
Gonorrhoea: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment


Added on  2022-12-01

10 Pages3695 Words424 Views
Disease and Disorders
Gonorrhoea: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Gonorrhoea: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment_2

Sexual health is defined as the overall health and well-being of any individual partner
couple and families and the social and economic development of group and communities which
is based on the countries. In this, the sexual health defined as a positive and respectful approach
towards the sexuality and sexual relationship as well as there are number of possibilities of
having pleasure and safe sexual experiences free of infection, low in discrimination and
minimum violence can be achieved. As per experiencing with the better and completed sexual
needs (Bhargava and et. al., 2017). As per this, the ability of men and women to achieve the
sexual health and wellbeing depend on various factors which is discussed in this topic.
Moreover, the unsafe practices in the sexual intercourse cause to lead sexually transmitted
disease. Gonorrhoea is a disease which is associated with the sexual disorders in which it did you
get the number of consequences and complications to the patient who facing this kind of disease
in which there is no in permanent requirement of these diseases. The sexual disorders are usually
associated with the number of factors such as the infection which is caused by the virus,
parasites, or any bacteria. In this, it directly affected the reproductive system of human to create
the infection. In order to this, if this complication is perfect for the longer period, it create life
threatening issues for the patient which is dealing of facing the Symptoms and signs of
gonorrhoea. In this, the proper management and medication are used to prevent the gonorrhoea.
In this, type of disease is usually related with the reproductive organ of female or male in order
to create the infection in that particular region. However, this consequence is associated with the
reproductive organ and create various consequences and complications with the individual or
with the partners. In this report, the chosen sexually transmitted disease gonorrhoea in order to
understand the better transmission of sexual disease and their occurrence in the individual or
partner. In addition to this, the ethical framework policies and interventions are also discussed to
understand that topic in very detailed way.
The term sexual transmitted disease is defined as the condition which is spread from one
person to another through the sexual contact. In this, the cause and can come close to the patient
who is dealing the issues of sexually transmitted disease having unprotected vaginal, anal or oral
sex with someone who has facing the issues related with the disease a sexual transmitted disease
Gonorrhoea: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment_3

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