
Role of Globalisation in Expansion of Business Market of Companies: A Review


Added on  2020-10-05

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Business DevelopmentProfessional Development
Research Project
Role of Globalisation in Expansion of Business Market of Companies: A Review_1

Table of ContentsTopic:...............................................................................................................................................3CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................31.1 Overview of research........................................................................................................31.2 Research aims and objectives...........................................................................................31.3 Rationale of study.............................................................................................................41.4 Research Questions..........................................................................................................41.5 Time-scale........................................................................................................................4CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................62.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................62.2 Role of Globalisation in expansion of business market of companies at international levelthrough lean production practices..........................................................................................62.3 Benefits global business environment on Vodafone........................................................72.4 Drawbacks faced by Vodafone due to globalisation........................................................92.5 Conclusion......................................................................................................................10CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................................................113.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................113.2 Research approaches......................................................................................................113.3 Data Collection and analysis..........................................................................................123.4 Research philosophy.......................................................................................................123.5 Research strategies.........................................................................................................123.6 Time horizons.................................................................................................................133.7 Conclusion......................................................................................................................13CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATIONS.................................................14CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION......................................................................................................28CHAPTER 6: REFLECTION & RECOMMENDATION FOR ALTERNATIVE RESEARCHMETHODOLOGY........................................................................................................................29Recommendation for Vodafone on the basis of research outcomes.....................................29Recommendations for Alternative Research Methodology.................................................29Reflection.............................................................................................................................29
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REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................31Topic: “To determine the benefits and drawbacks of a global business environment on VODAFONE.CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 Overview of researchGlobalisation can be defined as a process of integrating the business functions ininternational economy, which leads to enhance interconnectedness of economies of variouscountries. Today, with development in advanced technology like ICT, rise of social media,mobility and more has lead to increase the concept of globalisation. Mainly, global businessenvironment includes different sovereign countries which directly influence the decision makingprocess on resource use and capabilities. It helps in increasing trading, meeting higher demand ofnational and international customers, make raw materials and other resources accessible to multi-national companies etc. All these things lead to organisations in running their businesssuccessfully at global level (Mamic, 2017). In addition of this, when company enter in globalmarket then they needs to aware about all the trends of market and customers needs as well. Thiswill contribute in enhancing and establishing the competitive brand image of the company atmarket place. But it also impact on operational management of such organisations in bothnegative and positive manner. The present research is going to criticize this concern ofglobalisation as well as challenges faced by multi-national organisations (Aharoni, 2014). Forthis purpose, Vodafone is selected to conduct this study as it operates business in many countriesand offer products worldwide. This telecommunication company is headquartered in London andprovide services like smartphone, Fixed line telephone, digital and broadband telecommunicationetc. 1.2 Research aims and objectivesThis part of research entails the goal that need to be completed through appropriateinvestigation. It also provides details of objectives that gives direction to researchers inconducting their study more specifically. On the concept of globalisation, research aim andobjectives are framed in following manner:- Research aim: “To determine the benefits and drawbacks of a global businessenvironment on VODAFONE.
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Research Objectives: To evaluate how globalisation leads a company in expanding its business at internationallevel by making use of lean production practices.To identify the main benefits of global business environment on Vodafone.To determine the drawbacks faced by Vodafone in running its business at global level.1.3 Rationale of studyThe main reason to conduct a research on globalisation is to identify the challenges aswell as opportunities that a company can gain, when it globalise its business. With thisassistance, researchers can enhance their research skills and level of knowledge, in the field ofbusiness management, that makes their career more bright and helps in getting a better job inorganisation after completion of academic course. 1.4 Research QuestionsHow globalisation leads a company in expanding its business at international market?What are the benefits global business environment on Vodafone?What are the major drawbacks faced by Vodafone in running its business at global level?1.5 Time-scaleBy using Gantt Chart technique, researchers can frame the main activities into a fixedduration, so that entire research can be completed on time.
