each generation has. This is partly due to the polarity ofdifferent norms in each social and political climate. Managers of architects can help reconcilethese two communities by building a positive community, reducing external stresses andinternal disputes. Humor can be used to encourage and support mutual understanding. Toexplain this, a business challenged by intense competition will make jokes about its offensivehumour. This reduces employees’ trust and market authority, increasing community respectand superiority feelings. By using mutual humour, positive emotions and group membershipare correlated, increasing group bonding between different individuals. Confidence andloyalty can also be created when each employee is known to be part of a recognisable groupand popular culture. Baby boomers and graduates work harmoniously if society allows(Maeve Clancy & Carol Linehan 2019).Less turnover: The organisation and its employees can suffer from high turnover rates. Bothpractitioners and academics accept high sales costs, including recruitment, procurement andtraining. So, it is of utmost importance that companies should consider those factors.According to Tsaur et al. (2019), a ten-person organisation loses approximately $ 1 million(direct and indirect costs). The relationship between the values of workers and the culture of acompany is an important determinant of turnover rates. The architecture company is facing aproblem of attrition mainly because of the gap between society and employees. Theorganisation is at a critical moment when many experienced workers retire but the newgeneration cannot take over. Ensure integration of graduates into society, managementensures that the experience of older workers affects these new employees. Theimplementation of the fun strategy will benefit architecture company dramatically as theymove through their employees' natural cycle.More creativity: Aspect Architect's type of artistic work is an important factor in promotingthe incorporation of humour in the workplace. Literature repeatedly proved the connexionbetween humour and imaginative thought. Humor was linked to the opening of new ideas
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