1FUTURE WORK SKILLS Career developmental theory Career development theories talk about the different paths to achieve desired careers and how one must develop their skills and capabilities in order to succeed in life. The career developmental theories also explain how certain qualities and competencies makes a person better fit for certain jobs.The happenstance theory by Krumboltz (2009) argues that the selection process of an individual’s career need not be planned beforehand. Through different career based activities and exercises one can understand the strengths and weaknesses that they have and are more likely to choose careers that are more suitable to them. There are four propositions made by the author that ascertain the career counselling and development. The theory is based on the idea that career destiny of people cannot be predicted beforehand and careerdevelopmentshouldnotbematchingthecareerrequirementswithpersonal characteristics. Through the analysis of my interests and reactions to the exercises that I took, I believe that the job of an operation manager would be most suitable for me. Future work skills Through my understanding of the developmental stage and my present target career, I believe that I will need to develop Novel and Adaptive Thinking. This skill will help me in thinking about innovative solutions to problems that arise in workplace and create responses that go far beyond the set rules of the organization. This skill enhances my critical thinking and decision making capabilities that is needed for successfully managing the operations of an organization (Davies, Fidler & Gorbis, 2011). Decision making has many pitfalls. Most of the times, necessary information are not available and we are influenced by our biases. Developing this skill will enable me to avoid those biases and take effective decisions. Problem solving skills will help me in finding out viable solutions to problems and manage people in critical situations. This ability also gives me the ability to manage conflict.
2FUTURE WORK SKILLS The STAR model is based on situation, task, action and result. Using this strategic model, I have found that my skill in the aforementioned skill is limited (Fidler, 2016). In situations that called for my novel and adaptive thinking skills, like in workplace when the deadline of a project was preponed, I could not come up with innovative solution to save the project or manage the clients properly. This led to a loss of the project for the company and an unsatisfied client. Methods and learnings The methods and learning process that I will apply are self-assessment and learning throughreflection.Self-assessmentswillhelpmeinidentifyingmystrengthsand weaknesses. I will be able to work on them and convert my weaknesses to strengths. Reflective learning will help me in assimilating my theoretical and practical knowledge so that I am able to learn from my experiences as well. I also want to gather practical work experiences that will give me first hand understanding and insight into the work that I will be doing in future. For soft skill development I would prefer communicating with peers and feedbacks (Yoke & Ngang, 2017).
3FUTURE WORK SKILLS References Davies, A., Fidler, D., & Gorbis, M. (2011). Future Work Skills 2020. Institute for the Future. http://www.iftf.org/futureworkskills/ Fidler,D.(2016).FutureWorkSkills:UpdateandReview.InstitutefortheFuture. http://www.iftf.org/futureskills/ Krumboltz,J.D.(2009).Thehappenstancelearningtheory.JournalofCareer Assessment,17(2), 135-154. https://doi.org/10.1177/1069072708328861 Yoke, T. C., & Ngang, T. K. (2017). A study on soft skill development among final year diplomainbusinessstudiesstudents.MOJEM:MalaysianOnlineJournalof Educational Management,3(2), 32-50.