
Global Business Strategy Assignment - Unilever


Added on  2020-12-09

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Business DevelopmentProfessional DevelopmentLanguages and CultureHistoryPolitical Science
Global BusinessStrategy
Global Business Strategy Assignment - Unilever_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1Review and assess suitable techniques to analyse the business environment........................1Micro-environment of business..............................................................................................2Macro- environment of a business.........................................................................................3International business environment impact on organisation..................................................4TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5Extent of globalisation on organisation..................................................................................5Benefits, opportunities and challenges of globalisation for an organisation..........................7Structures of different organisation operating into international markets..............................8Evaluate the international operations of organisation............................................................8TASK3.............................................................................................................................................9Moral and ethical questions facing organisation in an international environment.................9Conflicts between corporate strategy and ethical and social responsibilities........................9Legislation, regulation and guidance relating to corporate social responsibilities...............10CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12
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INTRODUCTIONNow a days, Global business strategy is an essential factors that ascertain the success orfailure of enterprise at global level. This is considered as an action plan that aids firm to attainits mission, vision, value as well as goals (Amran and et.al, 2016). All business either profit ornon profit making required to formulate few global strategies to operate in effectual way andaccomplish its objectives. For this report the chosen company is Unilever which is known as theBritish- Dutch transactional customers products firm. Its headquarter is in London, UK. Thepurpose of this report is to review and assess appropriate techniques to analyse the businessenvironment. The micro and macro environment of the business. Impacts of internationalbusiness environment on firm operation. The extent of globalisation on organisations. Benefits,opportunities and challenges of globalisation for company. Structures of different firms who areoperating into global markets. Evaluate the international operations of firm. Moral and ethicalissues facing by company into global environment. Conflicts between corporate strategy as wellas ethical and social responsibilities. Apart from this legislation, regulation and guidance relatingto corporate social responsibility are also mentioned in this report. TASK 1Review and assess suitable techniques to analyse the business environmentEvery business either it is profit and non-profit making, needs to examine their businessenvironment that can impact their operation (Bereznoi, 2015). For the analysis of the businessenvironment Unilever use the PESTLE model. When company operates at global level theyconsider some business environmental factors that can affects their business operations. PESTLEanalysis shows the political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors thatprevailing into country.Political: The government policies and regulations of UK has directly affected thecompany. Good inter-governmental relationships are the source for Unilever which hascreated an opportunity with a lot of competition. Whereas the threat factor for Unilever isgovernment policies relating to health of the population.Economic: These factors basically deal with the economic performance of theorganisation. Unilever market is affected by the economic conditions of the company inUK. The performance is directly proportional to the economic stability of American1
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market. While the West part has suffered from financial crisis, economies in other areas,such as China including America are booming, further generating growth opportunity. Social: Social factors that includes attitudes, lifestyle, cultural barriers etc. of thepopulation. It deals with the social trends.Life expectancy has been increasing over timein wealthy nations like UK, the government has estimated that the proportion ofpopulation aged under 30 is set to rise leading in change in demand of products. It alsoconcluded that company in UK can suffer from labour shortages in future.Technological: This part comprises of the techniques and the operating system used.Unilever under UK market is trying to adopt social networking websites, retailingwebsites and mobile forms of communications to connect with customers online. Andconstant connectivity is making the selling environment for consumer productsincreasingly competitive.Legal: Legal elements for Unilever includes the various policies that are imposed by UKgovernment. It includes some important regulatory bodies like European Commissionand the US food and Drug Administration that are responsible for making importantdecisions. Environment: It includes environment aspects such as weather, climate and ecologicalconcerns that actually shows an impact on the business organisation (Boshyk, 2016).Unilever has been one of the greatest company therefore the economic factors of thecompany basically includes the climatic changes that sometimes act has an opportunityand sometimes act as threat for the organisation. Wise planning by company has shownright direction that further helps in creating new room for opportunities.Porters five forces model:Buyers Power:Buyers of the Unilever are distributed in whole world as well as they are in billions innumbers. They are not very much strong to drop down the price. But this is simple for theconsumers to switch to rivals. Therefore, respective firm have to be precautions to makedecisions regarding prices as well as keep the consumers satisfied. Competitive rivalry:Into customers goods business Unilever have a huge number of rivals as well as thesecompetitors are strong. They range from small retail shop to big one such as Nestle, P&G etc.2
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