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CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 IntroductionLiterature review refers to a written work which compiles previous researches on aparticular topic in a summarised and critical way (Boz, Durdu and Li, 2015). This wouldresearchers in analysing opinion and perception of different authors for addressing researchissues more specifically. In context with present research, here to analyse impact of globalisationon Vodafone's operational management, researchers have used books and journals which areavailable on different websites. 2.2 Role of Globalisation in expansion of business market of companies at international levelthrough lean production practices.According to the perception of Sampson Quain (2019), it has been evaluated thatglobalisation provides a number of opportunities to organisations in expanding their businessmarket at international level (Why has globalisation become so important?, 2019). This wouldincludes increase competition, advanced technology, accessibility of raw materials with a rangeof price etc. Hereby,intense competition within international brands give benefits toorganisations to add more new features in products and services, to meet international standards.Lean production refers to the systematized method which aims at minimisation of waste whiledelivering the services without compromising productivity. With respect to Vodafone, whiledelivering their services within global market they need ensure or understand what theircustomers expect from them which illustrates identification of value from perspective ofcustomers. Here, Vodafone can must minimise the waste as well as cost associated with businessprocess so that optimal price can be attained. Within globalisation, the lead production will assistwithin recording as well as analysation of information that are needed production as well asdelivery of services. Basically, it denotes that value stream must be mapped. It can be carried outthrough making use of information and communication technology helps organisations inanalysing the real situation of international market (Giachetti, 2016). This would help indeveloping more effective strategies for moving business on international level. ICT giveadvancement to companies in identifying needs, preference and demand of customers moreappropriately. It would lead to offer products and services as per their demand and exceed theirlevel of satisfaction as well. In context with Vodafone, as it runs business in more than 25
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countries therefore, adopting the concept of globalisation it can penetrate international market ineffective and efficient manner. It provides a source of competition and advancement of humancooperation across territorial boundaries. Lean production will lead to creation of flow forVodafone while delivering their services in other regions by elimination of functional barriers &identification of ways for improvisation of lead time. This will ensure that processes are beingcarried smoothly and are delivered on time. Generally, within globalisation lean production willbe liable for prevention of interruptions which might occur while carrying out processesassociated with production and their integration to have a constant stream. Vodafone can makeuse of pull system as used within lean production. This will assist them start their serviceswhenever there is demand for the specified. All these aspects create vast pattern of globalisationthat opens up international access, lowers the production cost and breeds more competition.Thus, it would aid Vodafone in creating innovation in its broadband and othertelecommunication services for attracting and retaining the loyal customers for longer period. Mainly global business environment classified on the basis of external businessenvironment or internal business environment (Cascio and Boudreau, 2016). Both can be playeda significant role in entering into new market at global level and at the same time also establishedtheir competitive brand image. In this context, external business environment includes political,social, regulatory, tax, economic, technological environment and many more that directly puttheir huge impact on entire business activities at market place. As global business environmentallow Vodafone to reduce dependency on their local and national economics. Therefore,Vodafone enhance their customer base by offering more featured products, with better quality.2.3 Benefits global business environment on VodafoneAccording to viewpoint of Jennifer Lombardo (2019), it has been summarised thatglobalisation puts directly impact on operational as well as supply chain management procedureof companies that are multifaceted (Globalisation's Impact on Operations & Supply ChainManagement, 2019). In context with Vodafone, as this company operates in various countriesand offer the services at worldwide level. Therefore, its entire functions are much affected inboth positive and negative manner due to globalisation. Hereby, areas where globalisation createlarge impact include procurement and sourcing methods, inventory management, transportationand distribution facility locations (Cascio and Boudreau, 2016). Countries of Europe and Asiaoffer well-educated workers which offer tremendous saving for increasing efficiencies of
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production. But utilising overseas procurement as well as outsourcing the resources may increasepotential issues in products in terms of reliability. Along with this, it also create fears aboutinfringement on innovations and confidentiality of business for Vodafone. Inventorymanagement is another affected area of respective company due to globalisation. Here, stocklevel of this telecommunication company has risen because of more dependency on outsourcedmaterials. But due to fluctuation in global factors like economy and environmental effects,Vodafone need to bring extra inventories to mitigate shortfalls for protecting its supply levels. Vodafone Shared Services' evolution after globalisation has contributed to strengtheningits market competitiveness. This Shared Services operational framework helps in ensuring therobust service delivery, high quality of service, better control and create transparency inbusiness. According to perception of Tatoglu, Glaister and Demirbag (2016), it has beenevaluated that vast pattern of globalisation lead Vodafone to launch a Vodafone Shared Service.This innovative service has helped in delivering value of business to its partners that significantlycontribute to enhance customer service as well (Vodafone Shared Services, 2019.). This servicehas played a key role to deliver cost optimisation and higher level of profitability by offeringinnovation in products. Apart from this there are some main benefits of global businessenvironment on Vodafone which support them in capturing larger marker share from its rivals.All these can be understood by following points:Global business environment includes positive political, economic, culture and ethicalconsequence that help business organisation to operate their business at internationallevel with the aim of capturing larger market share (Davidson and et. al., 2012). As itmay directly contribute in providing a better platform in which Vodafone increase theircompetition level at market.In addition of this, global business environment also includes cross cultural awarenessthrough which organization easily established their competitive brand image. Increase employment opportunities: It is one of the major benefit of global businessenvironment that it create various job opportunities for workers at workplace. With theassistance of the Vodafone may improve their working activities and at the same timealso enhance the overall performance at market place. Improve company reputation: Global business environment play a vital role in providingan effective platform in which company operate their business. By this, company also
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